- , where wt is the wage. Normalizing labor supply to unity, the wage if no labor is used for coal extraction is wt = (1 â Î â Î) Yt.5 The ïve-year average of coal prices between 2005 and 2009 is $74/ton.6 Under the assumption that taxes currently are negligible and that the coal market is competitive, the price reïects the marginal carbon extraction cost. Using the yearly world (PPP-adjusted) GDP of 75 trillion US$ and a period length of a decade, we obtain Ac 0 by dividing (1 â Î â Î) Yt by the carbon extraction cost per Gigaton as Ac t = (1 â 0.3 â 0.03) 750 1012 74 109 = 6791/GtC. Thus, a share 1 6791 of a decadeâs labor supply is required for each Gt of coal extracted.
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