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Bibliographic Record Display
Author/Creator:Collas, Bernard Camille, b. 1819.
Title:L'immigration dans les colonies françaises et le recrutement des noirs à la côte d'Afrique, 1858 December 8 / par Mr. B. C. Collas.
Physical Description:1 item (57 p.) ; 33 cm.
Yale Holdings
Holdings Record Display
Notes:In French.
Purchased from Rodolphe Chamonal on the Edwin J. Beinecke Book Fund, 2010.
- Access and use:This material is open for research.
Biographical / Historical note:Bernard Camille Collas (born 1819), French politician and commander of merchant ships; representative of the navy to the Assemblée nationale constituante; elected deputy to the Assemblée nationale législative for the Gironde in 1849.
Summary:Report, manuscript in an unidentified hand, signed by Collas, Paris, 1858 December 8, advocating recruitment of agricultural laborers for French Caribbean colonies from Africa, India, and China. The report discusses the history of French and English colonies in the Caribbean, 1827-1858; conflict between France and England after abolition of the Atlantic slave trade; labor in the colonies after the French abolition of slavery in 1848; and colonial policy of Napoléon III.
- Format:Archives or Manuscripts
Cite as:Bernard Camille Collas, L'immigration dans les colonies françaises et le recrutement des noirs à la côte d'Afrique. General Collection, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University.
Subjects:Collas, Bernard Camille, b. 1819.
Napoleon III, Emperor of the French, 1808-1873.
Slave trade--France.
Slavery--Caribbean Area.
Caribbean Area--Economic conditions--19th century.
France--Foreign relations--Great Britain.
Great Britain--Foreign relations--France.
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