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Humor – DAYTON, OH - A day of web surfing poetically ended just as it began Monday, when a random string of links brought area man Howard Nagel back to the same Facebook page on which he started nine hours earlier.
Humor – Banta Strikes Back!!! Banta Singh walks into a bar in Ludhiana & orders three glasses of Beer and sits in the back of the room, drinking a sip out of each one in turn. When he finishes them, he comes back to the…
Humor – How would your favourite celebrities look like if they were to gain 250 pound?Take a look at.......
Humor – - The journey of a thousand miles begins with a broken fan belt and a leaky tire. - It's always darkest before dawn. So if you're going to steal the neighbor's newspaper, that's the time to do it.
Humor – Latest collection of funny sms messages (Page#2) -- >http://sm...
Humor – 1. Clear large space on table for wrapping present. 2. Go to closet and collect bag in which present is contained, and shut door. 3. Open door and remove cat from closet.
Humor – These People truly deserve to be called Idiots
Humor – Sure, you can pay $200 for a "coffee colonic" in a Manhattan spa, or you can do it yourself in the privacy of your bathtub. Hilarious and unquestionably dangerous.
Humor – This is one of the funniest pranks and requires nothing but a friend
Humor – Use it in the bed, use it on the net. This is one of the best pics for Firefox, it's cool, funny...
Humor – Some joker doesn;t seem to like LiLo too much. They placed a Lost dog flyer outside Paris' home with? Lindsay Lohan's face and details on it.
Humor – And some guys still manage to live a day worse than this.
Humor – So finally the secret of the lost eye is revealed!
Humor – Humor is a terrific stress-reducer and antidote to all manner of upsets.Good eating and drinking habits, regular sleep patterns are helpful in reducing stress. Laughter relaxes the body muscles and increases oxygen…
Humor – Imagine uma conferÃ;ªncia mundial, com vÃ;¡rios chefes de Estado. Cada um deles querendo provar que Jesus, na verdade, nasceu em seu respectivo paÃ;Âs! O debate comeÃ;§ou com a apresentaÃ;§Ã;£o de evid&Ati;
Humor – The Navajo people are a proud people who are one with nature. So much can be gained by their wisdom.
Humor – title says it all!
Humor – All she wants is a little huggy!
Humor – Best prank ever!
Humor – crazy asians having extreme fun by flying people through the air!
Humor – Humor - do you are your other half communicate effectively or are you constantly at odds? How can you find the right words to give just the right message and not be mis-understood?
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Humor – You have to love that this guy can keep a straight face while being steadily prank called for over five minutes. He keeps up a one sided conversation all the while. Hilarious
Humor – The progress of Man from Prehistoric to Post Fast Food..
Humor – Whatever could go wrong did go wrong. It was caught on video and we have it here on our wedding video bloopers.
Comment posted to Atheists in South Carolina
“Ricky Dawkins you say you have morals, where do...”
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