Ntrip Broadcaster Information

This page is maintained by BKG in support of RTCM's SC104 Ntrip Working Group. Its intention is to inform about the status of the emerging global network of GNSS NtripCasters. The information is generated from public NtripCaster sourcetables on the Internet. The following NtripCaster implementations are seen.

Caster IP:Port Operator Country Position Handles NMEA Input Comments
06-GPS ntrip.06-gps.nl:2101 06-GPS NLD 51.83,4.80 yes http://www.06-gps.nl
AGH gps1.geod.agh.edu.pl:2101 AGH-UST POL 50.01,19.92 no http://home.agh.edu.pl/~kraw
Agripos.de Alber Ingenieurvermessung GmbH DEU 48.68,9.22 yes http://www.alber-vermessung.de/
AGROS agros.rgz.gov.rs:2101 REPUBLIKA SRBIJA SRB 44.83,20.62 yes http://www.rgz.gov.rs/agros
APOS Austrian Positioning Service AUT 48.25,16.34 yes http://www.bev.gv.at
ASG-EUPOS system.asgeupos.pl:8082 ASG POL 50.25,19.00 yes http://www.asgeupos.pl
ASG-EUPOS system.asgeupos.pl:8083 ASG POL 50.25,19.00 yes http://www.asgeupos.pl
BANIAN banian.gouv.nc:8000 BANIAN NCL -22.26,166.44 yes http://www.dittt.gouv.nc/static/bgn/banian/banian.htm
BrandtNET ts1.brandtnet.com:2201 Brandt Industries Ltd CAN 50.50,349.50 yes https://www.brandt.ca/Divisions/Positioning-Technology/Brandtnet/Pages/default.aspx
CanNetAgriculture gps.can-net.ca:2399 Cansel GPS Network CAN 49.28,236.90 yes http://www.can-net.ca
CanNetEast gps.can-net.ca:2350 Cansel GPS Network CAN 49.28,236.90 yes http://www.can-net.ca
CanNetWest gps.can-net.ca:2300 Cansel GPS Network CAN 49.28,236.90 yes http://www.can-net.ca
Castilla y Leon ntrip.itacyl.es:2101 Instituto Tecnologico Agrario ESP 41.50,355.50 yes http://gnss.itacyl.es
CATNET-IP catnet-ip.icc.es:8080 ICC ESP 41.00,2.10 yes http://catnet-ip.icc.es
CDDIS caster.cddis.eosdis.nasa.gov:443 GSFC USA 38.99,283.14 no https://caster.cddis.eosdis.nasa.gov
CORSNET corsnet.nsw.gov.au:2102 CORSNET NEW SOUTH WALES AUS -33.96,151.11 no http://www.lpi.nsw.gov.au/
DigiFarm caster.godigifarm.com:2101 DigiFarm LLC USA 41.15,268.87 yes http://www.godigifarm.com/
EPOSA ntrip.eposa.at:2101 Wiener Netze GmbH AUT 48.10,16.20 yes http://www.eposa.at
ERVA-VALENCIA Cartographic Institute of Valencia ESP 39.46,359.67 yes http://icverva.icv.gva.es:8080
EUREF-IP-ASI euref-ip.asi.it:2101 ASI ITA 40.65,16.07 no http://www.e-geos.it
EUREF-IP-ROB www.euref-ip.be:2101 ROB BEL 50.48,4.21 no http://www.euref-ip.be/home
EUREF-IP euref-ip.net:2101 BKG DEU 50.12,8.69 no http://euref-ip.net/home
EUSKADI www.gps2.euskadi.net:2101 Euskadi GPS Network ESP 43.13,357.52 yes http://www.gps2.euskadi.net
FLEPOS flepos.vlaanderen.be:2101 Agentschap voor Geografische Informatie Vlaanderen BEL 51.05,3.73 yes https://overheid.vlaanderen.be/flepos-ntrip
Frednet caster.crs.inogs.it:2110 CRS/OGS ITA 46.03,13.25 no http://www.crs.inogs.it/frednet
GA-NTRIP ntrip.data.gnss.ga.gov.au:443 Geoscience Australia AUS -35.12,149.05 no https://gnss.ga.gov.au/stream
GEONET cgps-streaming.geonet.org.nz:8888 GeoNet New Zealand NZL -36.87,174.75 yes http://www.geonet.org.nz
GeotradeGNSS geotradegnss.hu:2101 Geotrade HUN 47.50,19.01 yes http://www.geotrade.hu
GFZ Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum DEU 52.41,13.06 no http://www.gfz-potsdam.de
GIPUZKOA Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia ESP 43.35,358.20 yes http://www.gipuzkoa.net
GPSVeneto Universita di Padova ITA 45.41,11.90 yes
GREF-IP gref-ip.de:2101 BKG DEU 50.12,8.69 no http://gref-ip.de/home
HEPOS www.hepos.gr:2101 Ktimatologio S.A. GRC 38.42,23.80 yes http://www.hepos.gr
HERMES Aristotle University of Thessaloniki GRC 40.30,22.50 no http://users.auth.gr/cpik/
HIVE hive.geosystems.aero:2101 Industrial Geodetic Systems RUS 57.14,65.56 yes http://hive.geosystems.aero/
HIVE hive.geosystems.aero:9091 Industrial Geodetic Systems RUS 57.14,65.56 yes http://hive.geosystems.aero/
HKLD landsd-gncaster.realtime.data.gov.hk/:2101 Hongkong Lands Department HKG 22.30,114.10 yes http://www.geodetic.gov.hk
HKLD landsd-gncaster.realtime.data.gov.hk:2101 Hongkong Lands Department HKG 22.30,114.10 yes http://www.geodetic.gov.hk
HPRTK caster.HPRTK.net:2111 HPRTK LLC USA 41.38,270.78 yes http://hprtk.net/
IBGE gps-ntrip.ibge.gov.br:2101 IGBE Diretoria de Geociencias BRA -22.91,316.78 no http://www.ibge.gov.br/english
IGNA ntrip.ign.gob.ar:2101 Instituto Geografico Nacional Argentina ARG -34.57,301.66 no http://www.ign.gob.ar
IGS RTS - UCAR COSMIC ntrip-ch.cosmic.ucar.edu:2101 COSMIC/CDAAC USA 40.03,254.76 no http://www.cosmic.ucar.edu/
IGS-IP-China ntrip.gnsslab.cn:2101 Wuhan University CHN 30.54,114.36 no http://ntrip.gnsslab.cn/home
IGS-IP-products products.igs-ip.net:2101 BKG DEU 50.12,8.69 no http://products.igs-ip.net/home
IGS-IP igs-ip.net:2101 BKG DEU 50.12,8.69 no http://igs-ip.net/home
IGSCB rt.igs.org:2101 IGS CENTRAL BUREAU USA 34.20,241.83 no http://www.igs.org
Instituto Geografico Nacional ergnss-ip.ign.es:2101 IGNE ESP 40.40,356.30 no http://www.fomento.es/ign
ItalPoS it.nrtk.eu:2101 SmartNet ItalPoS ITA 45.29,9.47 yes http://it.smartnet-eu.com/index.htm
JacobiNet Jacobi Sales, Inc. USA 38.41,273.88 yes http://www.jacobisales.com
KeyNetGPS vrs.keynetgps.com:2101 KeyNetGPS Inc. USA 40.61,284.51 yes http://www.keynetgps.com
KYCORS kycors.ky.gov:2101 Kentucky Transportation Cabinet USA 38.1,275.45 yes http://kycors.ky.gov/kynetwork
LitPOS VGTU LTU 54.72,25.34 yes http://www.litpos.lt
LNR NET (DGPS) ntrip.lnrnet.nl:3101 LNR Globalcom NLD 52.02,4.33 yes http://www.lnrglobalcom.nl
LNR NET (RTK) ntrip.lnrnet.nl:2101 LNR Globalcom NLD 52.02,4.33 yes http://www.lnrglobalcom.nl
LSB Land Survey Bureau TWN 25.03,121.63 yes http://www.lsb.gov.tw/en/index.htm
LVermGeoLSA www.sapos-lsa-ntrip.de:2101 Landesvermessung Sachsen-Anhalt DEU 51.98,11.88 yes http://www.lvermgeo.sachsen-anhalt.de/de/main.htm
LVVWD Las Vegas Valley Water District USA 36.20,245.00 yes http://www.lvvwd.com/html/eng_gps_position.html
MAKPOS makpos.katastar.gov.mk:9001 Real Estate Cadastre MKD 42.05,21.42 yes http://makpos.katastar.gov.mk
MGEX mgex.igs-ip.net:2101 BKG DEU 50.12,8.69 no http://mgex.igs-ip.net/home
MWRTK rtk.seilerinst.com:2101 Midwest RTK Networks USA 38.60,269.80 yes http://www.mwrtk.net/
NGDS ntrip.gpsdata.co.jp:80 Nippon GPS Data Service Corporation JPN 35.00,140.00 yes http://www.gpsdata.co.jp
NLS FGI FGI FIN 60.10,24.50 no http://euref-fin.fgi.fi/fgi/en/positioning-service
NLS FGI FGI FIN 60.10,24.50 no http://euref-fin.fgi.fi/fgi/en/positioning-service
NLS FGI FGI FIN 60.10,24.50 no http://euref-fin.fgi.fi/fgi/en/positioning-service
NRCan-Backup Natural Resources Canada CAN 45.33,284.66 no http://www.nrcan.gc.ca
NtripGNSSOnline ntrip.gnssonline.eu:2101 Alberding GmbH DEU 52.36,13.56 no https://www.alberding.eu/
NtripInfoCaster rtcm-ntrip.org:2101 BKG DEU 50.12,8.69 no http://rtcm-ntrip.org/home
OSNet ntrip1.os.co.uk:2101 Ordnance Survey GB GBR 51.53,359.02 yes https://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/business-and-government/products/os-net/
PositioNZ positionz-rt.linz.govt.nz:2101 Land Information New Zealand NZL -41.28,174.77 no https://positionz-rt.linz.govt.nz
ReNEP Territorial Directorate General DGT PRT 38.73,350.85 yes http://www.dgterritorio.pt/cartografia_e_geodesia/geodesia/redes_geodesicas/renep/
RGAPA Gobierno del Principado de Asturias ESP 43.46,354.18 no http://rgapa.cartografia.asturias.es
RGP-IP rgp-ip.ign.fr:2101 IGN FRA 48.82,2.42 no http://rgp.ign.fr
RTI ntrip.cors.us:2101 Rahall Transportation Institute USA 38.50,278.50 yes http://www.cors.us
SAPOS-BB www.sapos-bb-ntrip.de:2101 LVGBI DEU 52.23,13.08 yes http://www.geobasis-bb.de
SAPOS-BW www.sapos-bw-ntrip.de:2101 LVBW DEU 48.50,11.50 yes http://www.sapos-bw.de
SAPOS-BY www.sapos-by-ntrip.de:2101 BLVG DEU 48.50,11.50 yes http://sapos.bayern.de
SAPOS-Geonord www.sapos.geonord.de:2101 Landesvermessung HH und SH DEU 53.55,10.00 yes http://www.sapos.geonord.de
SAPOS-HE www.sapos-he-ntrip.de:2101 HLBG Hessen DEU 50.80,8.90 yes http://www.hvbg.hessen.de
SAPOS-MV www.sapos-mv-ntrip.de:2101 LVERMA-MV DEU 53.64,11.38 yes http://www.lverma-mv.de/sapos.htm/
SAPOS-NI www.sapos-ni-ntrip.de:2101 LGN DEU 52.40,9.75 yes http://www.lgn.niedersachsen.de
SAPOS-NW www.sapos-nw-ntrip.de:2101 Bezirksregierung Koeln GEObasis NRW DEU 51.30,6.70 yes http://www.bezreg-koeln.nrw.de
SAPOS-SN www.ntrip.sachsen.de:2101 LVASN DEU 51.04,13.45 yes http://www.landesvermessung.sachsen.de
SAPOS-TH www.sapos-th-ntrip.de:2101 TLVermA DEU 51.00,11.00 yes http://www.thueringen.de/de/tlvermgeo
SGO_GNCASTER FOMI HUN 47.79,19.27 yes http://www.gpsnet.hu
SKPOS www.skpos.gku.sk:2101 GKU Bratislava SVK 49.00,19.00 yes http://www.skpos.gku.sk
SLOVENIJA Surveying and mapping authority of the Republic of Slovenia SVN 46.06,14.51 yes http://www.gu-signal.si
SmartNetDK dk.nrtk.eu:10300 Leica Smartnet Denmark DNK 55.72,12.45 yes http://dk.smartnet-eu.com/index.htm
SmartNetUK uk.nrtk.eu:2101 Ordnance Survey GB GBR 51.53,359.02 yes http://smartnet.leica-geosystems.co.uk
SWEPOS DGNSS service dgnss-swepos.lm.se:2101 Lantmateriet SWE 60.67,17.13 yes https://swepos.lantmateriet.se/
swipos-GPSNet swisstopo CHE 46.90,7.50 yes http://www.swisstopo.admin.ch/internet/swisstopo/de/home/docu/pub/geodesy/swipos-news.html
TPOS Servizio Catasto ITA 46.09,11.12 yes http://www.catasto.provincia.tn.it
Trimble GPSNet Trimble Terrasat DEU 48.03,11.72 yes http://www.virtualrtk.com
TUSAGA General Command of Mapping TUR 39.95,32.90 yes http://cors-tr.iku.edu.tr
UCB tiburon.geo.berkeley.edu:2101 University of California, Berkeley USA 37.87,237.74 no http://seismo.berkeley.edu
UNAVCO rtgpsout.unavco.org:2101 UNAVCO Plate Boundary Observatory USA 40.00,254.70 no http://pboweb.unavco.org/?pageid=107
VESOG ntrip.pecny.cz:2101 GOP CZE 49.91,14.79 no http://www.pecny.cz/vesog/
VRSNEXT vrsnext.xyz:2101 VRS NEXT B.V. NLD 52.25,9.36 yes https://www.vrsnext.com
WizNET SiteWiz CAN 48.42,-123.41 yes http://www.sitewiztech.com/wiznet
WSRN www.wsrn.org:8080 Seattle Public Utility USA 47.50,237.50 yes http://www.wsrn.org

We try to keep this list up to date. Feel free to inform us about your NtripCaster's IP address and port in case you would like to see it listed above. For questions or comments please contact the Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG) in Frankfurt, Germany at igs-ip@bkg.bund.de.

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