International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week 2023
End Childhood Lead Poisoning
The eleventh International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week (ILPPW) will take place on 22-28 October 2023
The focus of this year’s campaign “End Childhood Lead Poisoning” reminds governments, civil society organizations, health partners, industry and others of the unacceptable risks of lead exposure and the need for action to protect children's health. The campaign builds on the success in outlawing the use of lead in petrol and the progress achieved by many countries in establishing laws that limit the use of lead in paint, particularly those paints to which children are exposed in their homes, schools and playgrounds.
This webpage provides advocacy materials and technical guidance to support campaigners in organizing events during the week of action and an events registration page where campaigners can showcase their events during the week.
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WHO training modules on children's health and the environment
Lead: training for health care providers, 2nd ed
Internationally harmonized modules on key issues for paediatricians and paediatric nurses, family and public health professionals.
Electrical/electronic waste and children's health: training for health care providers, 2nd ed
Internationally harmonized modules on key issues for paediatricians and paediatric nurses, family and public health professionals.
The paediatric environmental history: a tool for health care providers: training for health care providers,...
Internationally harmonized modules on key issues for paediatricians and paediatric nurses, family and public health professionals.
Children and chemicals, 3d ed
Internationally harmonized modules on key issues for paediatricians and paediatric nurses, family and public health professionals.