Our Commitment

Instructure’s Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) Report

Welcome to Instructure's inaugural ESG Report! Dive into our commitment to sustainability, community support, and ethical practices.

Join us on this journey—we'll be sharing our progress annually as we work towards a more responsible future.

Our Path to Positive Change

Fostering Sustainability and Social Impact

As an organization, we're passionate about our responsibility to the planet. We're actively working to create a more sustainable future through initiatives aimed at reducing our environmental footprint, embracing renewable resources, and minimizing waste. Our commitment doesn't stop there; we're equally devoted to fostering social change. From investing in education and diversity programs to supporting local communities, we strive to make a meaningful difference where it matters most.

This inaugural report marks the beginning of an ongoing journey. We're committed to providing annual updates sharing our progress, setbacks, and lessons learned along the way. Join us as we navigate this path toward greater transparency, accountability, and a brighter, more sustainable future for all.


Business and ESG Highlights


global customers




system uptime


concurrent users