This policy establishes how the National Hurricane Center/Tropical
Prediction Center will use information we gather about you from your visit
to our website. The privacy of our customers is of utmost importance to the
If you visit the NHC website...
To read or download information with a web browser:
We collect and log information from our webservers for statistical purposes.
For example, we count the number of visitors to the different sections of
our site. This helps us make the site more useful to visitors. The
information collected is limited to the information logged by our
We do not set or use browser "cookies" in any form or fashion at the NHC
Browser "cookies" are records stored by webservers on a client's computer.
Cookies are often used to record information about a user's visit to a
To send us an E-mail:
By sending us an electronic mail message, you may be sending us personal
information (e.g., name, address, E-mail address). We may store the name and
address of the requester in order to respond to the request or to otherwise
resolve the subject matter of your E-mail. At most this data is held for
six months, then deleted.
To register for the automated tropical cyclone advisory email:
To register for our advisory email, we ask visitors to fill out an on-line
registration form. We require only that a valid email address be used to
register. This information is stored on the email server. No copies of your
email address are made other than backups of the email server software. Your
email registration is not made available to any other systems. We calculate
statistical information such as total number of subscribers from the
subscriber lists, but no individual information is included in these
reports. Individual subscribers control their subscriptions to the service,
and their email address is automatically deleted from the system when they
cancel their subscriptions. Only active subscriber email addresses are kept
on the server. No long-term records of deleted subscribers are kept.
We want to be very clear on this: regardless of the information being
transmitted to the NHC, we will protect all such information consistent
with applicable law.
Last updated June 19, 2001