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- Source: Survey on micro and small enterprises in Uganda, waves 2013-2017, own calculations. Notes: Column (1) provides the correlation between all single constraints and investments, controlling for socio-economic characteristics of the business owner and characteristics of the firm. Based on the full model in Column (1), the following columns gradually remove the constraint with the highest p-value. Cells with grey background color indicate which specific variable has been removed in a specific column. Column (15) thus provides the final model with significant constraints. Standard errors in parentheses. Standard errors clustered at firm level. â p < 0.1, ââ p < 0.05, âââ p < 0.01.
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- Source: Survey on micro and small enterprises in Uganda, waves 2013-2017, own calculations. Notes: Columns (1)-(16) provide the correlation between each single constraint and investments. The estimation in Column (17) includes all constraints which have negative and significant effects on investments in the previous estimations where each constraint is included individually. In each Column it is controlled for the full set of socio-economic characteristics of the business owner and characteristics of the firm. Full estimation results are reported in Appendix Table A.4. Standard errors in parentheses. Standard errors clustered at firm level. â p < 0.1, ââ p < 0.05, âââ p < 0.01.
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- Source: Survey on micro and small enterprises in Uganda, waves 2013-2017, own calculations. Notes: The table provides a heterogeneity analysis by business characteristics. The estimates provided are for the sample divided by: industry (Columns (2) -(9)), whether the business owner is an own-account worker (Columns (10) -(11)), firm age (Columns (12) -(13)), and whether the business is registered (Columns (14) -(15)). Standard errors clustered at firm level. â p < 0.1, ââ p < 0.05, âââ p < 0.01.
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- Source: Survey on micro and small enterprises in Uganda, waves 2013-2017, own calculations. Notes: The table provides a heterogeneity analysis by socio-economic characteristics of the business owner. The estimates provided are for the sample divided by: marital status (Columns (2) -(3)), age (Columns (4) -(7)), cognitive ability (Columns (8) -(9), median split), whether the business owner plans an investment (Columns (10) -(11)), and by business experience (Columns (12) -(13), median split). Standard errors in parentheses. Standard errors clustered at firm level. â p < 0.1, ââ p < 0.05, âââ p < 0.01. Table A.8: Heterogeneity Analysis: Business Characteristics (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) Dependent Variable: Investment Industry Own-account Firm age Registered All Services M-print M-text M-rem O
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- The last row gives the attrition rate. For example in 2014, 9 percent of firms observed in 2013 are not in the survey any more.
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