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- Following Bellows and Miguel’s (2009) application of Altonji et al.’s (2005) methodology, taking the ratio of (16) over the difference in the probability limits (12)-(16) under the null hypothesis βa = 0 yields: plim ˆβa,C ˆβa,NC − ˆβa,C = θa δa − θa The numerator on the right-hand side is the partial correlation between academic schooling Sa and ˜u, the remaining selection term after including the controls X. The denominator is this term subtracted from the partial correlation between academic schooling Sa and u, the selection term that includes the controls X. If the denominator is small relative to the numerator and the controls X are representative of all possible controls,46 then the selection term remaining after controls are included (˜u) is not likely to be an important source of inconsistency for βa.
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- The assumptions used to arrive at (17) are admittedly restrictive. In particular, the assumptions that δv = θv = 0 are potentially problematic, as they require that vocational schooling Sv is unrelated to the unobservables u and Ëœu that determine selection into academic schooling. (The assumption θX = 0 is not problematic, as it follows from the deï¬nition of a linear projection.) Nonetheless, these assumptions are required to arrive at the familiar omitted variables bias formula when there are more than two regressors, and are therefore often invoked (Wooldridge 2001, p. 62).
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- This derivation of omitted variable bias follows Wooldridge (2001) closely. u = δaSa + δvSv + r (10) Substituting (10) into (9) yields: y = (βa + γδa)Sa + (βv + γδv)Sv + γr + (11) Written in this form, the familiar omitted variables bias formula for ˆβa follows: plim ˆβa,NC = βa + γδa (12) where the subscript NC denotes “no controls.†Now suppose there is a set of controls X that is related to the selection term u in the following way: u = XβX + ˜u The availability of these controls allows me to rewrite the model as: y = βaSa + βvSv + γ(XβX + ˜u) + (13) Analogously to (10), write the linear projection of the omitted variable ˜u on the observables as: ˜u = θaSa + θvSv + XθX + ν (14) Substituting (14) into (13) yields the counterparts to (11) and (12): y = (βa + γθa)Sa + (βv + γθv)Sv + X(βX + γθX) + γν + (15) plim ˆβa,C = βa + γθa (16) where C refers to the model with controls.
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