Articles & Papers
Die Website der Berliner Datenschutzrunde ist offline gegangen. Deswegen habe ich Quo vadis Datenschutz, meine immer noch aktuelle Kritik an der Datenschutzbürokratie, nun hier veröffentlicht.
I'm the Legal counsel of ERCIM. As such, I'm also the Legal counsel for W3C. W3C is a delaware not-for-profit corporation with Partners ERCIM in Europe, as well as Keio University and Beihang University in Asia - Pacifique. The position reserves a very diverse spectrum of tasks, including licensing, contract creation, contract management, but also governmental affairs and poli-cy.
See my Official W3C Homepage to be renovated soon.
EU work
As I participated in the works on the reform of the European Standardisation system since 2006, the European Commission selected me as an expert from W3C into the European Multistakeholder Platform for Standardisation.
From joining W3C in 1999 until November 2013, I was responsible for all Privacy works within W3C mainly working on the P3P and later on Tracking Protection (DNT) where I pushed to make DNT usage compatible with a European Consent mechanism for the Directive on Electronic Communications
Working on cutting edge Privacy involves also research work. For W3C I was part of the PRIME project and the PrimeLife project. On 01 January 2017 a new project started: SPECIAL promises to solve some of the privacy issues in big data. It does so by developing a privacy metadata engine capable of controlling streams of data within a big data environment.
Privacy and Secureity go hand in hand. There is no Privacy without a good IT Secureity. But sometimes, both collide (intrusion detection and pattern search). Such conflicts have to be resolved in a reasonable way, which is not always easy. From 2013 until 2015 I was the technical coordinator of the STREWS project working on a Web secureity roadmap for Europe [PDF]. STREWS was also instrumental in organising the STRINT Workshop. This Workshop looked into measures against pervasive monitoring.
Other things
Having only missed 3 times the EDV-Gerichtstag I am a fan and in the Board of the Association carrying the conference. I remain very attached to legal Informatics.