folk music
noun as in traditional songs and music
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The Russians were annoyed that the subject was Ukraine; the Ukrainians were offended by Copland’s Americanization of their folk music and by Ira Gershwin’s lyrics.
The singer and songwriter who helped popularize folk music in the 1960s died of bladder cancer at his home in New York.
Was he supposed to be betrothed to him forever, and be a mantlepiece for folk music until his death?
A racial reckoning with the black roots of American folk music, its 27 tracks embrace everything from line-dancing to psychedelic rock, with guest appearances from Dolly Parton, Willie Nelson and Post Malone.
Phillips’ take on Dylan and the folk music scene of 1960s New York arrives when the film opens on Christmas Day.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.