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Urban Leader Letters

October 14, 2020

The Director notifies Urban Indian Organization Leaders about a comment period, open through October 21, to request input on the Indian Health Service COVID-19 Pandemic Vaccine Draft Plan. [PDF - 66 KB]

September 25, 2020

The Director initiates Urban Confer to seek input from Urban Indian Organization Leaders on COVID-19 vaccination planning for Indian Country. [PDF - 296 KB]

September 16, 2020

The Director writes to Tribal Leaders and Urban Indian Organization Leaders to provide updates regarding the Indian Health Service Resource and Patient Management System meeting the 2015 Edition Certification Requirements Published by the Office of the the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology. [PDF - 1.36 MB]

September 11, 2020

The Deputy Director writes to Tribal Leaders and Urban Indian Organization Leaders to announce the selection of the new Director for the Office of Urban Indian Health Programs. [PDF - 233 KB]

July 2, 2020

The Director writes to Urban Indian Organization Leaders to initiate Urban Confer on the use of approximately $30 million in offset and prior-year funds from the Special Diabetes Program for Indians. [PDF - 408 KB]

June 29, 2020

The Director writes to Urban Indian Organization Leaders to share the Indian Health Service fiscal year 2019 Urban Indian Health Budget Report. [PDF - 213 KB]

May 22, 2020

The Director writes to Tribal Leaders and Urban Indian Organization Leaders to request assistance in identifying priority health professions for inclusion into categories eligible for the IHS Scholarship Program in academic year 2021-2022 and the IHS Loan Repayment Program in fiscal year 2021. Priorities are due to the IHS Scholarship and Loan Repayment Programs by June 15, 2020. [PDF - 240 KB]

May 20, 2020

The Director writes to Tribal Leaders and Urban Indian Organization Leaders to provide several updates about the Special Diabetes Program for Indians. [PDF - 305 KB]

May 19, 2020

The Director writes to Tribal Leaders and Urban Indian Organization Leaders to announce distribution decisions for $750 million in new resources appropriated to the Department of Health and Human Services to support testing and testing related activities in American Indian and Alaska Native communities, authorized by the recent enactment of the Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act. [PDF - 394 KB]

April 23, 2020

The Director writes to Tribal Leaders and Urban Indian Organization Leaders in follow-up to the April 3, 2020, letter to announce the Indian Health Service final allocation decisions of the remaining resources, authorized by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, Public Law 116-36. [PDF - 341 KB]

April 3, 2020

The Principal Deputy Director writes to Tribal Leaders and Urban Indian Organization Leaders to announce the creation of a new Indian Health Service Opioid Grant Pilot Program. [PDF - 214 KB]

April 3, 2020

The Principal Deputy Director writes to Tribal Leaders and Urban Indian Organization Leaders to announce the availability of, and distribution decisions for, $600 million in new resources appropriated in the recently enacted Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act to address coronavirus prevention, preparedness, and response in American Indian and Alaska Native communities. [PDF - 266 KB]

March 27, 2020

The Principal Deputy Director writes to Tribal Leaders and Urban Indian Organization Leaders to announce the availability of and distribution decisions for $134 million in new resources to respond to coronavirus in American Indian and Alaska Native communities. [PDF - 243 KB]

March 20, 2020

The Principal Deputy Director updates Urban Indian Organization Leaders on the Agency's determination that Urban Indian Organizations are not eligible to participate in the national Community Health Aide Program expansion. [PDF - 323 KB]

March 4, 2020

The Principal Deputy Director writes to Tribal Leaders and Urban Indian Organization Leaders to provide an update on the Indian Health Service Special Diabetes Program for Indians (SDPI) for the current fiscal year and provide decisions regarding the next SDPI grant cycle. [PDF - 217 KB]