The Department of Commerce is committed to providing a safe, professional, and productive environment for all employees. The Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002 (No FEAR Act) requires Federal agencies to become more vigilant with respect to violations that may occur as a result of antidiscrimination and whistleblower protection laws.
The No FEAR Act requires Federal agencies to train their employees every two (2) years to ensure that DOC employees understand the Act and other laws making discrimination and retaliation in the workplace illegal. This mandatory training requirement is intended only for Federal employees who, for purposes of the Act, are defined as individuals employed in or under a Federal agency. Both career and political employees fall within this definition of a Federal employee.
Commerce employees should access the No FEAR Act Training by logging into their Commerce Learning Account at Navigate to your transcript and find the curriculum titled 2019-2010 No FEAR Act Training. Click on the Open Curriculum button to the right of the curriculum's title. Inside the curriculum, there is an inline course and an accessible document. You must choose to complete one of the training options inside this curriculum to be marked as complete for this training.
System Issues:
If you encounter any technical difficulties launching and/or completing the training, please go to, and click the 24x7 live support button. If you continue experiencing problems in the CLC, please contact your Servicing Human Resources Office’s training department or appropriate CLC administrator for your bureau.
Course Content:
If you have questions about the content of the No FEAR Act training, please contact the Office of Civil Rights at [email protected].