Report on revision of the CAT of WCAG 20 into Russian

Report about the revision of the Russian translation  
WCAG 2.0

The work on revision of the Russian translation of the Web-content accessibility guidelines was finished on 9 February 2012. 

Up to this moment experts of the Review experts group had enough time to get acquainted with the document. For their convenience following documents were published on the Internet:
- original document
- translated document

Every member of the expert group received translated document by e-mail. 

Initially 25 professionals having experience of work within education, social, software and informational technologies domain were invited to work in the revision group. Final evaluation of the translated document was received from 22 experts. 

The work on revision of the WCAG  was done in two stages:

1 stage - November 2010 - November 2011 During this period experts received the first draft version of the translated document. Experts had opportunity to revise the document (including grammar, stylistic and actual mistakes), give their comments and ideas about translations of  certain terms and sentences. 

2 stage - January - February 2012 ; All experts confirmed the final translated version (22 persons) 

Below is quality data about experts comments and corrections:

Translation was initially presented to 25 experts;
3 experts leaved the experts group before the end of the revision (Aksenova, Virin, Novikov)

Number of experts who accepted the documents without comments - 9; 
Number of experts who gave their comments during both stages - 13;

Corrections included: (grammar, stylistic and actual mistakes) + comments:

Correction/ Author

Altovsky Evgueny



Smolnikov Ivan (Makarova Elena) 

Dragun Guennady

Kipchatov Igor


Hohlov Yuri

Ershova Tatiana


Smolnikov Ivan (Plehanov Alexandr) 

Lyubimov Alexey


Kamynin Alexey
Bondarenko Marta



Makeev Vadim

Gorelik Alexandr
(Shishaev Yuri)

Lysenko Alexandr

Sarviro Yulia 


Eugene Altovsky - Reviewed and accepted 28.01.2012
Head of Information and Analytical Services, member of the Board of NGO "Information for All
NGO “Information for All" is Interregional public organization in supporting building the Information Society "Information for All "
The program "ICT for endless possibilities" aims to disseminate information about the availability of information and communication technologies (ICT) for people with disabilities.
Russia, 121096, Moscow, POB 44

Bondarenko Marta - Reviewed and accepted 21.01.2012
Junior researcher of the laboratory of content and methods for teaching children with impaired vision within the Correctional Pedagogical Institute, teacher for visually impaired people, orientation and mobility trainer
Institute of Correctional Pedagogics
Education and rehabilitation of persons with impaired vision
Institute is founded in 1929. Specialists of the Institute developed a complex medical psychological and pedagogical approach to research and complex rehabilitation (education, instruction, development, socialization etc) of children with health disabilities. Through its research work the Institute developed the Russian special differentiate educational system for children with disabilities (at late sixties). Among specialists of the Institute there are doctors of science, corresponding members, academician in different sciences such as physiology and physician, ophthalmologist, psychiatrists, neuropathologiststs,  child psychologists, sign language teachers, teachers for visually impaired children, orthophonists, teachers for oligophrenic children.  
The Institute is a Russian resource center for preparing specialized teachers.
Participation of the Institute's representatives in work on WCAG 2.0 will allow to attract scientific researches to the work and revise WCAG 2.0 according to the highest standards of the scientific literature. 
Russia, 119121, Moscow, Pogodinskaya st., 8, k.1

Burkanov Yuri - Reviewed and accepted 13.11.2011  
Expert on accessibility of Web content
Developer sites
Mr. Burkanov participated in the preparation of standards for accessibility in Germany. Participated in the development and improvement of accessibility of websites of government institutions in Germany. Trainer on web-accessibility, athor of articles on web-accessibility issues.
Carl-Justi-Str. 21 53121 Bonn, Deutschland
Jurij Burkanov <>

Dmitry Vasiliev - Reviewed and accepted 31.05.2011
General Director
CMS Developer
NetСat works in close cooperation with the community of visually impaired internet users.
NetСat is a unique Russian CMS adapted to web-site development and web-site maintenance by visually impaired developers.
NetСat is the web-accessibility advocate among russian software developers
109004, Moscow, Alexandra Solzhenitsyn street 31,
building 2.

Alexander Gorelik - Reviewed and accepted 23.01.2012
UN Information Centre in Moscow 
UN Information center in Moscow is advocate for promotion of information and communication technologies for people with disabilities in Russia.
UN Information center founded the Club of friends of Convention of rights of people with disabilities. The Club regularly gathers representatives of different government, non-government and commercial organizations, who share information about their activities in promoting ICT for people with disabilities. 
UN Information center serves also as a resource center and a specialized library on ICT for people with disabilities.
Moscow 119002, Glazovsky pereulok

Hienadz Drahun - Reviewed and accepted 23.01.2012
Usability and web-accessibility expert , EPAM
Mr. Dragun is consultant of the usability and accessibility of web-interfaces. He took part in translating WCAG 2.0 into Russian language.
220028, Republic of Belarus
Libavo-Romenskaya street, 23, buildong 9, office10

Yershova Tatiana - Reviewed and accepted 24.01.2012
General director
Institute of development of the information society
Editor in chief
Research and analytical magazine "Information Society"
A member of the high-level advisers group
Global Alliance for ICT for Development
Autonomous nonprofit organization "Institute of the Information Society" (IRIO)
IRIO is independent research and service providing organization founded on Sept. 7, 1998 at the initiative of renowned experts in the field of information technology, telecommunications and information policy, united by the idea of information society development in Russia. 
The stated goal of the Institute are:
Formation and development of information society in Russia, integration of Russia into the global information society, creating conditions for effective interaction between the parties of the information society, creating conditions for fair competition in the communications and information market, as well as development of information resources, technologies, infrastructure and services. The main objectives of the Institute are: research and development in the field of information society and knowledge economy;
development and examination of draft laws and other normative acts aimed at the development of information society and knowledge economy, the political, socio-economic and scientific-technical forecasting of the Information Society; expertise, development and implementation of the programs and projects aimed at developing information society and Knowledge Economy; dissemination of knowledge, including creation and dissemination of print, electronic, audio and video materials on the Information Society issues, promoting international cooperation in development of information society and knowledge economy.
1. Contribution in creating the information system "Pravozaschitnik" (Human rights advocate): The project was realized in 1999 by the American NGO Freedom Channel Inc in cooperation with the Russian NGO "Human rights advocates internship", within the grant №98-20.0 delivered by the Democracy Support Foundation (USA). All the technical work of the project was fulfilled  by the team of developers of the IRIO. The system was designed to store and deliver criminal records and comments of experts to users on the base of their requests.
2. Legislative projects of the IRIO: 
- Comparative analysis of legislation regulating the processes of creating and using information resources in the Russian Federation. Project included experts analysis ordered by the Moscow City Duma (2000).
- City of Moscow law development "On Information Resources and Informatization of Moscow". The law was developed by the Institute on request of the Moscow City Duma and the Moscow Government in conjunction with the Public Expert Council of the Moscow City Duma within the programme of "Information, informatization, communications, telecommunications and television in 2000-2001. The law was adopted by the Moscow City Duma on October 24, 2001 (№ 52).
- Development of the law "On guarantees of the accessibility of information about Moscow City authorities' activities" aimed to fulfill the rights of citizens on accessing the information concerning decisions of the city authorities. The law was designed by IRIO experts in cooperation with the expert board of Moscow City Duma within the programme of "Information, information technologies, telecommunications and television" in 2001-2003. The law was adopted by the Moscow City Duma on March 31, 2004 (№ 20).
3. The draft model law "About the Internet" - developed by the Russian Association of Electronic Communications (RAEC) and the Institute of the Information Society Development, commissioned by the Inter-parliamentary Assembly of CIS member states. As part of this work a review of legislation on regulation of the Internet in the CIS countries was also prepared. This law project was reviewed at the meeting of the Federation Council Commission on Information Policy on January 29, 2008, and it attracted a wide public attention.
4. Research and analysis of federal government bodies' web sites and websites of local government entities for compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law on February 9, 2009 № 8-FZ "On ensuring access to information about the activities of state bodies and local self-government." The project was commissioned by the Ministry of Economic Development and completed in 2009; the project resulted in:
- developing the survey methodology (monitoring) of the official websites of the Russian Federation regions for compliance with Russian legislation, including methods of examination;
- Developing a questionnaire to survey existing regional official government websites;
- Conducting the survey (monitoring) of existing regional official government websites by the group of experts and processing its results;
- The analysis of survey results. Short description of activities in the field of accessibility and / or disabiliies:   
1. Participation in the establishment of an information system "human rights activist. The project was completed in 1999, an American non-profit organization Freedom Channel, Inc. in cooperation with the Russian human rights organization Human Rights Defenders Training "by the Foundation for Democracy (USA) under grant № 98-20.0. All the technical part of the project was completed a team of developers IRIO. The system is designed for storing and reporting on requests polzovaley criminal records of the comments of experts.
2. Legislative IRIO projects:
- Comparative analysis of regulatory legislation governing the processes of creating and using information resources in the Russian Federation - the expert work of the Institute commissioned by the Moscow City Duma (2000).
- Development of the Law of the City of Moscow "On Information Resources and Information City of Moscow" - developed by the Institute commissioned by the Moscow City Duma and the Moscow Government in conjunction with the Public Expert Council of the MHD in the direction of "Information, information, communications, telecommunications and television in 2000-2001. Adopted by the Moscow City Duma on October 24, 2001 (№ 52).
- Development of the Law "On guarantees of the availability of information on the activities of public authorities in Moscow, aimed at ensuring legal rights of citizens to information on decisions of the authorities of the city - IRIO developed jointly with the public expert council of the MHD in the direction of" Information, information, communications, telecommunications and Television in 2001-2003. Adopted by the Moscow City Duma on March 31, 2004 (№ 20).
3. The draft model law "On the Internet" - developed by the Russian Association of Electronic Communications (RAEK) and the Institute of the Information Society commissioned by the Interparliamentary Assembly of CIS member states. As part of the work was also prepared a review of legislation on regulation of the Internet in the CIS. The bill was considered at the meeting of the Federation Council Commission on Information Policy of 29 January 2008 and attracted a wide public attention.  
4. Research and analysis of federal government bodies' web sites and websites of local government entities for compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law on February 9, 2009 № 8-FZ "On ensuring access to information about the activities of state bodies and local self-government." The project was commissioned by the Ministry of Economic Development and completed in 2009; the project resulted in:
- developing the survey methodology (monitoring) of the official websites of the Russian Federation regions for compliance with Russian legislation, including methods of examination;
- Developing a questionnaire to survey existing regional official government websites;
- Conducting the survey (monitoring) of existing regional official government websites by the group of experts and processing its results;
- The analysis of survey results.
101000, Moscow, Post Office, PO Box 716

Kamynin Anatoly - Reviewed and accepted 23.01.2012
Self-organization of computer users with disabilities is a website on "Computer Technology for the Blind and Visually Impaired" is a unique resource that covers the technical issues of using computer by visually impaired users. Its developers and users are leading experts in the field of Web accessibility and technical means of rehabilitation. 
443114 Samara, G.Dimitrova street 52 appt 60.

Kipchatov Igor - Reviewed and accepted 31.01.2012
Head of Resource Centre
ROOI "Perspective"
ROOI "Perspectiva"
Our mission is to achieve the full inclusion of people with disabilities in all aspects of social life and improve their quality of life by:
- Changing negative attitudes and stereotypes that exist in society towards people with disabilities;
- Improving the efficiency of NGOs of disabled persons;
- Assisting people with disabilities and their families in acquiring skills and knowledge needed to participate fully in social life and to gain access to inclusive education and employment;
- Training of specialists, government officials, parents, students, employers and other members of society about disabilities in order to overcome physical and psychological barriers faced by people with disabilities.
Organization Perspektiva is an active promoter and defender of the rights of people with disabilities on the use of information and communication technologies. Perspektiva provides a number of services, including those on the Internet in order to disseminate information technologies for implementation in the process of education and rehabilitation of people with disabilities. 
119021 Moscow, Timura Frunze st, 16 building 3

Kudrov Nikolay - Reviewed and accepted 13.05.2011
Head of Educational Programs
Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation
Ministry of Communications is the state agency responsible for development of information and communication technologies in Russia
Ministry of Communications is the responsible body for the promotion and development of information and communications, including Internet technologies. 
Participation of the Ministry will enhance recognition of WCAG 2.0 in Russia, and will help to proofread the document in accordance with the accepted standards of public policies in the field of Internet technologies.  
125375 Moscow, Tverskaya Street 7 /

Lysenko, Alexander E. - Reviewed and accepted 20.01.2012
Head of chair of Rehabilitology PKI DSZN, PhD, Associate Professor 
Moscow Institute for training managers' and specialists' of social protection of population
Main goals of the Institute are:
 - Professional retraining and capacities building for managers and professionals of the system of social protection
 - Research, analysis and dissemination of the best practices of social protection and social services in Moscow and other Russian regions, and abroad;
 - Implementation of innovative technologies to provide social services as means to promote the improvement of social services and improving people's lives;
- Organization and conducting surveys, scientific and methodological conferences, seminars and symposia to raise awareness of the professional community and the general public to the acute social problems, finding ways, methods and technologies to address them;
 - Analysis of international experience of social services aiming to its adaptation and dissemination within the system of social protection of the population of the city of Moscow; 
 - Exchange of information with the organizers and researchers of social protection system abroad;
- Development and production of educational, methodical, analytical and reference materials, including those in electronic form. 
Participation PKI DSZN in work on WCAG 2.0 will involve educational resources of the Institute to enhance methodical part of rehabilitation technology, and will help to spread the idea of web-accessibility among professionals working in rehabilitation and social protection system. /

Alexei Lyubimov - Reviewed and accepted 13.11.2011
Researcher of the laboratory of content and methods for teaching children with impaired vision within the Correctional Pedagogical Institute, teacher for visually impaired people, orientation and mobility trainer
Institute of Correctional Pedagogics
Education and rehabilitation of people with visual impairments. 
The Institute was founded in 1929 (Current title of the Institute is since 1992). Specialists of the Institute developed complex medical psychological and pedagogical approach to research and complex rehabilitation (education, instruction, development, socialization etc) of children with health disabilities. Through its research work the Institute developed the Russian special differentiate educational system for children with disabilities (at late sixties). Among specialists of the Institute there are doctors of science, corresponding members, academicians in different sciences such as physiology; physicians, ophthalmologists, psychiatrists, neuropathologiststs,  child psychologists, sign language teachers, teachers for visually impaired children, orthophonists, teachers for oligophrenic children. The Institute is a Russian resource center for preparing specialized teachers. 
Participation of the Institute's representatives in work on WCAG 2.0 will allow to attract scientific researches to the work and revise it according to the highest standards of the scientific literature. 
Russia, 119121, Moscow, Pogodinskaya st., 8, b.1

Vadim Makeyev - Reviewed and accepted 23.01.2012
Opera Software
Software Developer
Leading specialist in the field of web standards in Russia. Founder of the Russian web-standards community. Participation of Mr. Makeyev will involve the community of professionals of web design into work and promotion on WCAG 2.0

Popko Anatoly - Reviewed and accepted 10.11.2011
Head of the Information service of the Institute “REHACOMP”
Educational and rehabilitation institution
Institute Reakomp " is the leading institution of Russian Society for the Blind providing a comprehensive rehabilitation of visually impaired people, conducting scientific and methodological work and promoting information technology. It was founded in 2000. Institute Rehakomp of the Russian Society of the Blind is a unique institution providing a comprehensive rehabilitation of the disabled persons using computer tiflotechnologies, training and skills development, implementing new scientific and pedagogical approaches to rehabilitation and education of people with serious visual impairments. The Institute is the only institution in Russia, carrying out a comprehensive support and integration into society of people with combined pathology (blind and deaf); Institute prepares interpreters and social workers this group of people with disabilities.
Address: 129090 Russia, Moscow, Protopopovsky pereolok., 9 /

Romanov, Gennady Ivanovich - Reviewed and accepted 24.01.2012
Deputy director
SUE Standartinform, developer of Russian national standards
Government agency responsible for developing national technical standards
Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Standartinform" performs: Creation and maintenance of Federal Information Facility of technical regulations and standards; coordination of work on the establishment and functioning of a unified information system for technical regulation; official publications, registration, publication of national standards of the Russian Federation; Russian classifiers,translation of international and regional standards, standards of the leading countries of the world; maintenance and development of the State Service of Standard Reference Data on physical constants and properties of substances and materials, providing users with paper and electronic copies of technical regulations and national standards of the Russian Federation, Russian classifiers of technical data, economic and social information, international (Regional) and standards of other countries and their translations. Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Standartinform"   serves as: a national information center of the international network of ISO (ISONET); information service, controlling fulfillment of the provisions of the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade and the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures of the World Trade Organization;
123995, K-1, GSP-5, Moscow, Granatny pereulok 4, Russian Federation. /

Sarviro Julia - Reviewed and accepted 21.01.2012
Manager of Social Projects
Software Developer
Microsoft aims to create an environment in which everyone can unlock his/her professional and creative potential. Microsoft includes special features and affordable technologies in its software products. In addition, Microsoft provides the compatibility of their products with assistive technologies of other companies and supports developers in creation of such products. In this context, issues of accessibility of Web content for all have a special significance. A set of initiatives of Microsoft is helping people with disabilities overcome barriers and expand personal and professional horizons.
121614, Russia, Moscow, Krylatskaya street, 17

Segalovich Ilya - Reviewed and accepted 07.02.2012
Technical Director 
Leading search engine in Russian Federation
Yandex as the leader of the IT market in Russia sets certain standards of quality of the user interfaces. The company has created a special version of its search engine for the blind and visually impaired users ( In addition, new and existing Yandex products are regularly tested with the involvement of users with disabilities. Participation of a representative of Yandex in the work on WCAG 2.0 will attract the best practices of search technologies, and will help to promote WCAG within the Russian segment of the Internet.
119021, Moscow, st. Leo Tolstoy, 16

Andrew Sikorski - Reviewed and accepted 26.01.2012
Senior Usability Specialist
Research Company 
USABILITYLAB LLC is the leader in user experience research  involving user and usability market. USABILITYLAB was the first company who worked on improvement of specifically web-accessibility of the Russian UN Mission /; USABILITYLAB conducted also several seminars dedicated exclusively to web-accessibility issues.

Smolnikov Ivan - Reviewed and accepted 2.02.2012
ABBYY Language Services
ABBYY Language Services is a hi-tech company providing end-to-end linguistic services. 
ABBYY Language Services offers comprehensive language services to corporate customers, and also develops and implements innovative linguistic services and technology.
More than 900 clients from all over the world have entrusted ABBYY Language Services with their linguistic tasks.
ABBYY Language Services is part of ABBYY Group, a leading provider of software and services in the field of text recognition, data capture, linguistics and translation. 
ABBYY’s primary focus is in the development of artificial intelligence technology, enabling the conversion of text and images from paper into data in an accessible electronic format. Millions of people and thousands of organizations all over the world save time, effort and money by using technology for automatic data entry and processing documents. ABBYY is the creator of renowned electronic dictionaries ABBYY Lingvo and text recognition system ABBYY FineReader. More than 30 million people in 130 countries use ABBYY products.
On the Russian market ABBYY is a unique company − a leader both in linguistic technology and services. 
ABBYY software is well-known in the community of users with limited abilities. 
ABBYY’s solutions in optical text recognition facilitate access to printed information for the blind and visually impaired. One of the company’s key technologies, ABBYY FineReader, is used in systems that convert text into Braille and in special OpenBook™ devices for the blind, that scans and converts text into speech. It is noteworthy, that the origins of the automatic text recognition technology are historically tied in with the appearance of the first reading devices for the blind, invented in 1809 (in the same year as Louis Braille was born). 
The participation of the ABBYY Language Services team will help ensure a high quality of WCAG20 translation into Russian.
Postal address:
Moscow, Metro Otradnoe, ul. Otradnaya, 2B, Building 6, Business Centre Otradniy

Tokareva Natalia - Reviewed and accepted 24.01.2012
Senior Specialist, Division of Policy and Research
UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education (IITE)
IITE UNESCO aims at strengthening capacities of Member States of UNESCO in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT) in education.
One of the priorities of the Institute is to develop a project for creation and dissemination of effective educational strategies associated with the use of ICT in education of people with disabilities. Since 1999 the Institute held a series of international meetings, developed and published analytical, information and training materials, as well as organized seven international training seminars attended by over 200 experts from 11 countries. 
As part of the project implemented by the Institute in conjunction with international experts from the UK, Italy, Australia, Spain, Denmark and Iceland a specialized training course "ICTs in education for people with special needs" (in Russian and English) has been developed; the course covers theoretical and practical aspects of ICT use in educating persons with motor, visual, auditory, speech and intellectual disabilities. 
117292, Moscow, St. Kedrova, 8, k.3

Urussowa Yana - Reviewed and accepted 14.05.2011
Vice Director of Marketkompas, project coordinator of
Portal "Bezgranits" (Without borders) is the first international web portal for people with disabilities and chronic conditions, their families and friends, professionals and helping organizations.               
The project is a system integrator of online and offline solutions in the sphere of employment, education, universal design, travel, music and the arts, sports, fashion, etc. The project aims to bring together private initiatives of persons with disabilities, researchers, students, politicians, government officials, NGOs and other parties for addressing the pressing issues facing the state and society in connection with the provisions of the “UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.”
115191 Moscow, 4th Roshinsky pr-d, 19, office 908 

Shevkun Oleg - Reviewed and accepted 27.01.2012
Leading specialist  
Elite Group Inc., Fredom Scientific
Developer of specialized software for visually impaired users
Freedom Scientific is the largest worldwide manufacturer of assistive technology products for those who are blind or have low vision. Freedom Scientific is also the only company with a complete line of products for those with vision impairments. All of these products are tested and guaranteed to work together. Freedom Scientific has been in business for over ten years and its products are sold in 55 countries and translated into 24 languages.
119313, Moscow, Russia
Leninsky Prospekt, 87,
Hotel "Southern", Office 450 

Received on Monday, 4 February 2013 01:17:34 UTC

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