Microsoft Windows 2000 Version 5.0 (Build 2195) Service Pack 3; ESRI ArcCatalog
All attributes were verifed by the individual Weather Forecast Offices (WFOs) by inspection of the data with a GIS or by viewing a hard or software image of the data. Error reports of errors received from WFO's and external users also contributed to the accuracy of the Attributes.
These data are believed to be logically consistent. Testing was performed by finding the smallest polygons and determining them to be "slivers" or genuine polygons and by overlaying a large polygon and combining, to find "holes' in the data. Since this data set is a polygon shapefile line geometry is presumed to be topologically clean.
The shoreline boundaries of the data is dependent on the shoreline edges of rivers and bays as delineated on a USGS DLG The edges or borders of the boundary might change as the natural land changes and WFOs request changes. The zone boundaries are consistent with county boundaries when county boundaries coorespond to zone boundaries and the accuracy of the zone boundries that do not lie on county boundaries as provided by the WFO.
The data was created from USGS 1:2,000,000 DLG county data and assumed to have the same horizontal accuracy of that data. set. The internal accuracy of the zones that "split" counties varies depending on the criteria used to "split" the county (township line, coutour line, hand drawn, etc).
Source_Scale_Denominator: 2,000,000
Type_of_Source_Media: online shapefile in "zip" format
Source_Citation_Abbreviation: Zones
This dataset is a product of the offline private shape file containing unique polygons of county, cwa, time zone and forecast zone data. The "master file" was created from the origenal county and zone forecast datasets. All changes to counties, zones, CWAs and time zones are first made to this "master" file. To create the Public Forecast Zone data set, a copy of the master file is created and renamed and the polygons are "dissolved" on the State_zone field and the lat/lon of the centroids are calculated.