noun as in provocation
Strong matches
Weak matches
- eye-opener
- piquing
- shot in the arm
Example Sentences
Mrs Morrison said: "He was left to his own devices in a surrounding that he couldn't understand, with no stimuli, bright lights and bare walls."
Another relevant factor is how the default mode network connects with the salience network, which is involved in regulating attention and the response to stimuli.
Liquid crystalline elastomers are lightly crosslinked polymer networks that are able to change shape significantly upon exposure to certain stimuli, like heat.
In addition to drug delivery, the researchers are exploring the development of new materials that can change properties in response to environmental stimuli.
Researchers from the University of Gothenburg are the first to prove that painful stimuli are sent to the brain of shore crabs providing more evidence for pain in crustaceans.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.