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- We compute the average of the monthly flows to transform the monthly time series into quarterly data. In line with Fern andez-Villaverde (2010) we compute the real wages by deflating the relative nominal series by the consumer price index. The inflation rate is computed as the quarter on quarter log differences in the Consumer Price Index. Finally, the series of the real GDP, the employment and the real wages are made stationary by the ï¬Ârst-difference transformation. Prior Dist. Post. Dist. Model A Post. Dist. Model B Post. Dist. Model C Post. Dist. Model D Post. Dist. Model E Par. Dist. Mean (S. D.) Mode (S. D.) Mean 5% 95% Mode (S. D.) Mean 5% 95% Mode (S. D.) Mean 5% 95% Mode (S. D.) Mean 5% 95% Mode (S.
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