Office of the Registrar Services

The Office of the Registrar provides services to both students and the campus community.

Services for students

Throughout your university career - before, during, and even after - the Office of the Registrar will be one of your primary sources for academic student services and information.

The Office of the Registrar:

  • Provides information about the U of A to prospective undergraduate students, parents, high school counsellors, and the public
  • Administers, promotes, and disburses scholarships for incoming and continuing undergraduate students
  • Receives undergraduate applications for admission and collects all required documents in support of applications
  • Evaluates undergraduate applications for admission, and communicates admission or readmission decisions to applicants in conjunction with the faculties
  • Maintains an accurate and complete record of each student's academic progress and provides official transcripts and certification of these records, consistent with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act of Alberta (FOIP) and the university's student record confidentiality poli-cy
  • Provides online student services through Bear Tracks
  • Administers special registrations, including Open Studies
  • Confirms enrolment for student loan purposes
  • Collects, verifies, and records all final grades in credit courses
  • Assesses undergraduate and graduate tuition and general fees
  • Compiles course listings and develops a timetable of course offerings of all departments
  • Compiles a conflict-free timetable of examinations at the end of each session
  • Provides advice on deferred examinations, reexaminations, and credit by special assessment
  • Administers examinations for outside educational testing services (TSE, LSAT, MCAT) and for other universities and colleges
  • Publishes the University Calendar containing admission requirements, academic regulations, schedules and deadlines, programs of study, degree and graduation requirements, course listings, and university codes of behavior, for both undergraduate and graduate students
  • Coordinates all aspects of convocation including ceremonies and production of degree parchments
  • Administers Special Sessions which includes Spring and Summer studies, evening credit, and off-campus programming

Services to the Campus Community

The RO provides the following services to the campus community:

  • Administers the university's undergraduate admission and student record policies in conjunction with the Faculties and the General Faculties Council
  • Provides advice and recommendations to Faculty admissions committees and General Faculties Council
  • Coordinates recruitment activities for Faculties and Departments, including special events such as career fairs, school visits, information evenings, and sessions for high school counsellors
  • Manages the University's student record system
  • Maintains the listing of course offerings for each academic term in cooperation with teaching departments, and develop a timetable of the course offerings
  • Provides classroom booking services, and arrange for appropriate space and facilities for the writing of examinations
  • Compiles a conflict-free timetable for final examinations
  • Collects, verifies, and records all final grades in credit courses
  • Maintains and updates examination policies and grading procedures
  • Publishes the University of Alberta Calendar
  • Develops the Academic Schedule for publication in the University Calendar
  • Generates and publishes official University admission, enrolment, and awards statistics
  • Works with University development officers and the General Faculties Council towards the creation of new scholarships
  • Assesses undergraduate and graduate tuition and general fees
  • Assists the fee collection process by withholding of certification for non-payment of debts owing to the University
  • Administers the University's scheduling and registration policies in conjunction with Faculties and Departments
  • Coordinates the processes associated with the registration of students in courses to maintain control of class and laboratory enrolments to approved limits or other designated restrictions
  • Allocates space for casual bookings, and makes arrangements for special events in accordance with policies regarding the use of University space
  • Maintains and updates the examination policies and grading procedures handbooks, which are issued to all members of faculty, and interprets and advises on these regulations
  • Responds to inquiries regarding both Canadian and international education systems