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- Treatment date n. of subjects n. of periods n. of matches Fine 31/05/2007 32 26 6 04/06/2007 32 27 2 14/12/2007 32 25 3 Leniency 04/06/2007 32 25 2 05/06/2007 32 26 3 08/06/2007 32 22 3 L-Faire 30/05/2007 32 23 4 No-Report 14/12/2007 32 27 5
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Von Lampe, K. and P. Johansen (2004). Organized Crime and Trust: On the Conceptualization and Empirical Relevance of Trust in the Context of Criminal Networks. Global Crime 6(2), 159–184. B Material intended for an online Appendix B.1 Experimental Sessions The table below provides additional details about each session: when and where they were conducted, the number of subjects in each session, and the number of periods and matches.