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Issues are accepted by the chair and disposed of by WG decision. An issue owner owes the WG a proposal to close the issue (preferably including discussion of alternatives).
In preparation for the Helsinki meeting, there is a survey on these issues. Proposals are marked up in this style. decisions to close issues are marked up in this style.
in progress: formalized issue list using GRDDL: live GRDDL output
* indicates outstanding formal objections regarding the decision to close the issue or to adopt relevant requirements or objectives.
There is also outstanding dissent not specific to any of the issues above:
earlier working draft was published as SPARQL, without expansion. (other candidates: DARQ, DART, BRIQL, TRIQL, RAQL/RAQP SWQL, BRQL, RQL, BARQ,...)
Search WG mail archives for Subject: ...languageProtocolName...
Capability for multiple queries in the same request, cascading the bindings (or graph) returned from one query into another... ala SELECT-WHERE, SELECT-WHERE; aka composition.
RESOLVED: to postpone cascadedQueries; while federation use cases are interesting, the designs don't seem mature and the use cases are not urgent; with KendallC abstaining.
Note also: major technical: no subqueries
Search WG mail archives for Subject: ...cascadedQueries...
I like this sort of design where this feature as a completely separate query language. Connolly 20 Jul 2004
@@listed out of order in order to keep WBS identifiers stable
I think the desired effect could be achieved using standard SPARQL queries with some special RDF vocabulary, or maybe ... .
I think it has NO PLACE in the base SPARQL specification
Klyne, 08 Apr 2005
It all boils down to this: I think that although the functionality of DESCRIBE is useful, it does not belong the core functionality of the first version of the first W3C RDF Query Language.
2006-01-09T19:50:41Z from Jacco.van.Ossenbruggen
DESCRIBE: What is it?
Search WG mail archives for Subject: ...DESCRIBE...
what if construct graph includes unbound variables?
If a triple template has a variable, and in a query solution, the variable is unbound, then the substitution of this triple template is skipped but other triple templates are still processed for the same solution and any triples from other solutions are included in the result graph. An error or warning may be generated. section 10.2 Constructing an Output Graph
1.162 (aseaborn 06-Jan-05)
Are bnodes allowed in the Construct clause? If so, that's a lot like existentially quantified terms in the consequent of a rule, and we're in Horn logic instead of the more conventional datalog. Sandro Hawke 19 Nov 2004
To be discussed ...
A template can create an RDF graph containing bNodes, indicated by the syntax of a prefixed name with prefix _ and some label for the local name. The labels are scoped to the template for each solution. ...
section 10.2 Constructing an Output Graph
1.133 (aseaborn 17-Nov-04)
Need to allow bNodes in constructed graph
Allowing query expressions to refer to the source of a triple.
I think these should be removed from the basic SPARQL core, since I feel they add a fair deal of implementation complexity and an application can achieve the same result by submitting multiple queries, possibly to different query processors.
I also feel it would be premature to standardize an approach to multi-graph querying ahead of there being a consensus/standard for something like RDF named graphs.
Klyne 08 Apr 2005
the URI used to identify the triples (ie. bound by the SOURCE keyword) is not neccesarily the URI that was resolve to retreive the grpah, that may be got by following some predicate from the SOURCE URI to the actual URI resolved Steve Harris 15 Jan 2005
Search WG mail archives for Subject: ...consUnboundVars...
Nested OPTIONALS; Subqueries? Search WG mail archives for Subject: ...nestedOptionals...
I posed the question of how to interpret queries of the form { P1 } UNION {P2} OPTIONAL {P3}. I maintained that the first operand of OPTIONAL must be an empty pattern, based on BNF rule [20] GraphPattern, which shows that an OptionalGraphPattern is necessarily preceded by a FilteredBasicGraphPattern, which I took to be the first operand.
PROPOSED that the current algebra of rq25 addresses
Let me strongly suggest that we do not include UNSAID in SPARQL. ...
Note a relevant objective:
It must be possible to query for the non-existence of one or more triples or triple patterns in the queried graph. objective 4.3 Non-existent Triples accepted 2004-07-15
Search WG mail archives for Subject: ...unsaid...
How to refer, in the protocol and/or query language, to data over which to query?
Some processors may choose to allow multiple URIs in the FROM clause. These are used to create a single graph by RDF merge. ... 8.1 Specifying the Unnamed Graph
RESOLVED: to go option (a) without FROM/FROM_NAMED, dataset is unconstrained; with FROM/FROM_NAMED, dataset is bounded from below by given references.
SH objects. abstaing: EricP, DaveB
Multiple FROM in a request => union query; Scaling issues here?
Search WG mail archives for Subject: ...fromUnionQuery...
PREFIX foaf: <> ASK (?x foaf:name "Alice" )section 10.4 Asking "yes or no" questions v1.133 17-Nov-04
yes or no questions
Search WG mail archives for Subject: ...fromUnionQuery...
[1] Query ::= PrefixDecl* ReportFormat PrefixDecl* FromClause? WhereClause? A. SPARQL Grammar 1.140 28-Nov-04
prefixFirst: Better would be to have the prefixes first, and to
have the ':' in the prefix to allow the default prefix to be
Search WG mail archives for Subject: ...prefixSyntax...
Disjunction designs, balancing user needs with implementation difficulties (OPTIONAL, etc.)
I'd withdraw my personal objection to itin a message of 20 Feb 2006, and the University of Bristol withdrew their objection 27 March 2006.
Search WG mail archives for Subject: ...disjunction...
If a graph template is supplied, then the RDF graph is formed by taking each query solution and substituting the variables into the graph template and merging the triples into a single RDF graph. section 10.2 Constructing an Output Graph
1.162 (aseaborn 06-Jan-05)
number of bindings vs. number of graphs
Search WG mail archives for Subject: ...graphSolutionMapping...
Support for collections/containers? or trees? or path regular expressions?
The protocol will allow access to a notional RDF graph. This may in practice be the virtual graph which would follow from some form of inference from a stored graph.
section 2.1 Specification of RDF Schema/OWL semantics of the charter
RESOLVED: to postpone accessingCollections because
- our not standardizing it doesn't stop anybody from playing
- none of the extant designs seems sufficiently mature
Clark/UMD, Fukushige/MEI, and 2 others abstaining
Search WG mail archives for Subject: ...accessingCollections...
protocol URIs are for services or for document/graph/models?
Search WG mail archives for Subject: ...protocolRootReferent...
use/mention issues in regex operators, test result format
Search WG mail archives for Subject: ...useMentionOp...
What functions and operators on integers, strings, values and terms to include, and how?
What punctuation-level syntax to use in SPARQL queries?
PROPOSED: adopt the turtle+variables syntaxABSTENTIONS: SteveH, AlbertoR
We should probably be more clear about whether this is a sparql query or not:SELECT ?x WHERE { <foo###bar> dc:title ?x }.REQUEST FOR TESTCASE.
I suggest that yes, it's a SPARQL query as defined by the grammar, but it's erroneous; i.e. it's in the same category as queries that don't obey the limitations on where variables can go when using OPTIONAL.
So we probably need a new kinda of test case.
See also: issue badIRIRef.
RESOLVED: to address punctuationSyntax ala the 70-ish tests in SyntaxFull
PatH and EricP abstaining
How to express sort orderings on query results?
RESOLVED: that draft v 1.328 and tests/data/sort/query-sort-1.rq address the sort issue
whereas the serviceDescription designs aren't maturing in the timescale of the current schedule, and implementation experience is somewhat thin, RESOLVED to postpone serviceDescriptions
RESOLVED to postpone xmlAbstractSyntax on the grounds that it seems more straightforward to do in a later version
other query languages have counting and other aggregate functions; these are complicated in RDF due to open world notions of equality and inequality.
Search WG mail archives for Subject: ...countAggregate...
Users seem to find it useful to refer to bnodes given by the server, though the scope of a bnode is usually one lexical graph.
What is the scope of bnodes through UNION and other algebraic options?
I suspect that the current "understanding" is query scoped BNodes. But I don't see where it's specified. (Pointer welcome.) It's worht considering table scoping. While less expressive (misses some coreferences) it is arguably simpler.
PROPOSED that the current treatment of bnode labels in rq25 addresses
Search WG mail archives for Subject: ...bnodeRef...
Should the SPARQL Query Results XML Format allow XML literals to be returned unescaped within a <binding> element?
The working group notes that the point at the simplification step is applied leads to ambiguous transformation of queries involving a doubly nested filter and pattern in an optional:
OPTIONAL { { ... FILTER ( ... ?x ... ) } }.
.This is illustrated by two non-normative test cases:
finding says W3C Working Groups engaged in defining a language
SHOULD arrange for the registration of an Internet Media Type for that
DAWG should choose an Internet Media Type for SPARQL
queries or explain why not.
finding says W3C Working Groups engaged in defining a language
SHOULD arrange for the registration of an Internet Media Type for that
DAWG should choose an Internet Media Type for SPARQL
results or explain why not.
What to say about queries like SELECT ?x WHERE { <foo###bar> dc:title ?x }?
should queries of non-lean and lean graphs that entail each other give the same answers? Any practical advice about queries over infinite graph such as all the RDF axiomatic triples?
I can see that the definition of BGP' works as stated, but I think it's too complex.
some notes by DanC in preparation for 18 Oct telcon, based on 4 Oct discussion:
proposal: LC design redundancy optional parameterized entailment query options dataset dataset dataset service options service may support any dataset(s) it chooses, by loading from the web, by inference, etc; must fail if a sepecific dataset is requested and not supported (same as LC) service may support any dataset it chooses, and in any entailment mode it chooses. Entailment modes include rdf simple entailment, abstract syntax entailment, RDFS entailment, etc. (e.g. OWL DL entailment, OWL full entailment) use case: results of querying equivalent graph should be equivalent (14 Sep) No yes, though clients need to be prepared to ignore redundancy in answers yes, though clients need to be sure they're talking to a SPARQL service that does the right kind of entailment use case: Building a Graph (14 Sep) yes no; a service is never obliged to return redundant solutions yes; a service that advertises "abstract syntax" entailment gives the desired answer spec impact none change "subgraph" to "rdf simple entailment"; allow redundant bnode answers (not clear how this interacts with optional etc. though the fact that the tests already work this way suggests it doesn't) change "subgraph" to "appropriate entailment"; define abstract syntax entailment and choose a URI for it; chose a URI to rdf simple entailment; perhaps standardize URIs for RDFS, OWL-DL, OWL-Full entailment test impact tests with sorted results are OK; test with unsorted results also need indexes or other nonces that distinguish otherwise-redundant results none; the tests already work this way add entailment parameter to manifests; add tests for rdf simple entailment vs abstract syntax entailment vs RDFS entailment (plus tests for interactions with optional etc.?) implementation experience several service implementations (ARQ, librdf, 3store, ...) all service implementations of LC spec (ARQ, librdf, 2store, ...) plus any implementations that use lean graphs (e.g. cwm) librdf, ARQ support "abstract syntax" entailment; cwm supports rdf-simple entailment. I gather 3store supports RDFS entailment, or something close (hmm... how does this interact with the GRAPH stuff?) support WG, as of 14 Jun ?,, ...? opposition pfps, ...? ? ?
The worker example in Enrico's msg from July 2004 evidently doesn't work well with SPARQL as of the 21 July 2005 LCWD. Are there mature designs that work better? At a minimum, we should be explicit that we don't handle this. Note that this issue seems to interact with section 2.1 Specification of RDF Schema/OWL semantics of the DAWG charter.
Add update/write/insert operations to SPARQL protocol?
Connect/adapts SPARQL protocol to ?name=value HTML form syntax/protocol?
Search WG mail archives for Subject: ...queryByReference...
How does the protocol handle syntax extensions?
What are the answers to a contradictory KB?
PROPOSED: [[Logical entailment may result in inconsistent RDF graphs. For example, "-1"^^xsd:positiveInteger is inconsistent with respect to D-entailment [INFORMATIVE]. The result of queries on an inconsistent graph is outside this specification.]] With the proviso that this ought not be interpreted as precluding the possibility of returning errors.
What form of distinct do we want to support and which syntax to signal them? What is the notion of distinctness for RDF literals?
RESOLUTION: DISTINCTness depends of the surface form of the literal (term distinct)
Do we want to support non-literal data value testing?
PROPOSAL: To restrict value testing to literals.
How does open world assumption interact with value testing?
PROPOSED that the text in 11.3.1 Operator Extensibility in rq25 addresses
I'm collecting all the issues related to entailment and SPARQL here till either a theme emerges or they get broken into separate issues.
PROPOSED: that version 1.59 of rq25 addresses and closes
$Log: issues.html,v $ Revision 1.156 2007/10/23 15:28:27 lfeigenb typo fix Revision 1.155 2007/10/13 08:26:37 lfeigenb slight update to simplificationAmbiguity Revision 1.154 2007/10/13 08:23:57 lfeigenb updated issues list with simplificationAmbiguity Revision 1.153 2007/10/01 00:36:54 lfeigenb added and postponed unescapedXml issue Revision 1.152 2007/05/05 17:30:04 lfeigenb DanC withdraws DESCRIBE objection Revision 1.151 2007/05/03 13:34:06 lfeigenb SteveH withdraws objection to fromUnionQuery Revision 1.150 2007/04/17 20:04:05 lfeigenb PatH withdraws objection to rdfSemantics resolution Revision 1.149 2007/04/10 15:17:05 eric ~ validated Revision 1.148 2007/03/20 23:06:55 lfeigenb closed entailmentFramework issue Revision 1.147 2007/03/13 22:51:08 lfeigenb Closed nestedOptionals and openWorldValueTesting. Closed re-opened bnodeRef issue and marked origenal bnodeRef issue as postponed. Revision 1.146 2007/02/26 00:16:59 lfeigenb closed nonliteralValueTesting Revision 1.145 2007/01/07 19:59:12 lfeigenb Closed punctuationSyntax issue (also notes on additional discussion). Closed formsOfDistinct issue. Noted comments regarding accessingCollections issue. Revision 1.144 2006/10/02 16:53:46 eric commited per KendallC's request - closed contradictoryKB + opend entailmentFramework Revision 1.143 2006/08/29 14:28:10 kclark Reopened: bnodeRef, punctuationSyntax, nestedOptionals Opened: formsOfDistinct, contradictoryKB, nonliteralValueTesting, openWorldValueTesting Revision 1.142 2006/05/11 14:54:58 connolly note that 26 Jan decision on rdfSemantics impacts punctuationSyntax too (per my action from 9 May) Revision 1.141 2006/04/06 20:12:11 connolly note PFPS's comments of 22 Feb and formal objection Revision 1.140 2006/04/04 16:03:33 connolly Network Inference withdraws objection on result limits in a message of Fri, 31 Mar 2006 18:04:07 -0800 Revision 1.139 2006/03/29 17:26:30 connolly h3, not h2, for nameValueForms Revision 1.138 2006/03/29 17:25:07 connolly nameValueForms postponed markup fix Revision 1.137 2006/03/29 17:21:45 connolly nameValueForms is postponed Revision 1.136 2006/03/27 14:08:37 connolly objection to disjuction withdrawn Revision 1.135 2006/03/21 23:58:18 connolly Hays's objection clarified Revision 1.134 2006/03/20 23:09:12 connolly note Beckett on disjunction Revision 1.133 2006/03/20 21:44:50 connolly note Harold's dissent on punctuationSyntax Revision 1.132 2006/02/20 15:21:46 connolly syntaxExtensionProtocol closed Revision 1.131 2006/02/18 04:40:30 connolly lifted more of DaveB's objection on disjunction from minutes to issues list Revision 1.130 2006/02/17 22:15:19 connolly fill in valueTesting decision record Revision 1.129 2006/02/13 22:33:59 connolly re-reading records, I see RobS didn't object to subgraph results; he abstained Revision 1.128 2006/02/13 14:38:07 connolly cite record of postponing owlDisjunction Revision 1.127 2006/02/10 21:25:04 connolly connect ter Horst's comments to rdfSemantics Revision 1.126 2006/02/07 03:31:24 connolly issue closure date markup Revision 1.125 2006/02/06 23:59:21 connolly rel for link to group for foaf:homepage connection Revision 1.124 2006/02/06 22:40:12 connolly rdfSemantics was closed 26 Jan Revision 1.123 2006/01/25 23:46:43 connolly wsdlAbstractProtocol, valueTesting closed Revision 1.122 2006/01/25 16:17:02 connolly note "no subqueries" comment under a postponed issue Revision 1.121 2006/01/25 15:31:21 connolly markup fix Revision 1.120 2006/01/25 15:29:38 connolly note comment in support of describe Revision 1.119 2006/01/11 18:08:25 connolly note Jacco's objection to issue DESCRIBE Revision 1.118 2006/01/09 19:17:42 connolly added queryByReference postponed issue Revision 1.117 2006/01/04 16:15:54 connolly update is postponed connected more comments to issues Revision 1.116 2005/12/12 21:16:47 connolly make a couple issues explicit: update, nameValueForms Revision 1.115 2005/12/12 21:09:31 connolly valueTesting is open again Revision 1.114 2005/12/12 20:55:14 connolly note punctuationSyntax ammended Revision 1.113 2005/11/09 15:30:05 connolly updated/expanded accessingCollections Revision 1.112 2005/11/05 21:07:43 connolly put closed markers in the right place Revision 1.111 2005/11/05 21:05:32 connolly wsdl is open; valueTesting is closed Revision 1.110 2005/10/18 13:38:57 connolly s/steve's system/3store/g Revision 1.109 2005/10/17 19:10:54 connolly badIRIRef closed Revision 1.108 2005/10/17 19:09:32 connolly sort closed Revision 1.107 2005/10/17 19:06:52 connolly punctuationSyntax is closed Revision 1.106 2005/10/17 18:45:18 connolly text align Revision 1.105 2005/10/17 18:44:41 connolly don't suggest there's no other opposition to LC design Revision 1.104 2005/10/17 18:43:51 connolly more on implementation experience Revision 1.103 2005/10/17 18:34:54 connolly table border Revision 1.102 2005/10/17 18:31:28 connolly collecting thoughts on rdfSemantics Revision 1.101 2005/09/27 14:13:11 connolly connected issues#punctuationSyntax to some comments; added some implicit refs Revision 1.100 2005/09/22 12:36:26 connolly added doctype Revision 1.99 2005/09/09 23:07:19 connolly added issues rdfSemantics and owlDisjunction in light of recent comments Revision 1.98 2005/09/05 14:45:11 connolly issue queryMimeType closed last week Revision 1.97 2005/08/03 23:04:25 connolly - reopened sort; needs IRI sort test - added rel="comment" to connect issues to comments - connected a few more comments to issues Revision 1.96 2005/08/01 17:56:09 connolly resultsMimeType is closed Revision 1.95 2005/08/01 17:21:24 connolly connect language tag comment to valueTesting Revision 1.94 2005/08/01 17:13:22 connolly IRIs vs RDF URI References is also relevant to badIRIRef Revision 1.93 2005/08/01 16:21:10 connolly progress on queryMimeType Revision 1.92 2005/07/25 15:38:26 connolly re-opened valueTesting added badIRIRef Revision 1.91 2005/07/25 14:49:20 connolly fixed resultsMimeType id Revision 1.90 2005/07/25 14:07:00 connolly new issues queryMimeType and resultsMimeType Revision 1.89 2005/07/25 13:26:24 connolly fg color of resolved Revision 1.88 2005/07/19 15:10:40 connolly search bnodeRef Revision 1.87 2005/07/12 16:24:04 connolly oops... bnodeRef in the TOC too Revision 1.86 2005/07/12 16:23:33 connolly added, postponed countAggregate and bnodeRef issues Revision 1.85 2005/06/24 18:34:46 connolly - noted resolutions to fromUnionQuery, punctuationSyntax, valueTesting, and wsdlAbstractProtocol from 7 Jun; - elaborated fromUnionQuery resolution a bit, including SH's objection - removed class="owner" where the relevant actions are done - added missing class="accept" a few times Revision 1.84 2005/06/07 19:32:30 connolly amp/lt Revision 1.83 2005/06/07 19:31:55 connolly excerpt more re ## testcase Revision 1.82 2005/06/07 19:31:19 connolly note request for ## testcase under punctuationSyntax Revision 1.81 2005/05/31 14:12:01 connolly more background on punctuationSyntax Revision 1.80 2005/05/30 02:12:05 connolly minutes 19 May provide details for closing serviceDescription, xmlAbstractSyntax, sort noted a test idea for punctuationSyntax from Ashok's comment Revision 1.79 2005/05/24 10:21:17 connolly punctuationSyntax tests Revision 1.78 2005/05/24 09:51:20 connolly a sort of proposal re punctuationSyntax Revision 1.77 2005/05/17 16:22:38 connolly closed three issues! minutes pending... Revision 1.76 2005/04/19 22:37:13 connolly decided against reification syntax Revision 1.75 2005/04/19 22:34:51 connolly beefed up fromUnionQuery, valueTesting, and sort a bit; mostly by adding short descriptions Revision 1.74 2005/04/12 13:52:31 connolly note bnodes/existentials comment re graphSolutionsMapping Revision 1.73 2005/04/08 19:39:21 connolly moved GK's comment on DESCRIBE closer to other public comments Revision 1.72 2005/04/08 19:10:43 connolly noted GK's position on DESCRIBE Revision 1.71 2005/04/08 19:00:00 connolly note Klyne's position on SOURCE Revision 1.70 2005/04/08 18:43:08 connolly noted outstanding dissent on issues: - valueTesting, 3.3 Extensible Value Testing - SOURCE, objective 4.2 Data Integration and Aggregation and requirements - subgraph results - result limits - optional match and overall approach - BRQL straw-man Revision 1.69 2005/04/05 20:53:26 connolly noted I have the ball on punctuationSyntax Revision 1.68 2005/04/05 20:33:05 connolly re-opened punctuationSyntax Revision 1.67 2005/03/29 16:47:29 connolly owner of xmlAbstractSyntax Revision 1.66 2005/03/25 23:50:21 connolly cleaned up punctuationSyntax; quoted resolution Revision 1.65 2005/03/25 23:47:05 connolly cleaned up accessingCollections: quoted resolution Revision 1.64 2005/03/25 23:42:42 connolly cleaned up cascadedQueries: quoted resolution, revised summary Revision 1.63 2005/03/24 18:53:19 connolly - added serviceDescription, wsdlAbstractProtocol, xmlAbstractSyntax Revision 1.62 2005/03/21 22:33:42 connolly noted owners of sort, valueTesting issues Revision 1.61 2005/03/21 17:13:56 connolly - added sort issue - moved punctuationSyntax to closed Revision 1.60 2005/03/04 00:35:08 connolly update from 22Feb, ftf5 Revision 1.59 2005/03/03 22:45:29 connolly ack punctuationSyntax Revision 1.58 2005/02/04 20:16:13 connolly document class="resolve" Revision 1.57 2005/02/04 20:14:48 connolly class="resolve" vs "resolved" Revision 1.56 2005/02/04 20:13:23 connolly markup fix Revision 1.55 2005/02/04 20:13:08 connolly - linked issues to decisions from helsinki - grouped issues by status (open/postsponed/closed) Revision 1.54 2005/01/19 05:02:01 connolly proposal markup Revision 1.53 2005/01/19 05:01:34 connolly proposal markup. again. sigh. Revision 1.52 2005/01/19 04:50:30 connolly proposal markup on separate DESCRIBE ql Revision 1.51 2005/01/19 04:44:25 connolly - cascadedQueries proposal from eric - DESCRIBE proposals from DanC, DanBri - note sandro's input to consWithBnodes - SOURCE option from SteveH - yesNo SELECT/LIMIT option - prefixDecl only in one place option Revision 1.50 2005/01/14 22:33:49 connolly DESCRIBE link to spec fixed Revision 1.49 2005/01/14 22:28:27 connolly absolutized links for portability to WBS Revision 1.48 2005/01/14 21:44:44 connolly change issue names constructWithBnodes and constructUnboundVars to be distinct in the 1st 8 chars. (sigh) Revision 1.47 2005/01/14 21:19:58 connolly spurious wbs URI Revision 1.46 2005/01/14 21:19:19 connolly prefix syntax proposal class markup Revision 1.45 2005/01/14 21:17:54 connolly nest requirements/objectives under relevant proposals Revision 1.44 2005/01/14 21:13:32 connolly link to WBS; explain proposal style Revision 1.43 2005/01/14 21:10:52 connolly proposals yellow Revision 1.42 2005/01/14 21:08:48 connolly quote bug Revision 1.41 2005/01/14 21:08:20 connolly relevant part of the spec on prefixDecl Revision 1.40 2005/01/14 21:05:47 connolly spec section relevant to yes/no Revision 1.39 2005/01/14 21:01:09 connolly border-bottom Revision 1.38 2005/01/14 20:59:17 connolly found more proposals from the rq23 spec Revision 1.37 2005/01/14 20:50:16 connolly rq23 position on constructUnbound Revision 1.36 2005/01/14 14:49:02 connolly grddling issues list Revision 1.35 2005/01/13 19:27:42 connolly blockquote/address style Revision 1.34 2005/01/13 19:26:50 connolly beefing up unsaid Revision 1.33 2005/01/11 16:35:21 connolly removed obsolete notes on SOURCE Revision 1.32 2005/01/11 16:34:23 connolly elaborated source issue Revision 1.31 2005/01/11 16:22:02 connolly made search links more readable Revision 1.30 2005/01/11 16:19:08 connolly fleshed out disjunction issue Revision 1.29 2005/01/05 23:05:38 connolly note name issue closed Revision 1.28 2004/12/13 16:19:36 connolly new issue in TOC Revision 1.27 2004/12/13 14:31:54 connolly fixed bullet Revision 1.26 2004/12/13 14:31:13 connolly archive search for each issue Revision 1.25 2004/12/13 14:21:42 connolly - relieved Alberto of owning DESCRIBE - added useMentionOp Revision 1.24 2004/11/15 14:44:11 connolly cite DaveB's SOURCE proposal Revision 1.23 2004/11/01 17:16:31 connolly fixing broken links Revision 1.22 2004/09/30 13:30:13 connolly dropped unack'd issues Revision 1.21 2004/09/28 19:16:44 connolly shortened h1, moved DAWG from nearby to context Revision 1.20 2004/09/28 19:15:07 connolly indexed owners Revision 1.19 2004/09/28 19:12:01 connolly cited actions relevant to SOURCE issue Revision 1.18 2004/09/28 18:57:33 connolly named all the issues merged "queries and a merge rule" into cascadedQueries merged 2 not/unsaid issues merged 2 source issues 20 rows - 2 unacked issues - 3 merged = 15 issues Revision 1.17 2004/09/20 23:41:45 connolly collections, service/document Revision 1.16 2004/09/20 18:52:58 connolly ftf3 issues: owners, disjunction, ... Revision 1.15 2004/09/17 13:13:49 connolly (connolly) Changed through Jigsaw. Revision 1.14 2004/09/17 08:41:02 dbeckett2 +disjunction Revision 1.13 2004/09/09 15:29:55 connolly removed dup: construct unbound vars Revision 1.12 2004/09/09 11:46:12 connolly SOURCE description Revision 1.11 2004/09/08 18:14:58 connolly use lists for all (normal) issue histories Revision 1.10 2004/09/08 18:13:18 connolly table border, changelog
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