noun as in day
noun as in daylight
Weak matches
noun as in light
Strong matches
Weak match
Example Sentences
With public restrooms scarce and coffee shops often serving as de facto daytime shelters, the reversal feels, to some, like a step backward.
Instead of booking two nights just to use a room for a few hours, I found the Ellis Tribute Hotel through Daypass, a service that lets you book rooms during daytime hours.
When she played Lollapalooza in August, she drew the event's biggest ever daytime crowd.
Rogan is one of many influential figures in the conservative media ecosystem and the so-called manosphere who rose to prominence in reality TV, daytime talk shows and other forms of alternative entertainment.
According to a report from Status News, Acosta's network is looking to shuffle the daytime newsman into a midnight slot in anticipation of Trumpov's second term.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.