Control groups, part 4: On accounting
In our ongoing quest to understand Linux control groups, at least enough to enjoy the debates that inevitably arise when they are mentioned, it is time to explore the role that accounting plays and to consider how the needs of the accountant are met by the design and structure of cgroups.
Linux and Unix are not strangers to the idea of the accounting of
resource usage. Even in V6 Unix, the CPU time for each process was
accounted and the running total could be accessed with the times()
system call. To a limited extent, this extended to groups of processes
too. One of the process groupings we found when we first looked at V6
Unix was the group of all descendants of a given process. When all
processes in that group have exited, the total CPU time used by them
(or at least those that haven't escaped) was available from
as well. Before a process has exited and been waited for,
its CPU time was known only to itself.
In 2.10BSD, the set of resources that were accounted for grew to include
memory usage, page faults, disk I/O, and other statistics. Like CPU
time, these were gathered into the parent when a child is waited
for. They can be accessed by the getrusage()
system call that is still available in modern Linux, largely unchanged.
With getrusage()
came setrlimit()
, which could impose
limits on the use of some of these resources, such as CPU time and
memory usage. These limits were only imposed on individual processes,
never on a group: a group's statistics are only accumulated as processes
exit, and that is rather too late to be imposing limits.
Last time, we looked at various cgroups subsystems that did not need
to keep any accounting across the group to provide their services,
though perf_event
was in a bit of a grey area. This week, we look at
the remaining five subsystems, each of which involve whole-group
accounting in some way, and so support limits of a sort that
could never support.
— accounting for the sake of accounting
is the simplest of the accounting subsystems, in part
because all it does is accounting; it doesn't exert control at all.
appears to have originally been written largely as a
demonstration of the capabilities of cgroups, with no expectation
of mainline inclusion. It slipped into mainline with other cgroups
code in 2.6.24-rc1, was removed with an explanation of this original
intent shortly afterward, and then re-added well before 2.6.24-final
because it was actually seen as quite useful. Given this history, we probably shouldn't expect cpuacct to fit neatly
into any overall design.
Two separate sorts of accounting information are kept by cpuacct
. First,
there is the total CPU time used by all processes in the group, which is
measured by the scheduler as precisely as it can and is recorded in
nanoseconds. This information is gathered on a per-CPU basis and can
be reported per-CPU or as a sum across all CPUs.
Second, there is (since 2.6.30) a breakdown into "user" and
"system" time of the total CPU time
used by all processes in the group.
These times are accounted in the same way as the times returned by the
system call and are recorded in clock ticks or "jiffies".
Thus, they may not be as precise as the CPU times accounted in
Since 2.6.29, these statistics are collected hierarchically. Whenever some usage is added to one group, it is also added to all of the ancestors of that group. So, the usage accounted in each group is the sum of the usage of all processes in that extended group including processes that are members of sub-groups.
This is the key characteristic of all the subsystems that we will look
at this time: they account hierarchically. While perf_event
does do
some accounting, the accounting for each process stays in the
cgroup that the process is an immediate member of and does not propagate
up into ancestor processes.
For these two subsystems (cpuacct
and perf_event
), it is not clear
that hierarchical accounting is really necessary. The totals collected are never used within the kernel, but are only made available
to user-space applications, which are unlikely to read the data at a
particularly high rate. This implies it would be quite effective for
an application that needs whole-group accounting information to walk
the tree of descendants from a given group and add up the totals in
each sub-group. When a cgroup is removed it could certainly be useful
to accumulate its usage into its parent, much like process
times are accumulated on exit. Earlier accumulation brings no obvious
Even if it were important to present the totals directly in the cgroups filesystem, it would be quite practical for the kernel to add the numbers up when required, rather than on every change. This is how the sum across all CPUs is managed, but it is not done for the sum across sub-groups.
There is an obvious tradeoff between the complexity for an
application to walk the tree on those occasions when data is needed
and the cost for the kernel in walking up the tree to add a new charge
to every ancestor of the target process on every single accounting event.
A proper cost/benefit analysis of this tradeoff would need to take
into account the depth of the tree and the frequency of updates. For
, updates only happen on a scheduler event or timer tick,
which would normally be every millisecond or more on a busy machine.
While this may seem a fairly high frequency, there are other events
that can happen much more often, as we shall see.
Whether the accounting approach in cpuacct
and perf_event
sensible or questionable choices in not really important for
understanding cgroups — what is worth noting is the fact that
there are choices to be made and tradeoffs to be considered.
These subsystems have freedom to choose because the accounting data is
not used within the kernel. The remaining subsystems all keep account
of something in order to exert control and, thus, need fully correct
accounting details.
Sharing out the memory
Two cgroup subsystems are involved in tracking and restricting memory
usage: memory
and hugetlb
. These two use a common data structure
and support library for tracking usage and imposing limits: the "resource
counter" or
A res_counter
, which is declared in include/linux/res_counter.h
and implemented in kernel/res_counter.c
, stores a usage of some
arbitrary resource together with a limit and a "soft limit". It also
includes a high-water mark that records the highest level the usage has
ever reached, and a failure count that tracks how many times a request
for extra resources was denied.
Finally, a res_counter
contains a spinlock to manage concurrent
access and a parent pointer. This pointer demonstrates a recurring
theme among the accounting cgroup subsystems in that they often create
a parallel tree-like data structure that exactly copies the tree data
structure provided directly by cgroups.
The memory
cgroup subsystem allocates three res_counter
s, one for
user-process memory usage, one for the sum of memory and swap usage,
and one for usage of memory by the kernel on behalf of the process.
Together with the one res_counter allocated by
(which accounts the
memory allocated in huge pages), this means there are four extra parent
pointers when the memory
and hugetlb
subsystems are both enabled.
This seems to suggest that the implementation of the hierarchy
structure provided by cgroups doesn't really meet the needs of
its users, though why that might be is not immediately obvious.
When one of the various memory resources is requested by a process,
the res_counter
code will walk up the parent pointers, checking
if limits are reached and
updating the usage at each ancestor. This requires taking a spinlock
at each level, so it is not a cheap operation, particularly if the hierarchy is
at all deep. Memory allocation is generally a highly optimized
operation in Linux, with per-CPU free lists along with batched allocation and
freeing to try to minimize the per-allocation cost. Allocating memory
isn't always a high-frequency operation, but sometimes it is; those
times should still perform well if possible.
So, taking a series of spinlocks for multiple nested cgroups to update
accounting on every single memory allocation doesn't sound like a good
idea. Fortunately, this is not something that the memory
When authorizing a memory allocation request of less than 32 pages (most requests are for one page), the memory controller will request that a full 32 be approved by the res_counter. If that request is granted, the excess above what was actually required is recorded in a per-CPU "stock" that notes which cgroup last made an allocation on each CPU and how much excess has been approved. If the request is not granted, it requests the actual number of pages allocated.
Subsequent allocations by the same process on the same CPU will use what remains in the stock until that drops to zero, at which point another 32-page authorization will be requested. If a scheduling change causes another process from a different cgroup to allocate memory on that CPU, then the old stock will be returned and a new stock for the new cgroup will be requested.
Deallocation is also batched, though with a quite different mechanism, presumably because deallocations often happen in much larger batches and because deallocations can never fail. The batching for deallocation uses a per-process (rather than per-CPU) counter that must be explicitly enabled by the code that is freeing memory. So a sequence of calls:
mem_cgroup_uncharge_start() repeat mem_cgroup_uncharge_page() mem_cgroup_uncharge_end()
will use the uncharge batching, while a lone
will not.
The key observation here is that, while a naive accounting of resource usage can be quite expensive, there are various ways to minimize the cost and different approaches will be more or less suitable in different circumstances. So it seems proper for cgroups to take a neutral stance on the issue and allow each subsystem to solve the problem in the way best suited to its needs.
Another cgroup subsystem for the CPU
As the CPU is so central to a computer it is not surprising that there
are several cgroup subsystems that relate to it. Last time, we met the cpuset
subsystem that limits which CPUs a process can run on, and
the cpuacct
subsystem, above, which accounts for how much time is spent on
the CPU by processes in a cgroup. The third and last CPU-related
subsystem is simply called cpu
. It is used to control how the
scheduler shares CPU time among different processes and different cgroups.
The Linux scheduler has a surprisingly simple design. It is modeled on a hypothetical, ideal multi-tasking CPU that can run an arbitrary number of threads simultaneously, though at a proportionally reduced speed. Using this model, the scheduler can calculate how much effective CPU time each thread "should" have ideally received. The scheduler simply selects the thread for which the actual CPU time used is furthest behind the ideal and lets it run for a while to catch up.
If all processes were equal, then the proportionality would mean that
if there are N runnable processes, each should get one-Nth
of real time. Of course, processes often aren't all equal, as
scheduling priority or nice
values can assign different weights to
each process so they get different proportions of real time. The sum
of these proportions must, of course, add up to one (or to the number
of active CPUs).
When the cpu
cgroup subsystem is used to request group scheduling,
these proportions must be calculated based on the group hierarchy, so
some proportion will be given to a top-level group, and that is then
shared among the processes and sub-groups in that group.
Further, the "virtual runtime", which tracks the discrepancy between ideal and actual CPU time, needs to be accounted for each group as well as for each process. One might expect the virtual runtime of a group to be exactly the sum of the times from the processes. However, when a process exits, any excess or deficit it has is lost. To prevent this loss from leading to unfairness between groups, the scheduler keeps account of the time used by each group as well as by each process.
To manage these different values across the hierarchy, the cpu
subsystem creates a parallel hierarchy of struct sched_entity
which is what
the scheduler uses to store proportional weights and virtual runtime.
There are actually a multitude of these hierarchies, one for each CPU.
This means that runtime values can be propagated up the tree without
locking, so it is much more efficient than the res_counter
used by
the memory controller.
In accord with the recurring theme that one subsystem will often have
two or more distinct (though related) functions, the cpu
allows a maximum CPU bandwidth to be imposed on each group. This is quite
separate from the scheduling priority discussed so far.
The bandwidth is measured in CPU time per real time. Both the CPU time limit, referred to as the quota, and the real time period during which that quota can be used must be specified. When setting the quota and period for each group, the subsystem checks that the limit imposed on any parent is always enough to allow all children to make full use of their quota. If that is not met, then the change will be rejected.
The actual implementation of the bandwidth limits is done largely in
the context of the sched_entity
. As the scheduler updates how much
virtual time each sched_entity
has used, it also updates the
bandwidth usage and checks if throttling is appropriate.
To some extent, this case study simply reinforces some ideas we have already seen, that restrictions are often pushed down the hierarchy while accounting data is often propagated up a parallel hierarchy. We do see here one convincing reason why a parallel hierarchy might be needed. In this case, the parallel hierarchies are per-CPU so they can be updated without taking any locks.
blkio - a final pair
As we have repeatedly observed, some cgroup subsystems manage
multiple, though related, aspects of the contained processes. With
blkio, this idea becomes more formalized. blkio
allows for various
"policies" to be registered that act much like cgroup subsystems in
that they are advised of changes to the cgroup hierarchy and they can
add files to the cgroup virtual filesystem. They are not able to
disallow the movement of processes or get told about fork()
or exit()
There are two blkio policies in Linux 3.15: "throttle" and
"cfq-iosched". These have a remarkable similarity to the two
functions of the cpu
subsystem (bandwidth and scheduling priority),
though the details are quite different. Many of the ideas we find in
these two have already been seen in other subsystems, so there is
little point going over similar details in a different guise. But there
are two ideas worth mentioning.
One is that the blkio
subsystem adds a new ID number to each
cgroup. We saw last time that the cgroup core provides an ID number
for each group and this is used by net_prio
to identify groups. The
new id
added by blkio
fills a similar role but with one important
difference. blkio
ID numbers use 64 bits and are never reused,
while cgroup-core ID numbers are just an int
(typically 32 bits) and
are reused. A unique ID number seems like it could be a generally useful
that the cgroups core could provide. A little over a year after
the blkio
ID was added, a remarkably similar serial_nr
added to the cgroup core, though blkio
hasn't been revised
to use it. Note when reading the code: blkio is known internally as blkcg.
The other new idea we find in blkio
, and in the cfq-iosched
in particular, is possibly more interesting. Each cgroup can be
assigned a different weight
, similar to the weights calculated by
the CPU scheduler, to balance scheduling of requests from this group
against requests from sibling groups. Uniquely to blkio
, each cgroup
can also have a leaf_weight
that is used to balance requests from
processes in this group against requests from processes in child
The net effect of this is that when non-leaf cgroups contain
processes, the cfq-iosched
policy pretends that those processes are
really in a virtual child group and uses leaf_weight
to assign a
weight to that virtual child.
If we consider this against the
different aspects of hierarchy that we explored earlier, it seems to
be a clear statement from cfq-iosched
that "organization"
hierarchies are not something that it wants to deal with and that
everything should be, or will be treated as, "classification"
The CPU scheduler doesn't appear to be concerned about this issue. The processes in an internal group are scheduled against each other and against any child group as a whole. It isn't really clear which approach to scheduling is right, but it would be nice if they were consistent. One way to achieve consistency would be to forbid non-leaf cgroups from containing processes. There is work underway to exactly this end, as we will see later in this series.
What can we learn?
If we combine all that we learned in this analysis with what we found with the first set of subsystems last time, it is easy to get lost in the details. Some differences may be deep conceptual differences, others may be important, but shallow, implementation differences, while still others could be pointless differences due to historical accident.
In the first class, I see a strong distinction between control elements that share out resources (CPU or block I/O bandwidth), those that impose limits on resources (CPU, block I/O, and memory), and the rest that are largely involved with identifying processes. The first set need a view of the whole hierarchy, as each branch competes with all others. The second set need to see only the local branch, as limits in one branch can not affect usage in another. The third set don't really need the hierarchy at all — it might be useful, but its presence isn't intrinsic to the functionality.
The fact that several controllers create parallel hierarchies seems to be largely an implementation detail, though, as we will see next time, there may be a deeper conceptual issue underlying that.
The almost chaotic relationship between functionality and subsystems is most likely pointless historical accident. There is no clear policy statement concerning what justifies a new subsystem, so sometimes new functionality is added to an existing subsystem and sometimes it is provided as a brand new subsystem. The key issues that could inform such a policy statement are things we can be looking out for as our journey continues.
In the next installment, we will step back from all this fine detail and try to assemble a high level view of cgroups and their relationships. We will look at the hierarchical structures provided by cgroups and how those interact with the three core needs: sharing resources, limiting resource usage, and identifying processes.
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