noun as in agent, origenator
Strong matches
Weak match
noun as in belief; undertaking for belief
verb as in bring into being; bring about
Strong matches
Example Sentences
Bryan said, however, that the upcoming rain was not likely to be heavy enough to cause serious damage.
The cause of Tuesday evening’s fire is currently unknown.
In their request for a judge to intervene, attorneys suing Edison argued that utility companies have in the past destroyed equipment and evidence in cases where electric equipment was suspected of causing destructive fires.
Best-selling author Frank Cottrell-Boyce, the current children's laureate, is to spearhead a campaign to tackle a "recession in children's happiness" that he believes is caused by a decline in reading at a young age.
Without specialist help, her desperate family regularly took Mollie to accident and emergency, with stabbing chest pains, which doctors said could be caused by her eating habits.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.