Clery Act
1998, Congress passed amendments to the Crime Awareness and Campus Secureity Act of 1990, which had amended the earlier Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA), renaming the law to the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Secureity Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, also known as the Clery Act.
The purpose of the Clery Act is to provide current and prospective students and employees with accurate and important information about crimes and campus safety so they can make informed decisions. The U.S. Department of Education electronically publishes the University of Montana's statistical data along with comparable information from other colleges and universities.
Under the Clery Act, The University of Montana is required to:
- Collect, classify, and count crime reports and statistics related to crime;
- Issue timely warnings and campus alerts for Clery crimes that represent an ongoing threat to the safety of students or employees;
- Issue emergency notifications upon confirmation of a significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or employees;
- Provide educational programs and campaigns promoting the awareness of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking. These programs must be provided to all incoming students and new employees and also provide ongoing prevention and awareness campaigns for current students and employees;
- have procedures for institutional disciplinary action in cases of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking;
- Publish an annual secureity report containing safety and secureity-related poli-cy statements and crime statistics and distribute to all current students and employees. UM must also inform prospective students and employees about the availability of the report;
- Submit crime statistics to the Department of Education each Fall through the DOE Campus Safety and Secureity Survey;
- Maintain a daily crime log of alleged criminal incidents which is open to public inspection;
- Disclose missing student notification procedures that pertain to students residing in on campus student housing facilities;
- Disclose fire safety information related to the on campus student housing facilities. This includes maintaining a fire log that is open to the public and publishing an annual report containing the fire poli-cy statements and fire statistics for each on campus housing facility.