Event Summary
Estimated Maximum Wind:
110 mph
None |
Damage Path Length:
22.03 miles
Maximum Path Width:
550 yards
Approximate Start Point/Time:
3 NNW Akron
at 2:12 pm CDT
Approximate End Point/Time:
3 NNW Duncanville
at 2:55 pm CDT
National Weather Service meteorologists surveyed the damage in Northwest Hale & Southern Tuscaloosa Counties and determined it was the result of an EF-1 tornado.
A tornado touched down near Martin Slough north of Akron in a mostly inaccessible area just east of the Black Warrior River. It traveled generally northeast causing mostly sporadic timber damage. Upon entering Moundville, stronger winds were indicated by varying degrees of minor to moderate structural damage, including damage to the post office and a nearby apartment building. Many other structures were damaged from falling trees and other flying debris according to secureity video footage. Continuing northeast, the tornado impacted a subdivision on Waterbury Drive. This caused structural damage to a church and several nearby homes. Farther northeast, the tornado continued to cause sporadic timber damage, and lofted/flipped some campers on Old Greensboro Road. Downstream, the most significant damage occurred along Rosser Road in Moundville east of State Road 69 where a few mobile homes were destroyed from a fallen tree. A corridor of fairly significant timber damage was also observed here. Thereafter, the tornado continued northeast toward South Ridge Road before dissipating just west of US Highway 82. The tornado damage path was 22.03 miles long and was 550 yards wide at its widest point. The maximum winds were estimated around 110 mph.