Timeline: WHO's COVID-19 response
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[This timeline requires JavaScript enabled. See Timeline of WHO’s response to COVID-19 for a text version.]
- Text for listings has been taken from the Timeline of WHO’s response to COVID-19. Featured text has been taken from the Listings of WHO's response to COVID-19.
- Caution must be taken when interpreting all data presented, and differences between information products published by WHO – such as the WHO COVID-19 Situation Reports – national public health authorities, and other sources using different inclusion criteria and different data cut-off times are to be expected.
- While steps are taken to ensure accuracy and reliability, all data are subject to continuous verification and change. All counts are subject to variations in case detection, definitions, laboratory testing, and reporting strategies between countries, states and territories. Data last updated 28 March 2022.
- In addition to the selected guidance featured above, all of WHO’s technical guidance on COVID-19 can be found online here.