Outreach Requests
Take advantage of our engaging and thought-provoking conversations about health and wellness. Participants will be encouraged to discuss their thoughts on these various topics and in turn, have the tools to make healthier choices.
If you would like to have someone facilitate a presentation at your location (residence hall, fraternity/sorority house, athletic team, class, RSO, etc.) please fill out the form located below.
Keep in mind, most of our presentations are a minimum of 45 minutes long. For planning purposes, all presentations must be requested 2 weeks (14 business days) in advance of the anticipated presentation date. After completing your request, a CHAW staff member will contact you within 4 business days.
- Co-Sponsor: If you are interested in CHAW co-sponsoring an event with you, please contact us using the form above so we can connect you to the best staff member to partner with.
- Consultation: If you or your organization are interested in facilitating an event on your own in our topic areas, but are unsure of best practices, resources, or other program planning logistics, we would be happy to provide guidance and insight on the topic area.
- Class Projects: If you are a student seeking information for a class project about our topic areas, please use the request form above.
Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs
- AOD 101: Alcohol, cannabis, and other drugs 101 is an interactive style presentation that shares information from a nonjudgmental harm reduction standpoint and allow attendees to share experiences and beliefs to reflect on ways to reduce harm that occur when using alcohol and other drugs. We cover the amnesty policy and other ways to keep yourself and your peers safer. Time needed: 60 minutes
- AOD Bingo: This presentation is bingo style, (Just like our famous Condom Bingo), to learn about alcohol, marijuana and other drugs in a game style format from a risk reduction standpoint. Time needed: 60 minutes
Hazing Prevention
- Hazing Prevention Overview: This 20-minute presentation highlights the services provided by CHAW, defines hazing, educates students on what hazing may look like, and informs students of why they should have a vested interest in hazing prevention. Time Needed: 20 minutes
- Hazing Prevention 101: This presentation dives deeper than the hazing prevention overview. Hazing Prevention 101 is an interactive workshop where students will define hazing, be educated on the spectrum of hazing behaviors, warning signs of hazing, and anti-hazing laws here in the State of Florida. During the workshop students will also be given examples that they could encounter here on campus and discuss if it is hazing or not. Lastly, they will be able to brainstorm ways to intervene if they are concerned for a friend, and they will be given resources throughout the presentation. Time needed: 60 minutes
LIFT – Recovery @ FSU
- LIFT Overview: This presentation introduces the Collegiate Recovery Program as a new resource on campus for students by reviewing their history and purpose in higher education. It highlights different ways they can get involved with meetings, scholarships, professional development, service-learning, and the general community that values recovery. Students will also have the opportunity for reflection and discussion on the topics of addiction and substance misuse. The presentation concludes with tangible skills to reset the dopamine system and break an addictive pattern. Time Needed: 60 minutes
- Recovery Ally Program: This 2-hour training is a bystander intervention type training specific to substance misuse and encourages students to change the way they think about addiction, alter how they talk about substance misuse, and adapt how they approach recovery. IT's an interactive workshop that facilitates reflection and dialogue around identifying addiction and substance misuse within oneself and peer groups. Students gain tangible tools for intervening and connecting with resources to address addiction and substance misuse. Time Needed: 2 hours
- Nutrition Basics on Campus: From fueling your brain to your feet, eating on campus and staying within your budget; we've got you covered in this health talk on nutrition for college students on the go. We will focus on balanced eating on campus from a health at every size lens. Time Needed: 60 minutes
- Intuitive Eating: Wondering what is the key to both confidence and well-being? It's listening to your body and dieting keeps you from living a life based on internal cues and forces you to follow external rules and regulations. Intuitive eating focuses on nurturing your body not depriving it, encourages you to honor your hunger, feel your fullness, explore food satisfaction and discover the weight your body is meant to be. This presentation teaches you the principles of intuitive eating and helps you develop a positive relationship with food, eating and your body. Time Needed: 60 minutes
- Bettering your Body Image: Body dissatisfaction is a top concern amount FSU college student. In this presentation, we will explore the roots of body dissatisfaction and discuss practical and engaging ways to foster body acceptance practices and change the culture of negative body talk on campus. Time needed: 60 minutes
- Your Friends Need You: Eating disorders are on the rise in college students. In this presentation we will dispel common misconceptions about eating disorders, discuss some of the potential warning signs, and explore how to support a friend who may be struggling with an eating disorder or body dissatisfaction. Time needed: 30 – 45 minutes
Power Based Personal Violence
- Green Dot: This inspiring and interactive presentation focuses on what everyone can do in their daily lives to decrease power-based personal violence (including dating violence, sexual violence, and stalking). This presentation can range from 60-90 minutes depending on the group's preference. Time Needed: 60 - 90 minutes
- Boundaries: This interactive presentation will define boundaries, explore different types of boundaries, and practice identifying, setting, resetting, and respecting boundaries. Time Needed: 60 minutes
- You+Me+We: A 60–minute interactive conversation that focuses on college dating culture, creating healthy relationships, establishing consent, and being there to support a friend. The presentation emphasizes the importance of communication and boundaries in all types of relationships. You are guaranteed to learn something new about yourself and others. Time Needed: 60 minutes
Sexual Health
- Hookup Culture: This interactive presentation looks at national, generational, and FSU campus trends on dating, sex, and hookups. We also explore what research tells us about consent, pleasure, and safety during hookups. Time needed: 60 minutes
- Condom Bingo: This isn’t your grandparents’ bingo (or maybe it is!) or sex ed but this is a fun and engaging way to learn about safer sex, sexuality and sex history while competing for the glory of being the Condom Bingo Champion. Our sex education is approached from a lens of sex positivity, inclusivity, and evidence-based research. Time needed: 60-90 minutes
- Live Well FSU: Between class, work, a social life and all of the other duties of life, how can a college student strive to be well at FSU? It's not as hard as you think! Find out in this health talk. Time needed: 30-60 minutes
- Sleep Well: As a college student, there are many factors that may make maintaining a regular sleep schedule difficult, such as living in residence hall, studying for exams, late classes, and socializing. This presentation will give some suggestions on ways you can modify your daily routine to promote better sleep. Time needed: 60 minutes
Campus Partner Presentations
Title IX (Policy and Process)
- 37 Words: A guide to Title IX: This presentation explains what Title IX is, defines sexual misconduct and discusses how to file a report and what happens after a report is made. The presentation can be tailored for audiences of students or faculty and staff. Time needed: 45-60 minutes
- Title IX Reporting: This presentation educates faculty and staff about their reporting obligations under Title IX. Time needed: 30 minutes
Victim Advocate Program (Services and Survivor Support)
- Victim Advocate Program (VAP): This presentation will provide participants with a basic understanding of the services offered by the VAP, including how referrals are received and who qualifies for our services. Power-based personal violence offenses will be discussed as well as the university conduct process and options for evidence collection and reporting to law enforcement. Time needed: 60 minutes
- Survivor Support: Provided by VAP staff, this presentation will discuss ways to help someone who has suffered trauma, especially a sexual assault. Options and resources will be discussed as well as practical things we can do to help a friend or family member and how we can take care of ourselves when helping others after a victimization. Time needed: 60 minutes