About the Logic Pro for Mac Trial
Find out more about the Logic Pro Trial
Is there a trial version of Logic Pro available?
Yes, you can download a free 90-day trial
When do the 90 days of the trial start?
Your free trial will expire 90 days after you open the application for the first time.
Where can I purchase Logic Pro from when the 90-day trial expires?
Logic Pro is available exclusively from the Mac App Store. You can also get Logic Pro if you purchase the Pro Apps Bundle for Education
Will the projects I've created in the Logic Pro trial version work in the purchased version of Logic Pro?
Yes, all projects created in the trial version can be opened and will be fully functional in a subsequently purchased version of Logic Pro.
Does the Logic Pro trial have any limitations?
The only limitation is the 90-day time period.
What are the features and system requirements for Logic Pro?
The Logic Pro trial is fully functional and includes the entire Logic Pro sound library. Find out all you need to know about the features in Logic Pro and about Logic Pro system requirements.
After I've purchased Logic Pro from the Mac App Store or the trial has expired, what should I do with the Logic Pro trial application?
You can remove the Logic Pro trial after it has expired. To delete the Logic Pro trial, locate the app in the Applications folder in the Finder, drag the app to the Bin, then choose Finder > Empty Bin.
You can also remove any Sound Library content you may have downloaded. Choose About This Mac from the Apple menu, click Storage, then click the Manage button for your system storage drive. Content for Logic Pro (as well as other music creation apps, including GarageBand and MainStage) is listed in the Music Creation section. You can view the capacity of the Instrument Library and Apple Loops library and delete each of these items. If you delete content you've downloaded with Logic Pro, you may have to download the content again to use it with GarageBand.
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