Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 06:53:40 -0700 (MST) From: (Daniel Long) Subject: 2.5m obslog 20020113 (MJD 52288) APACHE POINT OBSERVATORY SDSS 2.5M OBSERVING LOG Sunday January 13, 2002 (MJD 52288) ---=== OBSERVING TEAM ===--- Mike Harvanek (APO) Dan Long (APO) ---=== OBSERVING PLAN ===--- Science! ---=== OBSERVING SUMMARY ===--- Photometric all night. Variable seeing. Three strips (or portions thereof) imaged: Run 2886, 82 S, good lambdas -164 to -123 Run 2887, 30 S, good lambdas -64 to -53 and -45 to -19 Run 2888, 30 N, good lambdas -64 to -43 One plate (520) completed. ---=== OBSERVING LOG ===--- During afternoon checkout, crate 2 had to be rebooted for tapeLoad to work (id 5 was hung up). The ptvme link was ok and was not the reason for the reboot. Craig guessed that the operating system on id 5 had been corrupted. Rebooting the crate solved the problem. It was also discovered during afternoon checkout that the inside handle on the PT dome door no longer opened the door. An APO problem report was filed. It was clear at sunset and so we began with imaging (82 S, good lambdas = -164 to -123). The entire scan was obtained in good seeing but twilight did not end until frame 53 (lambda=-164). Astroline was unhappy with ccd 51 for the entire scan. The next scan (30 S, good lambdas = -64 to -53 and -45 to -19) had a stretch of bad seeing in the middle (frames 80 to 130, lambdas -53 to -45) but most of scan was done in good/acceptable seeing. After frame 310 (lambda -19) everything had bad seeing. Astroline was happy with ccd 51 by frame 11. This scan was stopped due to bad seeing and we went to another part of the sky in search of better seeing. The next scan (30 N, good lambdas = -64 to -43) had good seeing for a while but everything after frame 150 (lambda -43) had bad seeing. We finally abandoned imaging and switched to spectroscopy around 1030. When combined with the previously existing data, plate 520 (cartridge 5) was finished in two exposures. However, since there were no other plates that could be observed this late in the night, we took 2 additional exposures and obtained some bonus photons. Guide stars were found on the gotField. We had an axisDtime error; see the problem section for details. The cloud camera required filling after 6 hours; last night the fill lasted for 7 hours. The entire night was photometric but the seeing varied from 1 to 3 arcsecs with most of the night better than 1.5 arcsecs. endNight was running as this was written. ---=== IMAGING RUN SUMMARY ===--- Run Stripe Flavor Lambda Last Begin End Frame Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------ 2884 100 O ignore 173.25 -184.26 31 doghouse 2885 100 O bias -173.51 -168.34 48 on telescope 2886 82 S science -170.79 -122.48 336 2887 30 S science -64.00 -11.03 364 2888 30 N science -64.34 -28.99 247 ---=== IMAGING RUN DETAILS ===--- Run 2886 (82 S, scanned lambdas -170 to -123, good lambdas -164 to -123): - pointing, focus, seeing good from the start - science starting at frame 53 (lambda=-164) when twilight ended - astroline unhappy with ccd 51 for the entire scan Run 2887 (30 S, scanned lambdas -64 to -11, good lambdas -64 to -53, -45 to -19): - pointing, focus, seeing good from the start - stretch of bad seeing for frames 80 to 130 (lambdas -53 to -45) - everything after frame 310 (lambda -19) had bad seeing Run 2888 (30 N, scanned lambdas -64 to -29, good lambdas -64 to -43): - pointing, focus, seeing good from the start - weird electronic? noise in frame 46 ccd 15 probably related to the bright star in the frame - everything after frame 150 (lambda -43) had bad seeing ---=== SKIPPY RESULTS ===--- Run Frame nFrames stars muErr muRms nuErr nuRms rot --------------------------------------------------------------- 2886 12 4 42 2.200 0.095 -5.100 0.105 0.00704 2886 20 4 47 2.700 0.113 -4.800 0.107 0.00685 2886 55 4 50 1.600 0.109 -4.400 0.119 0.00738 2886 89 4 33 2.000 0.129 -4.100 0.127 0.00706 2886 124 4 56 3.800 0.141 -3.900 0.121 0.00703 2886 157 4 58 2.300 0.092 -3.600 0.137 0.00757 2886 193 4 66 3.300 0.121 -3.100 0.145 0.00740 2886 226 4 55 3.700 0.802 -2.900 0.581 0.00721 2886 261 4 56 3.800 0.102 -2.800 0.114 0.00735 2886 296 4 37 3.200 0.085 -2.800 0.117 0.00719 2887 11 4 160 0.100 0.119 -4.600 0.176 0.00505 2887 20 4 163 0.200 0.143 -4.300 0.220 0.00487 2887 53 4 119 0.400 0.133 -3.500 0.149 0.00517 2887 89 4 127 2.400 0.140 -2.600 0.170 0.00441 2887 122 4 117 1.300 0.407 -1.500 0.507 0.00275 2887 158 4 86 1.500 0.269 -0.700 0.205 0.00286 2887 192 4 63 2.300 0.143 0.200 0.137 0.00229 2887 226 4 39 0.900 0.160 0.900 0.127 0.00079 2887 261 4 60 1.200 0.136 1.300 0.089 0.00005 2887 295 4 51 1.000 0.140 2.000 0.121 -0.00133 2887 331 4 57 1.000 0.181 1.800 0.188 -0.00116 2888 14 4 148 1.200 0.152 -3.500 0.126 0.01058 2888 20 4 141 1.300 0.197 -3.400 0.344 0.00985 2888 54 4 121 -0.600 0.106 -2.700 0.147 0.00870 2888 89 4 134 -0.900 0.133 -1.600 0.132 0.00669 2888 124 4 112 -0.300 0.608 -0.800 0.677 0.00279 2888 158 4 71 -0.800 0.146 -0.500 0.180 0.00167 2888 192 4 73 -0.700 0.175 -0.700 0.183 0.00010 2888 227 4 27 -1.800 0.164 0.000 0.210 -0.00108 2888 235 4 24 -2.200 0.171 0.200 0.308 -0.00276 2888 235 4 24 -2.200 0.171 0.200 0.308 -0.00276 2888 235 4 24 -2.200 0.171 0.200 0.308 -0.00276 2888 235 4 24 -2.200 0.171 0.200 0.308 -0.00276 2888 235 4 24 -2.200 0.171 0.200 0.308 -0.00276 2888 235 4 24 -2.200 0.171 0.200 0.308 -0.00276 2888 235 4 24 -2.200 0.171 0.200 0.308 -0.00276 2888 235 4 24 -2.200 0.171 0.200 0.308 -0.00276 2888 235 4 24 -2.200 0.171 0.200 0.308 -0.00276 ---=== LTMATCH RESULTS ===--- Run Field nFields nGood rowMean rowSig colMean colSig rot --------------------------------------------------------------- 2886 30 1 17 -1.236 1.250 -2.000 2.013 0.00673 2886 30 1 15 -1.069 1.079 -2.122 2.151 0.00714 2886 30 1 13 -0.960 0.977 -2.143 2.154 0.00720 2886 30 1 11 -0.955 0.968 -2.272 2.281 0.00764 2886 30 1 13 -0.889 0.895 -2.280 2.290 0.00766 2886 65 1 11 -1.185 1.190 -2.223 2.227 0.00747 2886 65 1 9 -0.881 0.899 -2.263 2.271 0.00761 2886 65 1 22 -0.789 0.796 -2.163 2.168 0.00727 2886 65 1 16 -0.589 0.620 -2.183 2.190 0.00734 2886 65 1 18 -0.414 0.440 -2.192 2.203 0.00737 2886 100 1 9 -0.874 0.921 -2.500 2.501 0.00840 2886 100 1 22 -0.678 0.696 -2.503 2.504 0.00841 2886 100 1 18 -0.576 0.583 -2.505 2.511 0.00842 2886 100 1 10 -0.509 0.524 -2.769 2.771 0.00931 2886 100 1 11 -0.240 0.265 -2.650 2.653 0.00891 2886 133 1 10 -1.287 1.303 -2.607 2.611 0.00877 2886 133 1 19 -1.153 1.166 -2.702 2.709 0.00908 2886 133 1 8 -1.170 1.190 -2.873 2.879 0.00966 2886 133 1 13 -0.710 0.754 -3.040 3.048 0.01022 2886 133 1 9 -0.639 0.682 -3.053 3.064 0.01026 2886 168 1 17 -1.123 1.133 -2.387 2.393 0.00802 2886 168 1 19 -0.916 0.923 -2.494 2.501 0.00839 2886 168 1 20 -0.717 0.743 -2.285 2.292 0.00768 2886 168 1 14 -0.477 0.524 -2.224 2.227 0.00748 2886 168 1 10 -0.277 0.325 -2.015 2.019 0.00677 2886 203 1 19 -1.013 1.034 -2.481 2.493 0.00834 2886 203 1 18 -0.763 0.785 -2.534 2.543 0.00852 2886 203 1 18 -0.466 0.517 -2.504 2.520 0.00842 2886 203 1 18 -0.412 0.483 -2.488 2.506 0.00836 2886 203 1 19 -0.289 0.377 -2.508 2.534 0.00843 2886 238 1 11 -1.008 1.025 -2.553 2.561 0.00858 2886 238 1 13 -0.896 0.916 -2.691 2.700 0.00905 2886 238 1 16 -0.689 0.706 -2.709 2.719 0.00911 2886 238 1 15 -0.489 0.528 -2.670 2.679 0.00898 2886 238 1 14 -0.381 0.426 -2.793 2.796 0.00939 2886 271 1 18 -0.877 0.893 -2.354 2.358 0.00791 2886 271 1 20 -0.693 0.719 -2.535 2.542 0.00852 2886 271 1 27 -0.599 0.626 -2.733 2.741 0.00919 2886 271 1 11 -0.332 0.381 -2.647 2.652 0.00890 2886 271 1 20 -0.409 0.454 -2.852 2.859 0.00959 2886 307 1 9 -1.130 1.156 -2.337 2.348 0.00786 2886 307 1 17 -0.814 0.869 -2.524 2.528 0.00849 2886 307 1 18 -0.478 0.604 -2.483 2.501 0.00835 2886 307 1 14 -0.527 0.603 -2.217 2.234 0.00745 2886 307 1 14 -0.362 0.424 -2.199 2.214 0.00739 2887 29 1 53 -0.468 0.602 -0.361 0.585 0.00121 2887 29 1 43 -0.410 0.599 -0.442 0.575 0.00149 2887 29 1 44 -0.409 0.587 -0.587 0.749 0.00197 2887 29 1 41 -0.209 0.440 -0.671 0.801 0.00226 2887 29 1 48 -0.070 0.353 -0.548 0.773 0.00184 2887 63 1 37 -0.058 0.263 0.052 0.193 -0.00017 2887 63 1 47 0.079 0.312 0.143 0.193 -0.00048 2887 63 1 41 -0.080 0.312 0.230 0.329 -0.00077 2887 63 1 44 0.005 0.339 0.188 0.305 -0.00063 2887 63 1 46 -0.076 0.263 0.178 0.319 -0.00060 2887 99 1 21 -0.735 0.777 0.235 0.402 -0.00079 2887 99 1 31 -0.369 0.465 0.153 0.471 -0.00052 2887 99 1 31 -0.444 0.539 0.102 0.446 -0.00034 2887 99 1 16 -0.272 0.417 -0.096 0.384 0.00032 2887 99 1 27 -0.066 0.343 -0.005 0.493 0.00002 2887 132 1 15 -1.701 1.752 0.519 0.622 -0.00174 2887 132 1 20 -1.346 1.369 -0.100 0.314 0.00034 2887 132 1 21 -1.254 1.278 -0.297 0.397 0.00100 2887 132 1 19 -0.854 0.925 -0.493 0.647 0.00166 2887 132 1 22 -0.530 0.575 -0.231 0.324 0.00078 2887 168 1 19 -0.980 0.993 0.047 0.354 -0.00016 2887 168 1 28 -1.039 1.052 -0.095 0.360 0.00032 2887 168 1 17 -0.875 0.926 0.198 0.310 -0.00067 2887 168 1 26 -0.756 0.793 0.442 0.497 -0.00148 2887 168 1 16 -0.397 0.466 0.343 0.426 -0.00115 2887 201 1 14 -1.597 1.613 0.410 0.639 -0.00138 2887 201 1 12 -1.774 1.785 0.246 0.423 -0.00083 2887 201 1 16 -1.102 1.149 0.189 0.394 -0.00063 2887 201 1 12 -0.867 0.926 0.358 0.554 -0.00120 2887 201 1 16 -0.811 0.849 0.417 0.536 -0.00140 2887 236 1 9 -1.134 1.153 0.255 0.487 -0.00086 2887 236 1 9 -0.976 0.992 0.151 0.238 -0.00051 2887 236 1 10 -0.787 0.826 0.071 0.354 -0.00024 2887 236 1 12 -0.410 0.462 0.259 0.336 -0.00087 2887 236 1 12 -0.083 0.205 0.156 0.220 -0.00052 2887 272 1 16 -1.259 1.275 0.767 0.787 -0.00258 2887 272 1 15 -0.940 0.971 0.752 0.776 -0.00253 2887 272 1 14 -1.066 1.085 0.614 0.643 -0.00206 2887 272 1 20 -0.776 0.837 0.716 0.765 -0.00241 2887 272 1 13 -0.578 0.630 0.743 0.760 -0.00250 2887 306 1 10 -1.476 1.575 0.621 0.727 -0.00209 2887 306 1 6 -1.014 1.054 0.417 0.574 -0.00140 2887 306 1 12 -1.355 1.435 0.519 0.562 -0.00175 2887 306 1 14 -0.945 1.062 0.713 0.789 -0.00240 2887 306 1 15 -1.132 1.198 0.838 0.871 -0.00282 2887 341 1 8 -2.339 2.363 1.490 1.547 -0.00501 2887 341 1 11 -2.391 2.404 1.544 1.648 -0.00519 2887 341 1 12 -2.149 2.160 1.078 1.329 -0.00363 2887 341 1 6 -2.040 2.063 1.090 1.438 -0.00367 2887 341 1 8 -1.546 1.554 0.934 1.005 -0.00314 2888 31 1 57 -0.246 0.300 -1.790 1.796 0.00602 2888 31 1 66 -0.515 0.533 -1.787 1.792 0.00601 2888 31 1 61 -0.809 0.820 -1.996 2.002 0.00671 2888 31 1 48 -1.007 1.012 -2.039 2.043 0.00686 2888 31 1 63 -1.200 1.206 -2.025 2.031 0.00681 2888 66 1 45 -0.551 0.584 -1.320 1.325 0.00444 2888 66 1 47 -0.953 0.972 -1.277 1.282 0.00429 2888 66 1 54 -1.152 1.176 -1.317 1.330 0.00443 2888 66 1 51 -1.382 1.395 -1.410 1.413 0.00474 2888 66 1 64 -1.463 1.476 -1.309 1.316 0.00440 2888 99 1 23 0.519 0.534 -1.697 1.713 0.00570 2888 99 1 29 0.227 0.281 -1.635 1.662 0.00550 2888 99 1 27 -0.109 0.205 -1.723 1.760 0.00579 2888 99 1 31 -0.248 0.289 -1.705 1.731 0.00573 2888 99 1 44 -0.540 0.579 -1.643 1.673 0.00553 2888 134 1 26 -0.104 0.200 -0.181 0.312 0.00061 2888 134 1 26 -0.384 0.415 -0.169 0.353 0.00057 2888 134 1 20 -0.633 0.661 -0.312 0.414 0.00105 2888 134 1 22 -0.931 0.943 -0.313 0.423 0.00105 2888 134 1 27 -1.197 1.213 -0.212 0.470 0.00071 2888 169 1 5 0.418 0.447 0.193 0.311 -0.00065 2888 169 1 8 -0.029 0.420 -0.029 0.334 0.00010 2888 169 1 4 -0.504 0.757 0.070 0.316 -0.00023 2888 169 1 3 -0.975 1.072 0.296 0.419 -0.00100 2888 202 1 15 -0.067 0.321 1.155 1.177 -0.00388 2888 202 1 16 -0.318 0.490 1.203 1.225 -0.00405 2888 202 1 14 -0.301 0.355 1.061 1.098 -0.00357 2888 202 1 6 -0.695 0.744 1.083 1.117 -0.00364 2888 202 1 11 -1.057 1.096 0.934 0.947 -0.00314 ---=== SPECTROSCOPY DATA SUMMARY ===--- UT Exp Time flavor comment (S/N)^2 totals ========================================== b1 r1 b2 r2 00:26 12629 0.0 bias ----- sequence 12630, plate 520 ------- 28.9 21.3 28.2 24.3 52288 11:05 12630 10.0 flat 7.6 2.9 7.2 5.1 52286 11:07 12631 2.0 arc 36.5 24.2 35.4 29.4 total 11:30 12632 1201.0 target 11:54 12633 1201.0 target 12:17 12634 1200.0 target 12:30 12635 602.0 target 12:37 12636 240.0 smear 12:40 12637 10.0 flat 12:42 12638 2.0 arc ---=== TELESCOPE OFFSETS AND SCALE I ===--- Time Instrument getclock Az Alt Rot Scale ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19:09 imager 1010974153 0.003836 0.000635 -0.017571 1.000000 22:50 imager 1010987417 0.003836 0.000635 -0.017571 1.000000 01:19 imager 1010996364 0.003836 0.000635 -0.017571 1.000000 04:06 5 520 1011006382 0.002923 -0.000465 -0.017128 1.000070 ---=== TELESCOPE OFFSETS AND SCALE II ===--- ---=== DATA TAPE SUMMARY ===--- Goes: JL4921-4926, 4933 Stays: JL4927-4932, 4934 ---=== FOCUS LOG ===--- setmir piston Temp Wind Time Inst scale M1 M2 Foc Az Alt (C) MPH Dir filt fwhm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19:10 imager 1.00000 0 -389 -289 -22 55.1 2.7 6 22 23-i' 1.3 20:38 imager 1.00000 0 -421 -321 -22 55.1 1.6 9 324 23-i' 1.3 21:49 imager 1.00000 0 -426 -321 82 56.9 1.8 1 295 23-i' 1.3 22:48 imager 1.00000 0 -443 -326 99 62.1 1.6 5 7 23-i' 1.7 23:55 imager 1.00000 0 -430 -313 120 61.6 0.6 11 300 23-i' 1.7 01:18 imager 1.00000 0 -445 -311 -60 70.2 0.1 6 5 23-i' 1.0 02:06 imager 1.00000 0 -454 -317 -86 72.0 -0.2 7 18 23-i' 1.4 02:46 imager 1.00000 0 -428 -292 -107 71.9 0.2 12 13 23-i' 2.0 04:03 5 520 1.00007 -690 539 -50 27 56.8 -1.1 6 2 - 2.2 05:10 5 520 1.00007 -690 531 -50 -5 59.6 -0.9 6 344 - 1.4 ---=== WEATHER LOG ===--- Wind Time Temp F Dewp F MPH Direction Dust DIMM Sky 16:28 38 -3 14 16 (NNE) 67 - clear 17:01 36 -2 18 16 (NNE) 59 - clear 17:33 36 -3 9 359 (NNW) 60 - clear 18:05 36 -3 6 1 (N) 57 - clear 18:37 36 -2 15 340 (NNW) 45 - clear 19:09 37 0 8 327 (NNW) 62 - clear 19:42 36 0 11 5 (N) 46 - clear 20:14 36 0 7 332 (NNW) 70 - clear 20:44 35 2 6 342 (NNW) 64 - clear 21:14 34 3 4 56 (NE) 83 - clear 21:44 34 4 4 1 (N) 102 - clear 22:15 35 4 5 21 (NNE) 114 - clear 22:45 34 2 10 35 (NE) 76 - clear 23:15 34 2 9 356 (NNW) 90 - clear 23:45 33 2 10 5 (N) 68 - clear 00:15 32 3 8 36 (NE) 91 - clear 00:46 32 2 12 12 (NNE) 78 - clear 01:18 32 1 6 5 (N) 59 - clear 01:50 31 4 9 13 (NNE) 84 - clear 02:23 31 -6 15 24 (NNE) 96 - clear 02:55 32 -8 13 9 (N) 40 - clear 03:29 31 -10 15 1 (N) 50 - clear 03:59 30 -7 10 22 (NNE) 36 - clear 04:31 29 -8 4 1 (N) 53 - clear 05:03 30 -10 7 338 (NNW) 50 - clear 05:36 33 -13 5 273 (W) 43 - clear 06:07 34 -14 6 321 (NW) 34 - clear 06:39 34 -20 10 286 (WNW) 24 - clear ---=== TELESCOPE STATUS ===--- 23:00 Doors open, fans on 00:30 Enclosure off 13:00 Enclosure on, doors closed, fans off. Telescope stowed at 30 degrees with cartridge 9 (plate 799) mounted. Counterweights at 270. Spectro auto-fill connected. Imager dewar 13:35 52 lb Spectro dewar 13:35 41 lb Building interlocks bypassed. Alt, az slip detection interlocks bypassed. ---=== SOFTWARE USED ===--- IOP/SOP: v3_64_3c Watcher: v2_13_2a MCP: v5_8_7 TPM: v2_4_5 AstroDa: v14_40 TCC: v2.5.5 sdssProcedures: v1_37 TccMon: v1_8 ---=== MIRROR NUMBERS ===--- PRIMARY: -------- Scale: 1.000000 MIGS TONIGHT NOMINAL Axial A 0.0730 0.0750 Axial B 0.8060 0.8020 Axial C 0.0740 0.0710 Trans D -1.4950 -1.4860 Lateral E 1.8260 1.8540 Lateral F 1.4080 1.4240 GALILS Commanded: 5400. -3700. 900. -200. 31550. 30650. Actual: 5400. -3700. 900. -200. 31550. 30650. SETMIR VALUES PriDesOrient: 0.00 -11.80 23.00 1256.90 642.10 PriOrient: 0.00 -12.16 22.81 1257.41 642.19 SECONDARY: ---------- Focus: 0.00 Air Temp.: 2.9 Alt.: 30.023668 MIGS TONIGHT NOMINAL Axial A 1.5440 1.5500 Axial B 1.2220 1.2260 Axial C 1.2450 1.2480 Trans D 0.2040 0.2320 GALILS Commanded: 1599416. 1565388. 1586301. -10395. -9766. Actual: 1599620. 1565254. 1586350. -10395. -9766. SETMIR VALUES SecDesOrient: 1257.00 -3.40 -10.00 0.00 133.82 SecOrient: 1256.97 -3.38 -9.90 0.07 133.81 ---=== PROBLEMS IN DETAIL ===--- AxisDTime Error: ---------------- AxisDTime:alt (-1.1: Jan 13 22:14:11 MST)
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