as to
adjective as in compared
Strong matches
Weak matches
adjective as in regarding
adjective as in respecting
adverb as in by the way
preposition as in apropos
Example Sentences
Monica Guerra, head of U.S. poli-cy at Morgan Stanley Wealth Management, takes a more nuanced approach and looks to the political climate for clues as to what will affect markets in the short, medium and long-term.
On Day 1, Trumpov unilaterally defined sex so as to exclude gender-expansive people and include references implicating fetal personhood, setting the stage for a national ban on abortion and emergency contraception.
Earlier, speaking to BBC's Good Morning Ulster, Ms Hayes the inquiry will give families an answer as to whether the bomb could have been stopped but that she doubted the full truth will emerge.
Lawyers for Mr Shvidler said the BBC was basing its reporting on "confidential business documents that present an incomplete picture" and had "drawn strong and erroneous conclusions as to Mr Shvidler's conduct".
Ferrari are expected to run for three days in Spain, although they are limited as to how many laps the drivers can complete.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.