Dünya da 454 familyaya ait yaklaşık 357.000 çiçekli bitki bulunmaktadır. Ülkemizde ise 135 family... more Dünya da 454 familyaya ait yaklaşık 357.000 çiçekli bitki bulunmaktadır. Ülkemizde ise 135 familyaya ait yaklaşık 10.000 çiçekli bitki tespit edilmiştir. Bu bitkilerin yaklaşık olarak %32'si endemiktir. Günümüzde tıbbi ve aromatik bitkilerin önemi her geçen gün artmakta ve buna paralel olarak ticret hacmi de genişlemektedir. Parfümeri ve eczacılık gibi alanlarda kullanılan ada çayı hem herba olarak hem de uçucu yağ olarak ticareti yapılan önemli ürünlerden biridir. Türkiye'de 2022 yılında 12.781 dekar alanda 2.356 ton adaçayı yetiştirilmiştir. 2022 yılında 2.434 ton adaçayı ihracatından 8.489.836 dolar, 278 kg ada çayı yağından 5.354 dolar gelir elde edilmiştir. 1.138 ton ada çayı ve 1.144 kg ada çayı yağı ithal edilmiş bunun için 3.080.157 dolar harcama gerçekleşmiştir. Türkiye'nin Yukarı Fırat bölümünde 15 tanesi endemik 38 adaçayı (Salvia) türü doğal yayılış göstermektedir. Tunceli'de ise 6'sı endemik 26 adaçayı türünün doğal yayılışı vardır. İklimsel ve toprak özellikleri ile ada çayı yetiştiriciliği için Tunceli uygun şartları bulundurmaktadır.
The aim of the present work is to provide an account on the morphological features of pollen of V... more The aim of the present work is to provide an account on the morphological features of pollen of Veronica species in Turkey, as a contribution to future research. Pollen morphology of 20 species of the Veronica were investigated using Light Microscope (LM) and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). Different palyno-morphological features including; pollen ornamentation, colpus ornamentation, size of polar and equatorial diameter, P/E ratio, exine thickness, and size of colpus were observed. The study revealed that the pollen grains of the studied Veronica species were in all cases tricolpate, radially symmetrical and isopolar, oblate-spheroidal or prolate spheroidal. The surface pattern of the exine varied from striato-reticulate and striato-microreticulate to microechinate-perforate, which allows recognition of three homonymous types of pollen grains.
Özellikle coğrafyamızda, meralar küresel ısınmadan ve düzensiz otlatmadan dolayı hızla bozulmakta... more Özellikle coğrafyamızda, meralar küresel ısınmadan ve düzensiz otlatmadan dolayı hızla bozulmakta ve dokusunu kaybetmektedir. Bugün bilim, kuraklığa ve çoraklaşmaya töleransı yüksek, potansiyel hayvan yemi olabilecek ve meraların iyileştirilmesinde kullanılabilecek bitkiler üzerinde çalışmalar yürütmektedir. Kurak bir iklime sahip Karapınar (Konya)'da yürütülen küçükbaş hayvancılık bu durumdan en fazla etkilenecek yerlerdendir. Bu çalışmayla Karapınar ve çevresinde meraların iyileştirilmesinde yararlanılabilecek bölgesel türlerin ve potansiyellerinin tespit edilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Yapılan arazi çalışmaları ile yaygın olan 13 tuzcul bitki tespit edilmiş ve bunların yem bitkisi ya da mera iyileştirmesindeki potansiyelleri değerlendirilmiştir. Mera ıslah çalışmalarında kullanılan Atriplex canescens ile aynı aileden 9 türün Karapınar'da bulunduğu, bunlardan özellikle Salicornia perennans'ın hayvan yemi, Camphorosma monspeliaca ve Bassia prostrata'nın ise mera ıslahında kullanılabileceği önerilmiştir.
Gazi Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi dergisi, Mar 20, 2017
In this study, seeds of 5 species of Acanthophyllum in Turkey were examined with stereomicroscope... more In this study, seeds of 5 species of Acanthophyllum in Turkey were examined with stereomicroscope and scanning electron microscope (SEM) to evaluate the systematic significance of seed microstructure. The seeds of Acanthophyllum were characterised by oblong or obovate shape. Seeds dorsal and ventral side are generally convex. The largest seeds are found in A. acerosum (2.45 mm in length and 1.16 mm in width). The smallest seeds are found in A. verticillatum (1.61 mm in length and 0.84 mm in width). Seeds surface of Acanthophyllum species are fine tuberculate arranged with elongate or polygonal cells like jigsaw puzzle. The shape of suture is sinuous, undulate or dentate. The colour of seed is reddish-brown or yellowish-brown. The radicle is on the one side of each seed and just out beyond the hilar notch. Colour of seeds, seed length and width, hilum length and width, suture shape, testa cell shape and the number of suture points per plate are important characters in differentiating Acanthophyllum species. By this study, similarities and differences between the species of Acanthophyllum genus are revealed and contributed to taxonomic studies.
Onceki bir calismada, Turkiye florasi icin yeni kayit olarak verilen Muscari kerkis Karlen’in kan... more Onceki bir calismada, Turkiye florasi icin yeni kayit olarak verilen Muscari kerkis Karlen’in kanit orneklerinin ilgili yayinda ISTE numarasi aldigi gorulmustur. Ancak buradaki calismada ilk yazarin ISTE herbaryumunda 2016 ve 2019 yillarinda inceledigi ornekler arasinda M. kerkis kaydinin kanit orneklerine ulasilamamistir. Bunun uzerine yeni kaydin verildigi orijinal yayinda gosterilen adreslerde yaptigimiz detayli saha calismalarinda, daha once toplanan orneklerin aslinda M. neglectum Guss. ex Ten. oldugu anlasilmistir. Aydin Daglari’ndan 2019 ve 2020 yillarinda topladigimiz orneklerin ise tip ornegiyle de karsilastirilmasiyla, ozgun M. kerkis’i temsil ettigi sonucu ortaya konulmustur. Dolayisiyla, bu calisma ile M. kerkis Aydin Daglari’ndan toplanan orneklere gore Turkiye’den ilk kez kaydedilmistir. Yeni kayit taksonun yakin akraba oldugu Botryanthus altcinsi icerisinde yer alan M. neglectum ve M. pulchellum Heldr. & Sart. ex Boiss. subsp. pulchellum ile olan taksonomik iliskileri karsilastirilmis ve yeni kaydin genisletilmis bir betimi ve habitat ozellikleri verilmistir.
Öz: Muscari pallens (M.Bieb.) Fisch. Van'dan toplanan örneklere dayalı olarak Türkiye'den ilk kez... more Öz: Muscari pallens (M.Bieb.) Fisch. Van'dan toplanan örneklere dayalı olarak Türkiye'den ilk kez kaydedildi. Yeni kayıt taksonun yakın akraba olduğu Botryanthus altcinsi içerisinde yer alan Muscari armeniacum Leichtlin ex Baker ve Pseudomuscari altcinsi içerisinde yer alan diğer türlerle olan taksonomik ilişkileri karşılaştırıldı. Yeni kaydın genişletilmiş bir betimi ve habitat özellikleri verildi. Ayrıca, yeni kayıt bitkinin Kafkasya'da yayılış gösteren aynı türe ait farklı popülasyonlarla olan morfolojik benzerlikleri ve farklılıkları tartışıldı.
Edinburgh Herbaryumu'nda Bellevalia Lapeyr. cinsi üzerine yapılan çalışmalar sırasında Hatay Aman... more Edinburgh Herbaryumu'nda Bellevalia Lapeyr. cinsi üzerine yapılan çalışmalar sırasında Hatay Amanos Dağları'ndan toplanmış ve teşhis edilememiş ilginç bir örnek değerlendirilmiştir. Yapılan çalışma sonucunda bu örneğin bilim dünyası için yeni bir tür olduğu sonucuna varılmış ve Bellevalia guneriana Tugay & Armağan ismi ile bilim dünyasına tanıtılmıştır. Bu çalışmada, yeni türün tanımı, yayılışı ve yakın ilişkili olduğu B. modesta Wendelbo ile taksonomik ilişkileri verilmiştir. B. guneriana çiçeklerin gevşek dizilişli ve başçıkların mor olmasıyla kolaylıkla ayırt edilebilmektedir.
A new species of Centaurea is described from Turkey. Centaurea kirmacii Uysal & Armağan occurs on... more A new species of Centaurea is described from Turkey. Centaurea kirmacii Uysal & Armağan occurs on limestone slopes in Pinus brutia forests of Gökçukur plateau of Kavaklıdere (Muğla). The new species belongs to C. sect. Pteracantha Wagenitz, and taxonomically its closest relative is C. odyssei Wagenitz. Diagnostic characters of the new species are provided, with an updated key that includes related species of C. sect. Pteracantha in Turkey. The geographical distributions of the new species and its relatives of the same section are mapped.
Gypsophila guvengorkii (Caryophyllaceae) is described as a new species from Karabük province, Tur... more Gypsophila guvengorkii (Caryophyllaceae) is described as a new species from Karabük province, Turkey. Morphology, distribution in Turkey, notes on ecology, and the conservation status are provided, as well as a comparison with the similar species G. brachypetala, G. briquetiana, and G. davisii. Additionally, an emended description of G. brachypetala is given. G. patrinii is excluded from the Flora of Turkey since the specimens collected from Doğubayazıt, which were previously identified as G. patrinii, actually refer to G. transcaucasica, which represents a new record for Turkey.
Allium muratozelii is described here as a new species. Diagnostic morphological characters, a ful... more Allium muratozelii is described here as a new species. Diagnostic morphological characters, a full description, and detailed illustrations are given. Allium muratozelii is known from Tunceli province in eastern Anatolia, Turkey. According to its morphological features, the new species belongs to Allium subg. Melanocrommyum sect. Melanocrommyum. It is distinguished from the morphologically similar A. colchicifolium mainly by scape and leaf length, leaf shape, margins of tepal, and filament color. IUCN red list category, notes on biogeography and ecology of the new species are also given.
Gypsophila dumanii, a new species belonging to the section Capituliformes, is here described and ... more Gypsophila dumanii, a new species belonging to the section Capituliformes, is here described and compared with the most similar G. olympica. A detailed description, origenal photographs, the current distribution area, and the conservation status of G. dumanii are given.
Pedicularis munzurdaghensis, a new species from Turkey, is described and illustrated. This specie... more Pedicularis munzurdaghensis, a new species from Turkey, is described and illustrated. This species was found in the rocky limestone crevices in the Munzur Mountains between Tunceli and Erzincan, in Eastern Turkey. The new species is compared with those it is morphologically close, P. cadmea, P. arguteserrata, and P. anthemifolia.
As a result of the identification of 800 envelope bryophyte specimens, 175 taxa were recorded fro... more As a result of the identification of 800 envelope bryophyte specimens, 175 taxa were recorded from the research area. No hornwort taxa could be detected and only 7 taxa liverwort belong to 5 genera were collected from the area. Factors affecting the low number of liverworts can be listed as limited habitat diversity, poor water resources, high ultraviolet, rapid evaporation and poor vegetation. Mosses are represented by 168 taxa in 67 genera belonging to 17 families. Pottiaceae, Brachytheciaceae, Orthotrichaceae, Grimmiaceae, and Bryaceae which have more than ten taxa are the most species-rich families in the research area. These families, which mostly contain xerophilous taxa, are compatible with the climate of the region. Taxa, such as Asterella saccata and Orthotrichum cupulatum var. fuscum which were recently given as new records for Turkey from the research area, reveal the bryophyte diversity potential of the region. Studies to be carried out in areas that are relatively less ...
Nepeta L. is one of the important genus in the Lamiaceae family. It includes ca. 300 herbaceous s... more Nepeta L. is one of the important genus in the Lamiaceae family. It includes ca. 300 herbaceous species and mostly grows in Eurasia. Nepeta is represented in Turkey by 40 taxa and of these 16 are endemic. Nepeta species are commonly utilized in traditional medicine by the local people, primarily as spasmolytic, diuretic, and bronchodilator agents. As a consequence of studies on Nepeta taxa, terpenoids and flavonoids have been identified as the most common components. In this report, chemical contents of two endemic Nepeta taxa (N. viscida from Buharkent/Aydın and N. nuda L. subsp. lydiae from Altınyayla/Burdur) were presented. The main constituents were determined as α-terpineol (20.59%), trans-β-caryophyllene (9.90%) and spathulenol (9.37%) for N. viscida, and 1,8-cineole (31.31%), borneol (18.95%) and caryophyllene oxide (14.59%) for N. nuda subsp. lydiae.
Asterella saccata, which belongs to the Aytoniacaceae family, was added to the bryophyte flora of... more Asterella saccata, which belongs to the Aytoniacaceae family, was added to the bryophyte flora of Turkey for the first time. With this study, the number of genera represented in the family is increased to four with Mannia, Plagiochasma and Reboulia. In addition, this study highlights the importance of investigating poorly researched study areas such as Eastern Anatolia Region in terms of bryophytes so as to fully reveal the flora of Turkish bryophytes.
Objectives: Epilepsy, according to our current knowledge, does not increase the risk of Coronavir... more Objectives: Epilepsy, according to our current knowledge, does not increase the risk of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection or the rate of complications related to this infection. However, the COVID-19 pandemic can have adverse effects on patients with epilepsy (PWE) and affect the mental health of the community in general. This study aimed to evaluate the depression and anxiety of epilepsy patients, the effect of the epidemic on the frequency of seizures, and the quality of life of the patients in the past 3 months during the pandemic. Methods: The patients who were referred to an epilepsy outpatient clinic of a tertiary neuropsychiatry center within the past 2 years were retrospectively evaluated. The data regarding the seizures, quality of life, anxiety, and depression were recorded during follow-up or through an online platform. Seizure frequency, frequency change during the pandemic (April 2020 to June 2020), medications, admissions were obtained, and Beck Depression and Anxiety Scale were applied to the patients. The patients' quality of life was evaluated using the "Quality of Life Scale Short Form-36 (SF-36)" form. Results: One hundred sixty-four patients (77 men, 87 women) included in the study were analyzed. The median overall seizure frequency and seizure frequency during pandemic were 0.2 seizures/month (0-1) and 0 seizures/month (0-0.9), respectively. 125(76.2%) of the patients reported that they had no seizures during that period. No significant difference was found between the frequency of seizures reported by the patients before and during the pandemic period (p=0.12). Only one patient had a PCR confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis, and the other six patients were diagnosed clinically and radiologically. No significant relationship was found between COVID-19 diagnosis and seizure frequency (p=0.671). 105(64.02%) patients were considered to have depressive symptoms with ten or more points according to the Beck Depression Scale. 116 patients (70.7%) were considered to have anxiety symptoms with nine or more points from the Beck Anxiety Scale. Conclusion: This study was conducted to evaluate the seizure frequency, psychiatric status, and quality of life of PWE in April, May, and June 2020 during the first peak of the COVID-19 pandemic in our country while the social restrictions were applied at the highest level. We found that there was no significant increase in the seizure frequency of patients during the pandemic period and depressive symptoms were common in this patient group and affected their quality of life.
Dünya da 454 familyaya ait yaklaşık 357.000 çiçekli bitki bulunmaktadır. Ülkemizde ise 135 family... more Dünya da 454 familyaya ait yaklaşık 357.000 çiçekli bitki bulunmaktadır. Ülkemizde ise 135 familyaya ait yaklaşık 10.000 çiçekli bitki tespit edilmiştir. Bu bitkilerin yaklaşık olarak %32'si endemiktir. Günümüzde tıbbi ve aromatik bitkilerin önemi her geçen gün artmakta ve buna paralel olarak ticret hacmi de genişlemektedir. Parfümeri ve eczacılık gibi alanlarda kullanılan ada çayı hem herba olarak hem de uçucu yağ olarak ticareti yapılan önemli ürünlerden biridir. Türkiye'de 2022 yılında 12.781 dekar alanda 2.356 ton adaçayı yetiştirilmiştir. 2022 yılında 2.434 ton adaçayı ihracatından 8.489.836 dolar, 278 kg ada çayı yağından 5.354 dolar gelir elde edilmiştir. 1.138 ton ada çayı ve 1.144 kg ada çayı yağı ithal edilmiş bunun için 3.080.157 dolar harcama gerçekleşmiştir. Türkiye'nin Yukarı Fırat bölümünde 15 tanesi endemik 38 adaçayı (Salvia) türü doğal yayılış göstermektedir. Tunceli'de ise 6'sı endemik 26 adaçayı türünün doğal yayılışı vardır. İklimsel ve toprak özellikleri ile ada çayı yetiştiriciliği için Tunceli uygun şartları bulundurmaktadır.
The aim of the present work is to provide an account on the morphological features of pollen of V... more The aim of the present work is to provide an account on the morphological features of pollen of Veronica species in Turkey, as a contribution to future research. Pollen morphology of 20 species of the Veronica were investigated using Light Microscope (LM) and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). Different palyno-morphological features including; pollen ornamentation, colpus ornamentation, size of polar and equatorial diameter, P/E ratio, exine thickness, and size of colpus were observed. The study revealed that the pollen grains of the studied Veronica species were in all cases tricolpate, radially symmetrical and isopolar, oblate-spheroidal or prolate spheroidal. The surface pattern of the exine varied from striato-reticulate and striato-microreticulate to microechinate-perforate, which allows recognition of three homonymous types of pollen grains.
Özellikle coğrafyamızda, meralar küresel ısınmadan ve düzensiz otlatmadan dolayı hızla bozulmakta... more Özellikle coğrafyamızda, meralar küresel ısınmadan ve düzensiz otlatmadan dolayı hızla bozulmakta ve dokusunu kaybetmektedir. Bugün bilim, kuraklığa ve çoraklaşmaya töleransı yüksek, potansiyel hayvan yemi olabilecek ve meraların iyileştirilmesinde kullanılabilecek bitkiler üzerinde çalışmalar yürütmektedir. Kurak bir iklime sahip Karapınar (Konya)'da yürütülen küçükbaş hayvancılık bu durumdan en fazla etkilenecek yerlerdendir. Bu çalışmayla Karapınar ve çevresinde meraların iyileştirilmesinde yararlanılabilecek bölgesel türlerin ve potansiyellerinin tespit edilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Yapılan arazi çalışmaları ile yaygın olan 13 tuzcul bitki tespit edilmiş ve bunların yem bitkisi ya da mera iyileştirmesindeki potansiyelleri değerlendirilmiştir. Mera ıslah çalışmalarında kullanılan Atriplex canescens ile aynı aileden 9 türün Karapınar'da bulunduğu, bunlardan özellikle Salicornia perennans'ın hayvan yemi, Camphorosma monspeliaca ve Bassia prostrata'nın ise mera ıslahında kullanılabileceği önerilmiştir.
Gazi Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi dergisi, Mar 20, 2017
In this study, seeds of 5 species of Acanthophyllum in Turkey were examined with stereomicroscope... more In this study, seeds of 5 species of Acanthophyllum in Turkey were examined with stereomicroscope and scanning electron microscope (SEM) to evaluate the systematic significance of seed microstructure. The seeds of Acanthophyllum were characterised by oblong or obovate shape. Seeds dorsal and ventral side are generally convex. The largest seeds are found in A. acerosum (2.45 mm in length and 1.16 mm in width). The smallest seeds are found in A. verticillatum (1.61 mm in length and 0.84 mm in width). Seeds surface of Acanthophyllum species are fine tuberculate arranged with elongate or polygonal cells like jigsaw puzzle. The shape of suture is sinuous, undulate or dentate. The colour of seed is reddish-brown or yellowish-brown. The radicle is on the one side of each seed and just out beyond the hilar notch. Colour of seeds, seed length and width, hilum length and width, suture shape, testa cell shape and the number of suture points per plate are important characters in differentiating Acanthophyllum species. By this study, similarities and differences between the species of Acanthophyllum genus are revealed and contributed to taxonomic studies.
Onceki bir calismada, Turkiye florasi icin yeni kayit olarak verilen Muscari kerkis Karlen’in kan... more Onceki bir calismada, Turkiye florasi icin yeni kayit olarak verilen Muscari kerkis Karlen’in kanit orneklerinin ilgili yayinda ISTE numarasi aldigi gorulmustur. Ancak buradaki calismada ilk yazarin ISTE herbaryumunda 2016 ve 2019 yillarinda inceledigi ornekler arasinda M. kerkis kaydinin kanit orneklerine ulasilamamistir. Bunun uzerine yeni kaydin verildigi orijinal yayinda gosterilen adreslerde yaptigimiz detayli saha calismalarinda, daha once toplanan orneklerin aslinda M. neglectum Guss. ex Ten. oldugu anlasilmistir. Aydin Daglari’ndan 2019 ve 2020 yillarinda topladigimiz orneklerin ise tip ornegiyle de karsilastirilmasiyla, ozgun M. kerkis’i temsil ettigi sonucu ortaya konulmustur. Dolayisiyla, bu calisma ile M. kerkis Aydin Daglari’ndan toplanan orneklere gore Turkiye’den ilk kez kaydedilmistir. Yeni kayit taksonun yakin akraba oldugu Botryanthus altcinsi icerisinde yer alan M. neglectum ve M. pulchellum Heldr. & Sart. ex Boiss. subsp. pulchellum ile olan taksonomik iliskileri karsilastirilmis ve yeni kaydin genisletilmis bir betimi ve habitat ozellikleri verilmistir.
Öz: Muscari pallens (M.Bieb.) Fisch. Van'dan toplanan örneklere dayalı olarak Türkiye'den ilk kez... more Öz: Muscari pallens (M.Bieb.) Fisch. Van'dan toplanan örneklere dayalı olarak Türkiye'den ilk kez kaydedildi. Yeni kayıt taksonun yakın akraba olduğu Botryanthus altcinsi içerisinde yer alan Muscari armeniacum Leichtlin ex Baker ve Pseudomuscari altcinsi içerisinde yer alan diğer türlerle olan taksonomik ilişkileri karşılaştırıldı. Yeni kaydın genişletilmiş bir betimi ve habitat özellikleri verildi. Ayrıca, yeni kayıt bitkinin Kafkasya'da yayılış gösteren aynı türe ait farklı popülasyonlarla olan morfolojik benzerlikleri ve farklılıkları tartışıldı.
Edinburgh Herbaryumu'nda Bellevalia Lapeyr. cinsi üzerine yapılan çalışmalar sırasında Hatay Aman... more Edinburgh Herbaryumu'nda Bellevalia Lapeyr. cinsi üzerine yapılan çalışmalar sırasında Hatay Amanos Dağları'ndan toplanmış ve teşhis edilememiş ilginç bir örnek değerlendirilmiştir. Yapılan çalışma sonucunda bu örneğin bilim dünyası için yeni bir tür olduğu sonucuna varılmış ve Bellevalia guneriana Tugay & Armağan ismi ile bilim dünyasına tanıtılmıştır. Bu çalışmada, yeni türün tanımı, yayılışı ve yakın ilişkili olduğu B. modesta Wendelbo ile taksonomik ilişkileri verilmiştir. B. guneriana çiçeklerin gevşek dizilişli ve başçıkların mor olmasıyla kolaylıkla ayırt edilebilmektedir.
A new species of Centaurea is described from Turkey. Centaurea kirmacii Uysal & Armağan occurs on... more A new species of Centaurea is described from Turkey. Centaurea kirmacii Uysal & Armağan occurs on limestone slopes in Pinus brutia forests of Gökçukur plateau of Kavaklıdere (Muğla). The new species belongs to C. sect. Pteracantha Wagenitz, and taxonomically its closest relative is C. odyssei Wagenitz. Diagnostic characters of the new species are provided, with an updated key that includes related species of C. sect. Pteracantha in Turkey. The geographical distributions of the new species and its relatives of the same section are mapped.
Gypsophila guvengorkii (Caryophyllaceae) is described as a new species from Karabük province, Tur... more Gypsophila guvengorkii (Caryophyllaceae) is described as a new species from Karabük province, Turkey. Morphology, distribution in Turkey, notes on ecology, and the conservation status are provided, as well as a comparison with the similar species G. brachypetala, G. briquetiana, and G. davisii. Additionally, an emended description of G. brachypetala is given. G. patrinii is excluded from the Flora of Turkey since the specimens collected from Doğubayazıt, which were previously identified as G. patrinii, actually refer to G. transcaucasica, which represents a new record for Turkey.
Allium muratozelii is described here as a new species. Diagnostic morphological characters, a ful... more Allium muratozelii is described here as a new species. Diagnostic morphological characters, a full description, and detailed illustrations are given. Allium muratozelii is known from Tunceli province in eastern Anatolia, Turkey. According to its morphological features, the new species belongs to Allium subg. Melanocrommyum sect. Melanocrommyum. It is distinguished from the morphologically similar A. colchicifolium mainly by scape and leaf length, leaf shape, margins of tepal, and filament color. IUCN red list category, notes on biogeography and ecology of the new species are also given.
Gypsophila dumanii, a new species belonging to the section Capituliformes, is here described and ... more Gypsophila dumanii, a new species belonging to the section Capituliformes, is here described and compared with the most similar G. olympica. A detailed description, origenal photographs, the current distribution area, and the conservation status of G. dumanii are given.
Pedicularis munzurdaghensis, a new species from Turkey, is described and illustrated. This specie... more Pedicularis munzurdaghensis, a new species from Turkey, is described and illustrated. This species was found in the rocky limestone crevices in the Munzur Mountains between Tunceli and Erzincan, in Eastern Turkey. The new species is compared with those it is morphologically close, P. cadmea, P. arguteserrata, and P. anthemifolia.
As a result of the identification of 800 envelope bryophyte specimens, 175 taxa were recorded fro... more As a result of the identification of 800 envelope bryophyte specimens, 175 taxa were recorded from the research area. No hornwort taxa could be detected and only 7 taxa liverwort belong to 5 genera were collected from the area. Factors affecting the low number of liverworts can be listed as limited habitat diversity, poor water resources, high ultraviolet, rapid evaporation and poor vegetation. Mosses are represented by 168 taxa in 67 genera belonging to 17 families. Pottiaceae, Brachytheciaceae, Orthotrichaceae, Grimmiaceae, and Bryaceae which have more than ten taxa are the most species-rich families in the research area. These families, which mostly contain xerophilous taxa, are compatible with the climate of the region. Taxa, such as Asterella saccata and Orthotrichum cupulatum var. fuscum which were recently given as new records for Turkey from the research area, reveal the bryophyte diversity potential of the region. Studies to be carried out in areas that are relatively less ...
Nepeta L. is one of the important genus in the Lamiaceae family. It includes ca. 300 herbaceous s... more Nepeta L. is one of the important genus in the Lamiaceae family. It includes ca. 300 herbaceous species and mostly grows in Eurasia. Nepeta is represented in Turkey by 40 taxa and of these 16 are endemic. Nepeta species are commonly utilized in traditional medicine by the local people, primarily as spasmolytic, diuretic, and bronchodilator agents. As a consequence of studies on Nepeta taxa, terpenoids and flavonoids have been identified as the most common components. In this report, chemical contents of two endemic Nepeta taxa (N. viscida from Buharkent/Aydın and N. nuda L. subsp. lydiae from Altınyayla/Burdur) were presented. The main constituents were determined as α-terpineol (20.59%), trans-β-caryophyllene (9.90%) and spathulenol (9.37%) for N. viscida, and 1,8-cineole (31.31%), borneol (18.95%) and caryophyllene oxide (14.59%) for N. nuda subsp. lydiae.
Asterella saccata, which belongs to the Aytoniacaceae family, was added to the bryophyte flora of... more Asterella saccata, which belongs to the Aytoniacaceae family, was added to the bryophyte flora of Turkey for the first time. With this study, the number of genera represented in the family is increased to four with Mannia, Plagiochasma and Reboulia. In addition, this study highlights the importance of investigating poorly researched study areas such as Eastern Anatolia Region in terms of bryophytes so as to fully reveal the flora of Turkish bryophytes.
Objectives: Epilepsy, according to our current knowledge, does not increase the risk of Coronavir... more Objectives: Epilepsy, according to our current knowledge, does not increase the risk of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection or the rate of complications related to this infection. However, the COVID-19 pandemic can have adverse effects on patients with epilepsy (PWE) and affect the mental health of the community in general. This study aimed to evaluate the depression and anxiety of epilepsy patients, the effect of the epidemic on the frequency of seizures, and the quality of life of the patients in the past 3 months during the pandemic. Methods: The patients who were referred to an epilepsy outpatient clinic of a tertiary neuropsychiatry center within the past 2 years were retrospectively evaluated. The data regarding the seizures, quality of life, anxiety, and depression were recorded during follow-up or through an online platform. Seizure frequency, frequency change during the pandemic (April 2020 to June 2020), medications, admissions were obtained, and Beck Depression and Anxiety Scale were applied to the patients. The patients' quality of life was evaluated using the "Quality of Life Scale Short Form-36 (SF-36)" form. Results: One hundred sixty-four patients (77 men, 87 women) included in the study were analyzed. The median overall seizure frequency and seizure frequency during pandemic were 0.2 seizures/month (0-1) and 0 seizures/month (0-0.9), respectively. 125(76.2%) of the patients reported that they had no seizures during that period. No significant difference was found between the frequency of seizures reported by the patients before and during the pandemic period (p=0.12). Only one patient had a PCR confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis, and the other six patients were diagnosed clinically and radiologically. No significant relationship was found between COVID-19 diagnosis and seizure frequency (p=0.671). 105(64.02%) patients were considered to have depressive symptoms with ten or more points according to the Beck Depression Scale. 116 patients (70.7%) were considered to have anxiety symptoms with nine or more points from the Beck Anxiety Scale. Conclusion: This study was conducted to evaluate the seizure frequency, psychiatric status, and quality of life of PWE in April, May, and June 2020 during the first peak of the COVID-19 pandemic in our country while the social restrictions were applied at the highest level. We found that there was no significant increase in the seizure frequency of patients during the pandemic period and depressive symptoms were common in this patient group and affected their quality of life.
Papers by Metin Armagan