Drawings that show how beautiful long-term relationships can be!

The drawings picturing long-term relationships will put a smile on your face - they are super sweet! Do you recognize yourself in one of the pictures?

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The 30-year-old artist Amanda Oleander, who lives in LA, knows how to depict long-term relationships in drawings. Her manner of sketching love is both humorous and loving! And we are lucky that she shares her works of art with us on her Instagram account

Amanda graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of North Carolina. Today, she is a professional artist. 

Enjoy her beautiful and captivating work: 

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#1 It’s The Little Things 

It’s the end of the day and all you want to do is relax after a shower. However, you still need to comb your wet hair to keep it from tangling up. What a coincidence that your partner is so in love with your hair that he gladly does the job of combing it. It’s the little things in long-term relationships!

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#2 The basis of a good relationship

Just like you do with the plants and flowers in your home, you also have to "water" your relationship on a daily basis. What we mean by that? Taking care of each other and taking the time for one another. Amanda beautifully depicts how taking care of each other means growing together. 

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#3 Couch potatoes

Is there anything better than spending the day on the couch together? We doubt it!

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#4 That blissful feeling

Those unexpected hugs give us so much strength and love, even if they only last a few seconds!

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#5 You love me, no matter how I look

When you’ve just put a facial mask on and the mailman is at your door, you’d rather not open the door for him. Your partner sees you like this? No problem. Let’s give him a kiss on the cheek. 

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#6 An unbreakable bond

At one point you feel like so many things connect you that nothing can break your bond. 

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#7 Growing together

You don’t just grow together, you feel as entangled as the branches of a tree - a bond no-one can destroy. 

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#8 Hairy legs? What do you mean?

Okay, sometimes it feels like your legs are little cacti but seriously, that is not going to hurt anyone - especially not a long-term relationship. 

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#9 I’m melting

When the kisses are so good, your body feels like it’s about to melt - no matter how long you are in a relationship, those little moments will always be there.

And there is even more:

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#10 Pizza parties 

Pizza in bed at midnight? We love it. Preferably with your favorite person and your favorite movie, right?

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#11 Growing old together

This is probably a dream most long-term partners have - growing old together. The idea of celebrating the 100th birthday together is almost indescribably beautiful.

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#12 Every reunion is amazing

Even if it’s only a few hours, or maybe two or three days, what a relief it is to finally be in each other’s arms again.

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#13 Snacking together

It’s so good for the soul to eat sweets with your partner, right? Who cares about a few extra pounds.

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#14 The best kind of nursing

When you’re sick, your only wish is that you partner takes care of you. In long-term relationships, couples go through thick and thin together - which has the potential to make your love grow even stronger. 

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#15 Joking around

We all know that it is important to let out our inner child every once in a while! What could be better than having the most fun with your partner. Sometimes you just have to let your guard down. 

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#16 The perfect travel buddy

Traveling can be annoying, it can also be boring but with your partner it’s also pretty sweet. You always feel at home when your home travels with you.

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#17 Getting on each other’s nerves

You argue about what you’re going to watch on TV. He’s not interested in what you want to watch and vice versa. Does that situation sound familiar? In the end, you might find a compromise - or not. Either way, you rather stay together and annoy each other every once in a while than living without the other person.

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#18 You don’t always have to be strong

In a long-term relationship it’s okay - and necessary - to let your guard down at times. There’s no need hiding what you feel when you feel low. 

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#19 How do you share the bed?

At the beginning of your relationship, you probably fell asleep in each other’s arms, as close to each other as possible. But over the years, you can easily fall asleep next to the love of your life without feeling the touch of your partner. 

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#20 Boundaries? What boundaries?

Some couples do weird things together…like popping each other’s pimples! But is it really weird, though? Or is it just necessary work that needs to be done anyway?

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#21 Those Morning Cuddles

Getting up in the morning is way easier after an extended cuddling sesh with your significant other!

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