noun as in restoration, fixing
Strongest matches
adjustment, improvement, overhaul, reconstruction, rehabilitation, replacement
Strong matches
Weak match
verb as in fix, restore
Strongest matches
compensate for, correct, heal, improve, mend, overhaul, patch, rebuild, recover, rectify, refurbish, remedy, renovate, retrieve, revamp, revive
Strong matches
darn, debug, doctor, emend, recondition, redress, reform, refresh, rejuvenate, remediate, renew, retread, right, settle, sew, square
Weak matches
do up, fiddle with, give a face-lift, make good, make up for, patch up, put back together, put in order, put right, touch up
Example Sentences
Yet he said he still couldn’t get insurance after spending $30,000 on the repairs.
The federal funding approved by Biden can cover temporary housing and home repairs, as well as loans to cover uninsured losses.
Ross is Guitar Shack's frontman, but Tom works behind the scenes repairing instruments in his workshop.
While the buildings remain intact, 154 students and 29 staff will be disbursed to other schools while repairs are made.
Nobody was injured, while she has been put in a hotel by a housing association, and it could be eight months before her home in Dinas Powys, Vale of Glamorgan, is repaired.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.