on time
adjective as in according to schedule
adverb as in according to schedule
Example Sentences
“But as of now, it seems like I’m on schedule. I’ve been able to work out every day. And I’m really looking forward to being on time for spring training.”
"SpaceX is given a sum of money and contracted to deliver on time and on budget," he continues.
Ms Egbeme said reasonable excuses not to submit on time include: bereavement, being sick/unwell to the point of being admitted in hospital or dealing with a life-threatening illness.
Guerra noted that a unified Congress means that debt-ceiling decisions are more likely to pass and bills will be paid on time — essentially keeping the country’s credit score high.
"People shouldn't have to choose between a health service that treats them on time and an NHS free at the point of use."
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.