Message from the Chair and Vice Chair:

The David Barsky, M.D. Endowed Chair Professor and Chairman

Vice Dean Research and Graduate Programs
Welcome to the Department of Ophthalmology, Visual and Anatomical Sciences (OVAS)
The Department (merged in 2018) is comprised of basic scientists and clinical faculty, administrative staff, research scientists, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate students involved in research, education, health care and service activities that support the School of Medicine and University.
Research encompasses major areas of Vision and Neurosciences, focusing on the retina, and other areas of the brain and spinal cord; infectious disease of the cornea and retina is also a strong area of research. Investigators employ state of the art cellular and molecular approaches to the understanding of human disease mechanisms. Read full message
- Wayne State University research to help better understand critical cell biological processes that may lead to new disease treatments
- Ryan Thummel, Ph.D., named interim associate dean of Research and Graduate Programs
- Detroit researchers find new clues in causes of vision loss in various ocular diseases that may lead to new treatments
- Doctoral candidate Mizumi Setia wins top prize from Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology