An activism update from Europe
Since my last article for LWN on software patents, a lot has happened. Weeks of speculation and frenzied lobbying culminated in the EU Council passing a version of the software patent directive that permits software patents; the FFII has continued to lobby on and discuss the Council's position, whilst preparing for the EU elections and the new MEPs; and the Union for the Public Domain has begun to lobby the BBC to release its archives under a Creative Commons license. And as usual, there's plenty for European hackers to do!
Software patent news
To begin with software patents, on the 18th May the EU Council of Ministers
voted on the controversial software patent directive, passing with a narrow
majority a version that, according to the FFII, ensures that "software and
business methods ... are ... to be treated as patentable inventions
" (source).
This version of the directive removed all of the important amendments made
by Parliament in September 2003 that explicitly stated that software and
business methods cannot be patented. But despite this, many ministers
continued to reassure the public, and those considering rejecting the
directive, that it would not allow these things to be patented, describing
it as a "compromise". The key to understanding this dispute is that without
all of the amendments passed by Parliament in September 2003, the
directive could still allow software patents. But the Council's compromise
scrapped the first four amendments present in the Parliament's version, and
instead made a weak version of the fifth amendment that stated that a
technical contribution must be "new".
One member of the Committee of Permanent Representatives explicitly
described it as a
"compromise between Microsoft and Linux
". When I talked to
Dr Caroline Lucas MEP (Green, UK), she commented that:
It is worth noting that the Irish Presidency of the EU, due to expire next year, is sponsored by none other than Microsoft, amongst other companies. Furthermore, "almost 35% of Ireland's registered companies totaling 150,000 are non-resident" (source) due to tax exemption laws. "Over 40% of all PC package software and 60% of business applications software sold in Europe is produced in Ireland. US companies such as Microsoft, Lotus, Claris, Digital, Oracle, IBM and Novell contribute significantly to this growth" (source). It is clear where the interests of the Irish government lie.
So where do we go from here? The Parliament has already voted against software patents, and the Council has voted for software patents. In June, the Council must formally adopt their position, which is likely (but not certain) to happen (it may get delayed, or not happen at all). Assuming it does, the Parliament must then vote again on the directive, and pass their version with an absolute majority to overrule the decision of the Council. So the next step for activists - by which I mean any EU citizen with a pen, phone and/or e-mail client - is to get back to lobbying MEPs.
It is, or was, the EU elections on June 10th. If you're an EU citizen reading this in time, make sure you go to the polling booth, and bear in mind the MEPs' positions on software patents when you cross the boxes. You can find out how they voted in September with this handy page.
Once the election results come in, we'll need to start lobbying our new representatives, and continue with those that held their seats, to ensure Parliament votes against software patents again. When the directive comes up for a vote (perhaps by the end of this year), it will need an absolute majority to pass, whereas in the previous vote it only needed a majority from those actually voting. This means that we need to persuade more MEPs to actually vote, and more to vote against software patents. The most important thing is to send off that first letter, and to then follow it up. When writing your letter, you might find it useful to look at this guide to the key arguments, and also this page to find your MEPs' contact details. If they disagree, try to respond and show why they are wrong; if they agree with you, ask them to sign the FFII's Call for Action II.
If you've got a little more spare time (i.e. half an hour), and you'd like to do more than just write a letter, there's a nice project that you can get involved in that will introduce you to the world of lobbying proper. It involves phoning MEPs and asking them some questions, then sending the results back to the FFII, so they can build up a database both of MEPs' voting records and their stated positions. To join in this project, first read this handy guide, and then find the questionnaire itself here. Though the project started only as an elections tool, it will still be useful leading up to the vote, and it gives you a good chance to really make a big difference with a small amount of your time.
You should also try to contact your national government representatives. They will often have a lot of influence over the minsters who sit in the Council, and over their party's MEPs. Again, contact them by letter, and follow up appropriately. If they're supportive, ask them to sign the FFII's Call for National Governments.
We defeated software patents in Parliament last year. If we fail this time, we will not only see large corporations using patents against free software projects increasingly aggressively, but we will also miss an opportunity to affect the outcome of the debate in the US. A vote against software patents in Europe would send a strong message to legislators in the US, and provide a huge boon to the EFF's Patent Busting Project.
BBC Archives
In other news, there has been some development surrounding the BBC's promise to give the public full access to its archives online. When originally announced, then-director general Greg Dyke suggested that they would open up the full archives, but so far the only concrete plans have been to make available thousands of three minute clips from documentaries. After a launch reception in London, which Lawrence Lessig and the BBC Archive's project leader attended, the Friends of Creative Archive have launched a campaign to have the full archives released under a Creative Commons license.
The argument behind this position is a familiar one to anyone who follows Lessig's work, but at the risk of boring you, I'll run over them briefly. Innovation, particularly amongst more creative types like musicians, artists and filmmakers, depends upon being able to draw on culture and past creations. Culture is not just about passively consuming and creating entirely new works, but about remixing and building upon past creations. The more culture there is in the public domain, the more potential there is for new and interesting work to be made. So, the activists argue, as the BBC is funded by license payers for the benefit of the British public, it ought to release its archives for the benefit of the British public.
Having an open archive of this kind would provide two special benefits to the free software community. First, it would provide a large source of DRM-free, standards-compliant media so that whatever the rest of the industry does, we will always have a decent media resource available. Secondly, it will send out a strong signal throughout the industry and to governments that the principles of the free culture and free software movements should be taken seriously. It would be much harder for the media, hardware and software monopolists to impose proprietary standards on us if organisations as large as the BBC were publicly doing the opposite. Combined with the recent work on the Dirac codec, it could be the start of a healthy alliance between the BBC and the free software community.
The creation of a free creative archive seems like an obviously good idea, and one would hope that it would strike the BBC that way, but at the moment they've not had any input from the public on this issue. So if you'd like to encourage the BBC to adopt a Creative Commons license, rather than restricting access through DRM and nasty licenses, consider signing the Friends' letter here.
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GuestArticles | Chance, Tom |
Posted Jun 8, 2004 19:39 UTC (Tue)
by ctg (guest, #3459)
[Link] (1 responses)
Posted Jun 9, 2004 8:15 UTC (Wed)
by slowjoe (guest, #18834)
I _politely_ request that this article immediately become open-access.
Posted Jun 8, 2004 19:53 UTC (Tue)
by Ross (guest, #4065)
Posted Jun 8, 2004 20:25 UTC (Tue)
by ymmv (subscriber, #4375)
[Link] (3 responses)
Posted Jun 8, 2004 21:15 UTC (Tue)
by halla (subscriber, #14185)
[Link] (2 responses)
But then, even my own employer cannot wrap his mind around the reasons why software patents directly threaten him and his business.
Posted Jun 9, 2004 7:17 UTC (Wed)
by bbencic (guest, #9213)
[Link] (1 responses) In short, it is a website that ironically says :
Posted Jun 10, 2004 8:24 UTC (Thu)
by scglwn (guest, #1245)
Posted Jun 8, 2004 21:26 UTC (Tue)
by dmantione (guest, #4640)
[Link] (4 responses)
Posted Jun 9, 2004 7:09 UTC (Wed)
by bbencic (guest, #9213)
[Link] (3 responses)
If that is possible what will be the impact on the vote of the directive ?
Posted Jun 9, 2004 11:09 UTC (Wed)
by dmantione (guest, #4640)
Posted Jun 9, 2004 18:37 UTC (Wed)
by jeroen (guest, #12372)
[Link] (1 responses)
Every country can still change their vote in the council, although as far as we know it has never happened that a previous agreed on issue wasn't officially adopted later. The Dutch vote alone is not enough to do prevent the adoption, but it might set an example for other countries. If for example Germany or Poland change their vote too there isn't a qualified majority anymore. A few of the smaller countries will also do the job.
Posted Jun 10, 2004 7:26 UTC (Thu)
by bbencic (guest, #9213)
more info on If Netherlands and Poland change their vote this could change everything.
Posted Jun 9, 2004 7:44 UTC (Wed)
by Felix.Braun (guest, #3032)
[Link] (1 responses)
Thank you for an informative article! It is very rare that people get the intricacies of the European legislative process right (which probably contributes to the belief that the EP has no power). It is therefore too bad that the author makes a couple of unneccesary mistakes:
Posted Jun 10, 2004 11:22 UTC (Thu)
by telex4 (guest, #21370)
Posted Jun 10, 2004 2:00 UTC (Thu)
by serzan (subscriber, #8155)
Posted Jun 10, 2004 15:56 UTC (Thu)
by pdc (guest, #1353)
The Europarl web site is a wonderful example of an EU-produced site -- supposedly it is all about outreach to the European citizenty, but uses jargon and terminology only insiders can understand. See for an example of a political activism site designed to let ordinary people get an idea of what is going on.
Posted Jun 10, 2004 21:30 UTC (Thu)
by Klavs (guest, #10563)
I would like to contribute with the list of danish MEP's and their attitude towards software patents: All Danes - have a look at this thorough survey (and notice that "Social demokraterne" - the left wing) had not even bothered to answer the questions - whereas just about everyone on the right wing has. I know where I'll be voting.
...Until after June 10th. It would be nice to make this available to the It's a pity this article will have an audience restricted to subscribers...
widest possible audience - so to include as many EU voters as we can
_before_ the election. I'm sure subscribers are probably well informed
enough to have decided on how they will vote already..
As a subscriber, can I second this?It's a pity this article will have an audience restricted to subscribers...
Please consider posting a small blurb including the election date and theI agree
link to the voting database for non-subscribers to see before it is too late.
The Irish Presidency will expire at the end of June, not next year. Next will be the Netherlands.
An activism update from Europe
And that won't be much better... I was present at the demonstration in the Hague, and we were, very politely, told not to worry our little minds and go home in the comfortable assurance that our minister would take care of us, for us, by doing what was in our best interest, even if we didn't recognize it. An activism update from Europe
A little bit off-topic but what you say here remind me a website I justAn activism update from Europe
visited a few days ago ... (sorry, only for dutch speaking people)
"You do not need your right to vote. Just abandon it and go get some fun. Don't worry about the political problems (etc), somebody will take care of it for you ..."
It should be noted that is quite absurd. It is so absurd that it really sends the opposite message and forces the visitors to conclude that there are really good reasons to vote. And that is also the real purpose of the makers of that website (see the colofon).
An activism update from Europe
Something interresting is happening in .nl. Members of the NL-parliament did Netherlands might revoke their vote.
take notice of demonstrations in Den Haag just before minister Brinkhorst did
vote yes. However they did investigate the matter just after (there was only
working day between demonstration and sign day) the Netherlands had voted
The minister had informed the NL-parliament that there was no disagreement
between the EU-parliament and the comission in a letter and he would
therefore vote yes.
This was however far from the truth and now the NL-parliament is kind of
pissed off. The situation is ongoing at the moment. The minister has informed
that he had written the situation as it was to his knowledge. Obviously he was
a "little bit" mistaken.
It looks like the parliament will not aim for his head though (misinforming the
parliament is considered the worst mistake a minister can make and often costs
them there jobs), but there seems to be a majority to force the minister to
revoke his vote.
What does that mean ? That NL will try to change the vote they did duringNetherlands might revoke their vote.
the May-session ? Is that allowed ?
I'm not really at home in the exact procedures of the EU, but what I read it is Netherlands might revoke their vote.
still possible to change the vote and parliament is aiming at it.
The council position will probably not be adopted before september, the translation is behind schedule because of a shortage of translators, especially for the languages of the newly joined countries. The text has to be translated in every language before it can be adopted.Netherlands might revoke their vote.
I have read on the ffii website that Poland wasn't for the directive butNetherlands might revoke their vote.
as a qualified majority was reached before they could vote, something happened and their vote was considered as 'for the directive'
But, I do not think this will happen.
Do your research
Sorry about that. I knew about the Irish Presidency mistake, but stupidly missed it when Do your research
correcting my first draft. As for the election dates, that I didn't know, so I'm grateful for the
Greek users may want to have a look at the
greek activists' web site against software pantents in Europe.
Greek activists against software patents in Europe
Sadly unless you know who your MEP is, you will not be able to find them from either of the lists supplied. Neither is it possible to map the party groupings used in these lists to the parties MEPs are actually members of. I for one have never heard of these EED and VERTs and whatnot.This handy page
It seems this article has been made public - good LWN - as a paying reader I'm happy these kind of important news is made public :)An activism update from Europe