Keyboard shortcuts
Get around quick with the keyboard — here’s how.
These shortcuts help you quickly navigate between the main areas in HEY.
Action | Shortcut |
Imbox | 1 |
The Feed | 2 |
Paper Trail | 3 |
Reply Later | 4 |
Set Aside | 5 |
Bubble Up | 6 |
Calendar/Email toggle | 0 |
Search | s or / |
HEY menu | h or [meta] + j |
Help and support | ? |
These shortcuts work on the Imbox screen.
Action | Shortcut |
Write a new email | w |
Power Through New | o |
Bubbled Up | z |
These shortcuts work on any message screen.
Action | Shortcut |
Reply Now | r |
Move to Reply Later | l |
Move to Set Aside | a |
Bubble Up | z |
Forward | f |
Label | b |
Move | v |
Trash | t |
See more | > (press shift + . to expand message previews) |
Bulk actions are supported in the main boxes: The Imbox, The Feed,
Paper Trail, Set Aside, Reply Later, and Bubble Up.
Action | Shortcut |
Select row | x |
Next row | j or down arrow |
Previous row | k or up arrow |
Open thread | Enter |
Focus the bulk actions menu | ; |
Move to Reply Later | l |
Move to Set Aside | a |
Bubble Up | z |
Mark Unseen | u |
Move to Imbox | i |
Move to Paper Trail | p |
Move to The Feed | d |
Read Together | o |
Reply Together | r |
Add to label | b |
Add to Collection | n |
Add a sticky | y |
Merge | g |
Ignore | - |
Trash | t |
These shortcuts work on HEY Calendar.
Action | Shortcut |
Back to HEY Email | 0 |
Today | t |
This week | y |
Switch to the week view | u |
New event | n |
Search | s or / |
Habits | b |
Time tracking | l |
Journal | j |
Write in your Journal (Day view) | w |
Previous day | Left arrow |
Next day | Right arrow |
These shortcuts work on every pop-up menu in HEY.
Action | Shortcut |
Open a menu | Enter or Space |
Next menu item | Down arrow |
Previous menu item | Up arrow |
Clear input text | Esc |
Close menu | Esc (second press if the input contains text) |
Close menu and focus next element on the page | Tab |