 英語 の ことわざ
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英語 の ことわざ 一覧表

「A」からはじまる 英語 の ことわざ

  1. A bad workman quarrels with his tools.
  2. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
  3. A burnt child dreads the fire.
  4. A carpenter is known by his chips.
  5. A cat has nine lives.
  6. A cool mouth and warm feet live long.
  7. A covetous man does nothing good until he dies.
  8. A crow is never whiter for washing herself often.
  9. A drowning man will catch at a straw.
  10. A fat wife never loved a faint husband.
  11. A fencer has one trick in his budget more than ever he taught his scholar.
  12. A fish begins first to smell at the head.
  13. A fool asks much, but he is a greater fool that gives it.
  14. A fool at forty is a fool indeed.
  15. A fool's bolt (is) soon shot.
  16. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
  17. A gift is valued by the mind of the giver.
  18. A gloved cat can catch no mice.
  19. A good Jack makes a good Jill (or Gill).
  20. A good wife and health is a man's best wealth.
  21. A great man and a great river are often ill neighbours.
  22. A green Christmas (or winter) makes a fat (or full) churchyard.
  23. A learned blockhead is a greater blockhead than an ignorant one.
  24. A liar should (or must) have a good memory.
  25. A light-heeled mother makes a heavy-heeled daughter.
  26. A light purse makes a heavy heart.
  27. A lion may come to be beholden to a mouse.
  28. A little learning is a dangerous thing.
  29. A little pot (is) soon hot.
  30. A living dog is better than a dead lion.
  1. A maiden with many wooers often chooses the worst.
  2. A man can die but once.
  3. A man cannot give what he hasn't got.
  4. A man is a fool or a physician at thirty.
  5. A man is as old as he feels, and a woman as old as she looks.
  6. A man is known by the company he keeps.
  7. A man is weal (or well) or woe as he thinks himself so.
  8. A man must ask excessively to get a little.
  9. A man's best fortune or his worst is a wife.
  10. A melon and a woman are hard to be known.
  11. A miss is as good as a mile.
  12. A near friend is better than a far-dwelling kinsman.
  13. A new broom sweeps (or New brooms sweep) clean.
  14. A penny saved is a penny gained (or got or earned).
  15. A penny soul never came to twopence.
  16. A poet is born not made.
  17. A promise is a promise.
  18. A rolling stone gathers no moss.
  19. A scabbed horse cannot abide the comb.
  20. A short (or little) horse is soon curried.
  21. A single life is best.
  22. A small leak will sink a great ship.
  23. A sound mind in a sound body.
  24. A stitch in time saves nine.
  25. A stolen fruit tastes sweet.
  26. A straw shows which way the wind blows.
  27. A threefold cable (or cord) is not easily broken.
  28. A tree often transplanted bears not much fruit.
  29. A watched pot never boils.
  30. A wise man changes his mind (sometimes), a fool never (will).
  1. Accidents will happen (in the best-regulated families).
  2. After a storm (comes) a calm (or fair weather).
  3. All cry and no wool.
  4. All (his) geese are swans.
  5. All is fair (or lawful) in love and war.
  6. All is fish that comes to his net.
  7. All is vanity.
  8. All roads lead to Rome.
  9. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
  10. All's well that ends well.
  11. An empty hand no lure for a hawk.
  12. An Englishman's house is his castle.
  13. An ill weed grows (or Ill weeds grow) apace (or fast or well).
  14. An oak is not felled at one stroke.
  15. An old bird is (or Old birds are) not caught with chaff.
  16. An old dog will learn no (new) tricks.
  17. An open door (or gate) may tempt a saint.
  18. An ounce of practice is worth a pound of theory.
  19. As the fool thinks, so the bell clinks.
  20. As the old cock crows the young cock learns.

「B」からはじまる 英語 の ことわざ

  1. Barking dogs seldom bite.
  2. Beauty is but skin deep.
  3. Beggars cannot (or must not) be choosers.
  4. Better bend than break.
  5. Better late than never.
  6. Better the feet (or foot) slip than the tongue.
  7. Birds of a feather flock together.
  8. Blood is thicker than water.
  9. Blood will have blood.
  10. Boys, be ambitious!
  11. Boys will be boys.
  12. Business before pleasure.
  13. Butter is gold in the morning, silver at noon, and lead at night.
  14. By doing nothing we learn to do ill.

「C」からはじまる 英語 の ことわざ

  1. Care killed the (or a) cat.
  2. Cast no dirt into the well that has given you water.
  3. Cast not a clout till May be out.
  4. Charity begins at home (, but should not end there).
  5. Charity covers a multitude of sins.
  6. Commend not your wife, wine, nor horse (or house).
  7. Comparisons are odious.
  8. Compelled sins are no sins.
  9. Confidence is a plant of slow growth.
  10. Courtesy on one side only lasts not long.
  11. Covetousness is (or Riches are) the root of all evil.
  12. Cracked pots last longest.
  13. Crosses are ladders (that do lead) to heaven.
  14. Curses return upon the heads of those that curse.
  15. Custom is a second nature.

「C」からはじまる 英語 の ことわざ

  1. Care killed the (or a) cat.
  2. Cast no dirt into the well that has given you water.
  3. Cast not a clout till May be out.
  4. Charity begins at home (, but should not end there).
  5. Charity covers a multitude of sins.
  6. Commend not your wife, wine, nor horse (or house).
  7. Comparisons are odious.
  8. Compelled sins are no sins.
  9. Confidence is a plant of slow growth.
  10. Courtesy on one side only lasts not long.
  11. Covetousness is (or Riches are) the root of all evil.
  12. Cracked pots last longest.
  13. Crosses are ladders (that do lead) to heaven.
  14. Curses return upon the heads of those that curse.
  15. Custom is a second nature.

「E」からはじまる 英語 の ことわざ

  1. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man (or is the way to be) healthy, wealthy, and wise.
  2. Easier said than done.
  3. East is East and West is West.
  4. Easy come, easy go.
  5. Enough is as good as a feast.
  6. Even a worm will turn.
  7. Even Homer sometimes nods.
  8. Every bean has its black.
  9. Every bullet has a lighting place (or its billet).
  10. Every cloud has a silver lining.
  11. Every couple is not a pair.
  12. Every dog has his day.
  13. Every herring must hang by its own gill.
  14. Every kingdom divided soon falls.
  15. Every man has his humour.
  16. Every man has his price.
  17. Every man is a king in his own house.
  18. Every man is the architect of his own fortune.
  19. Every man loves himself best.
  20. Every man must eat a peck of dirt (or ashes or salt) before he dies.
  21. Every maybe has a may not be.
  22. Every miller draws water to his own mill.
  23. Every one thinks his sack heaviest.
  24. Every potter praises his own pot.
  25. Every rose has its thorn.
  26. Everyone has a fool in his sleeve.
  27. Everything comes to him who waits.
  28. Every thing has an end.
  29. Everything has (or must have) (a) beginning.
  30. Everything is as it is taken.
  31. Everything is the worse for (the) wearing.
  32. Examples teach more than precepts.
  33. Experience without learning is better than learning without experience.
  34. Extreme right (or justice) is extreme wrong (or injustice).

「F」からはじまる 英語 の ことわざ

  1. Facts are stubborn things.
  2. Failure teaches (or is the highroad to) success.
  3. Faint heart ne'er won (or kissed) fair lady (or castle).
  4. Fair words fill not the belly.
  5. Fair words make fools fain.
  6. Familiarity breeds contempt.
  7. Face leads the willing but drives the stubborn.
  8. Feed a cold and starve a fever.
  9. Few words show men wise.
  10. Fine feathers make birds.
  11. Fire and water are good servants but bad masters.
  12. Fire is half bread.
  13. First come first served.
  14. First think and then speak.
  15. Flesh is frail.
  16. Follow love (or pleasure or glory) and it will flee (thee), flee love (or pleasure or glory) and it will follow thee.
  17. Fools have fortune.
  18. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.
  19. For a flying enemy make a golden bridge.
  20. For a lost thing care not.
  21. For foolish (or dirty) talk deaf ears.
  22. Four eyes see more than two.
  23. Full ears of corn hang lowest.

「G」からはじまる 英語 の ことわざ

  1. Game is cheaper in the market than in the fields and woods.
  2. Give a child while he crave and a dog while his tail wave, you shall have a fair dog and a foul child.
  3. Give advice to all; but be security for none.
  4. Give everyone his due.
  5. Give not the wolf (or fox) the wether (or sheep) to keep.
  6. Gluttony kills more than the sword.
  7. Go down the ladder when you marry a wife, go up when you choose a friend.
  8. God is for the battalions.
  9. Good riding at two anchors, men have told for if the one fail the other may hold.
  10. Good swimmers at length are drowned.
  11. Good wine needs no (ivy) bush (or no sign).
  12. Goodness is not tied to greatness.
  13. Goods are theirs that (or who) enjoy them.
  14. Grasp all, lose all.
  15. Great barkers are no biters.
  16. Great bodies move slowly.
  17. Great eaters (or Gluttons) dig their graves with their teeth.
  18. Grey and green make the worst medley.
  19. Grief is lessened when imparted to others.

「H」からはじまる 英語 の ことわざ

  1. Handsome is that (or as) handsome does.
  2. Hard (or Foul) words break no bones.
  3. Haste makes waste.
  4. He laughs best who laughs last.
  5. He must (or should) have a long spoon that will eat (or that sups) with the devil.
  6. He that fights and runs away may live to fight another day.
  7. He that fights with silver arms is sure to overcome.
  8. He that is down, down with him.
  9. He who touches pitch shall be defiled (therewith).
  10. Health is better than wealth.
  11. Heaven (or God) helps those who help themselves.
  12. Heaven's vengeance is slow but sure.
  13. History repeats itself.
  14. Honesty is the best policy.
  15. Hunger is the best sauce.

「I」からはじまる 英語 の ことわざ

  1. I to-day, you to-morrow.
  2. If the counsel be good, no matter (or it matters not) who gave it.
  3. If the hen does not prate, she will not lay.
  4. If the mountain will not come to Mahomet (or Mohammed), Mahomet (or Mohammed) must (or will) go to the mountain.
  5. If the staff be crooked the shadow cannot be straight.
  6. If you run after two hares, you will catch neither.
  7. If you want to learn the value of money, try to borrow some.
  8. If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?
  9. Ignorance of the law excuses no man.
  10. Ill got, ill spent.
  11. Ill news travels fast.
  12. In for a penny, in for a pound.
  13. In knowing nothing is the sweetest life.
  14. In the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
  15. It is a good horse that never stumbles.
  16. It is a long lane (or run) that never turns.
  17. It is a silly fish that is caught twice with the same bait.
  18. It is a wise child (or father) that knows its (or his) own father (or child).
  19. It is an easy thing (or matter) to find a staff to beat a dog (with).
  20. It is an ill (or evil) wind that blows no man (or nobody) good (or profit).
  21. It is an old rat that won't eat cheese.
  22. It is dogged that (or as) does it.
  23. It is easy to be wise after the event.
  24. It is good to have company in trouble (or misery).
  25. It is ill to take breeks off a bare ass.
  26. It is more blessed to give than to recieve.
  27. It is no use (or good) crying over spilt milk.
  28. It never rains but it pours.

「J」からはじまる 英語 の ことわざ

  1. Jack of all trades, and master of none.
  2. Judge not, that ye be not judged.
  3. Jupiter himself cannot please all.

「K」からはじまる 英語 の ことわざ

  1. Keep a thing seven years and you will find a use for it.
  2. Keep no more cats than will catch mice.
  3. Keep something for the sore foot (or for a rainy day).
  4. Keep thy shop and thy shop will keep thee.
  5. Keep your mouth shut and your eyes open.
  6. Keep yourself from the anger of a great man, from the tumult of a mob, from a man of ill fame,
    from a widow that has been thrice married, from a wind that comes in at a hole, and from a reconciled enemy.
  7. Kindle not a fire that cannot be extinguished.
  8. Knaves and fools divide the world.
  9. Know thyself.
  10. Knowledge is power.

「L」からはじまる 英語 の ことわざ

  1. Lack of looking to makes cobwebs grow in boys' tails.
  2. Lacking breeds laziness, praise breeds pith.
  3. Laugh and be (or grow) fat.
  4. Laws catch (little) flies but let (the) hornets (or great flies) go free.
  5. Lawsuits consume time and money and rest and friends.
  6. Lean liberty is better than fat slavery.
  7. Learn a trade, for the time will come when you shall need it.
  8. Learn wisdom by the follies of others.
  9. Least said soonest mended.
  10. Lend your money and lose your friend.
  11. Let bygones be bygones.
  12. Let every man praise the bridge he goes over.
  13. Let not the cobbler (or shoemaker) go beyond his last (or shoe).
  14. Let the church stand in the churchyard.
  15. Let well alone.
  16. Lick honey with your little finger.
  17. Life is a span.
  18. Life is made up of little things.
  19. Life is not all beer and skittles.
  20. Light gains make (or makes) heavy purses (or heavy purse).
  21. Light supper makes long life.
  22. Like blood, like good (or goods), and like age make (or makes) the happiest marriage.
  23. Like cures like.
  24. Like father, like son.
  25. Like for like.
  26. Listeners never hear good (or well) of themselves.
  27. Lith and selthe are fellows.
  28. Little birds that can sing and won't sing should be made to sing.
  29. Little brooks make great rivers.
  30. Live and learn.
  1. Live and let (others) live.
  2. Long life has long misery.
  3. Look before you leap.
  4. Look not a gift (or given) horse in the mouth.
  5. Look on both sides of the shield.
  6. Lookers-on (or Standers-by) see most of the game (or see more than players).
  7. Love and a cough (or smoke or itch) cannot be hid (or hidden).
  8. Love and knowledge live not together.
  9. Love dose much but money does all.
  10. Love is blind.
  11. Love lasts as long as money endures.
  12. Love laughs at locksmiths.
  13. Love, like a shadow, flies one following and pursues one fleeing.
  14. Love me love my dog.
  15. Love needs no teaching.
  16. Love not at the first look.
  17. Love overcomes all.
  18. Love your friend with his fault.
  19. Love your neighbour, yet pull not down your hedge (or fence).

「M」からはじまる 英語 の ことわざ

  1. Magistracy makes not the man, but discovers what metal is in him.
  2. Maids say nay and take it.
  3. Maids want nothing but husbands and when they have them they want everything.
  4. Make a bridge of gold (or silver) for a flying enemy.
  5. Make haste slowly.
  6. Make hay while the sun shines.
  7. Make yourself all honey and the flies will devour you.
  8. Man proposes, God disposes.
  9. Manners make the man.
  10. Many a little makes a mickle (or a great).
  11. Many strokes fell great (or tall) oakes (or fell the oak).
  12. Many things happen between the cup and the lip.
  13. Many things happen unlooked for.
  14. Marriage and magistrate (or magistracy) be destinies of heaven.
  15. Marriage halves our griefs, doubles our joys, and quadruples our expenses.
  16. Marriage makes or mars a man.
  17. Marry first and love will come after (or afterwards or will follow).
  18. Marry in haste and repent at leisure.
  19. Marry your daughter and eat fresh fish betimes.
  20. Measure thrice what thou buyest and cut it (but) once.
  21. Meat and cloth makes the man.
  22. Meddle not with another man's matter.
  23. Men love to hear well of themselves.
  24. Men use him ill that has ill luck.
  25. Mend my wages and I'll mend my work.
  26. Might is right.
  27. Miss the bus.
  28. Misfortunes seldom come singly.
  29. Money begets (or breeds or gets or makes) money.
  30. Money is a good servant, but a bad master.
  31. Money is the root of all evils.
  32. Money is the sinews of (love as well as of) war.
  33. More die by food than famine.
  34. Morning dreams are (or come) true.
  35. Much water goes (or runs) by the mill that the miller knows not of.
  36. Muck and money go together.
  37. Murder will out.

「N」からはじまる 英語 の ことわざ

  1. Names and natures do often agree.
  2. Narrow gathered, widely spent.
  3. Natural love descends but it does not ascend.
  4. Nature does nothing in vain.
  5. Nature hates all sudden changes.
  6. Nature is conquered (or governed) by obeying her.
  7. Nature is the best physician.
  8. Nature passes nurture.
  9. Near is my petticoat (or kirtle or gown or coat) but nearer is my smock (or sark or shirt).
  10. Necessity is the mother of invention.
  11. Need (or Necessity) has (or knows) no law.
  12. Never do things by halves.
  13. Never good that mind their belly so much.
  14. Never grieve for that(or what) you cannot help.
  15. Never keep a servant against his will, nor kinsman, nor friend, if you intend to be well served.
  16. Never less alone than when alone.
  17. Never marry a widow unless her first husband was hanged.
  18. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
  19. Never rued the man that laid in his fuel before St. John.
  20. Never take a stone to break an egg, when you can do it with the back of your knife.
  21. Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.
  22. New beer, new bread and green wood, will make a man's hair grow through his hood.
  23. New lords (or kings) new laws.
  24. New meat begets a new appetite.
  25. Next to a battle lost, the greatest misery is a battle gained.
  26. Nil admirari.
  27. No advice to the father's.
  28. No cross no crown.
  29. No garden without weeds.
  30. No herb will cure love.
  1. No man can do two things at once.
  2. No man can serve two masters.
  3. No man is a hero to his valet.
  4. No man is born wise.
  5. No marvel it is if the imps follow when the devil goes before.
  6. No mill, no meal.
  7. No news is good news.
  8. No one knows the luck of a lousy calf.
  9. No pains, no gains.
  10. No price is too low for a 'bear' or too high for a 'bull'.
  11. No rogue like to the godly rogue.
  12. None says his garner is full.
  13. Not a long day but a good heart rids work.
  14. Nothing comes of (or from) nothing.
  15. Nothing costs so much as what is given us.
  16. Nothing is old but shoes and hats.
  17. Nothing (is) more certain than death and nothing more uncertain than the time of its coining.
  18. Nothing succeeds like success.
  19. Nothing venture, nothing have (or win).
  20. Nothing violent can be permanent.
  21. Nurture is above nature.

「O」からはじまる 英語 の ことわざ

  1. Of one ill come many.
  2. 0ld friends and old wine are best.
  3. Old men are twice children.
  4. Once a use and ever a custom.
  5. Once bit (or bitten), twice shy.
  6. One beats the bush and another catches the bird.
  7. One can go a long way after one is weary.
  8. One (or You) cannot fare well but one (or you) must cry (out) roast meat.
  9. One man's meat Is another man's poison.
  10. One may as well (or good) be hanged for a sheep as (for) a lamb.
  11. One misfortune (or mischief) comes on the neck of another.
  12. One must live long to see (or learn) much.
  13. One nail (or wedge) drives out another.
  14. One ought to make the expense according to the income (or means).
  15. One pair of heels (or legs or feet) is (often or sometimes) worth two pair of hands.
  16. One swallow makes not summer (or does not make a summer).
  17. One year's seeding makes seven years' weeding.
  18. Only virtue never dies.
  19. Opportunity makes the (or a) thief.
  20. Out of sight, out of mind.
  21. Out of the mouth comes evil.
  22. Over shoes over boots.
  23. Oysters are not good in the month that has not an R in it.

「P」からはじまる 英語 の ことわざ

  1. Painters (or Travellers) and poets have leave to lie.
  2. Pardon (or Forgive) all but thyself.
  3. Pardoning the bad is injuring the good.
  4. Past cure past care.
  5. Patience is a remedy for every grief.
  6. Patient men win the day.
  7. Pay with the same dish you borrow.
  8. Penny-wise and poundfoolish.
  9. Physician, heal (or cure) thyself.
  10. Piss not against the wind.
  11. Pitchers have ears.
  12. Pity is akin to love.
  13. Play, women, and wine undo men laughing.
  14. Plough deep, thou shalt have bread (or corn) enough.
  15. Poverty is the mother of health.
  16. Practice makes perfect.
  17. Praise by evil men is dispraise.
  18. Prevention is better than cure.
  19. Pride goes before destruction (and shame comes after).
  20. Procrastination is the thief of time.
  21. Proper praise stinks.
  22. Put not your hand between the bark and the tree.

「Q」からはじまる 英語 の ことわざ

  1. Quietness is a great treasure.

「R」からはじまる 英語 の ことわざ

  1. Ready money (ever) will away.
  2. Remember (or Look to or Mark) the end.
  3. Remember you are but a man.
  4. Riches have wings.
  5. Rome was not built in a (or one) day.

「S」からはじまる 英語 の ことわざ

  1. Sadness and gladness succeed each other.
  2. Safety lies in the middle course.
  3. Say as men say but think to yourself.
  4. Science is nought worth without conscience.
  5. Scratch me (or my back) and I'll scratch you (or yours).
  6. Search not too curiously lest you find trouble.
  7. Second thoughts (or Afterwits) are best.
  8. Security is the greatest enemy.
  9. See Naples and then die.
  10. Seeing is believing.
  11. Seek till you find and you'll not lose your labour.
  12. Seldom sick sore sick.
  13. Set a beggar on horseback and he will (ride a) gallop.
  14. Set a thief to catch a thief.
  15. Short reckonings (or accounts) make long friends.
  16. Show me a liar and I'll show you a thief.
  17. Silence is (or gives) consent.
  18. Silks and satins put out the fire in the chimney (or kitchen).
  19. Six hours' sleep for a man, seven for a woman, and eight for a fool.
  20. Sleep is the brother (or image or kinsman or cousin) of death.
  21. Slow and (or but) sure (or steady) wins the race.
  22. Small sorrows (or griefs) speak, great ones are silent.
  23. Smoke, rain, and a very curst wife makes a man weary of house and life.
  24. So many men so many minds.
  25. Soft fire makes sweet malt.
  26. Some have the hap, some stick in the gap.
  27. Soon gotten soon spent.
  28. Soon hot soon cold.
  29. Soon ripe, soon rotten.
  30. Spare the rod and spoil the child.
  31. Speak well of the dead.
  32. Speech is silvern (or silver), silence is golden.
  33. Spend not where you may save, spare not where you must spend.
  34. Standing pools gather filth.
  35. Still waters run deep.
  36. Stone-dead hath no fellow.
  37. Strike while the iron is hot.
  38. Sweet in the on taking, but sour in the off putting.
  39. Sweet meat will (or must) have sour sauce.
  40. Swine, women, and bees cannot be turned.

「T」からはじまる 英語 の ことわざ

  1. Take care of (or Look after) the pence, and the pounds will take care of (or look after) themselves.
  2. Take the chestnuts (or nuts) out of the fire with the cat's paw (or dog's foot).
  3. Take the rough with the smooth.
  4. Talk (or Speak) of the devil, and he is sure to appear.
  5. Tell not all you know, all you have, or all you can do.
  6. Temperance is the best physic.
  7. Ten good turns lie dead and one m deed report abroad does spread.
  8. That (or The) fire which lights (or warms) us at a distance will burn us when near.
  9. That fish will soon be caught that nibbles at every bait (or hook).
  10. The belly has no ears.
  11. The best fish smell when they are three days old.
  12. The best (or greatest) fish swim near the bottom.
  13. The best is behind.
  14. The best is best cheap.
  15. The child followeth the womb.
  16. The child is the father of the man.
  17. The corruption of the best is worst.
  18. The courtesan weeps with one eye, the wife with two, (and) the nun with four.
  19. The crow thinks her own bird (or birds) fairest (or whitest).
  20. The darkest place is under the candlestick.
  21. The day is short and the work is much.
  22. The descent to hell is easy.
  23. The devil can transform himself into an angel of light.
  24. The devil is not so black as he is painted.
  25. The die is cast (or thrown).
  26. The early bird catches the worm.
  27. The end justifies the means.
  28. The eye is the window of the heart (or mind).
  29. The eyes have one (or a) language everywhere.
  30. The farthest (or longest) way about (or round) (is) the nearest (or shortest) way home.
  31. The first blow (or stroke) is half the battle.
  32. The first faults are theirs that commit them, the second theirs that permit them.
  1. The first year, let your house to your enemy; the second, to your friend; the third, live in it yourself.
  2. The fly has her spleen and the ant her gall.
  3. The folly of one man is the fortune of another.
  4. The great fish eat the small.
  5. The greater embraces (or hides or includes) the less.
  6. The greatest hate proceeds (or springs) from the greatest love.
  7. The greatest (or hardest) step is that out of doors (or over the threshold).
  8. The greatest wealth is contentment with a little.
  9. The hood (or cowl or habit) makes not the monk.
  10. The joys of the world dure but little.
  11. The lame tongue gets nothing.
  12. The lapwing cries most when farthest from her nest.
  13. The last straw breaks the camel's back.
  14. The life of man is a winter's day and a winter's way.
  15. The like breeds the like.
  16. The maid which takes, sells herself; the maid which gives, forsakes herself.
  17. The mean is the best.
  18. The more (or More) haste the less (or worse) speed.
  19. The more knave the better luck.
  20. The more noble the more humble.
  21. The more that riches are honoured the more virtue is despised.
  22. The more, the better.
  23. The more the merrier, the fewer the better cheer (or fare).
  24. The mouse that has but one hole is quickly taken.
  25. The peacock has fair feathers but foul feet.
  26. The pen is mightier than the sword.
  27. The pot calls the kettle black.
  28. The pot (or pitcher) goes so often (or long) to the well (or water) that it is broken at last.
  29. The profit of the commonwealth should be preferred to a private pleasure.
  30. The proof of the (or a) pudding is in the eating.
  31. The properer (or honester) man the worse luck.
  32. The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong.
  1. The rising, not the setting, sun is worshipped by most men.
  2. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
  3. The same knife cuts bread and fingers.
  4. The shape of a good greyhound: a head like a snake, a neck like a drake, a back like a beam, a belly like a bream, a foot like a cat, a tail like a rat.
  5. The skilfulest wanting money is scorned.
  6. The sun never sets on the Spanish dominion.
  7. The sun shines upon all alike (or shines everywhere).
  8. The tailor makes the man.
  9. The tongue stings.
  10. The voice of the people (is) the voice of God.
  11. There is no accounting for taste.
  12. There is no fire without (some) smoke.
  13. There is no general rule without some exception (or without exceptions).
  14. There is no smoke without fire.
  15. There will be sleeping enough in the grave.
  16. There would (or could) be no great ones if there were no little ones.
  17. There's many a good tune played on an old fiddle.
  18. They are welcome that bring.
  19. They can find money for mischief when they can find none to buy corn.
  20. They die well that live well.
  21. They that be in hell think there is no better heaven.
  22. They that hide can find.
  23. They think a calf a muckle beast that never saw a cow.
  24. Things done cannot be undone.
  25. Things that are hard to come by are much set by.
  26. Think today and speak tomorrow.
  27. Think with the wise but talk with the vulgar.
  28. This world is a stage and every man plays his part.
  29. Those who are doing nothing are doing ill.
  30. Three helping one another bear the burden of six.
  31. Three removes are as bad as a fire.
  1. Three women (and a goose) make a market.
  2. Through hardship to the stars.
  3. Through obedience learn to command.
  4. Throw (or Fling) dirt enough and some will stick.
  5. Time and thought tame the strongest (or greatest) grief.
  6. Time and tide wait for no man.
  7. Time flies (like an arrow).
  8. Time is money.
  9. Time lost cannot be recalled (or won again).
  10. Times change and we with them.
  11. To be able to do harm and not to do it is noble.
  12. To be beloved is above all bargains.
  13. To cast pearls before swine.
  14. To err is human (, to repent is divine, to persevere is diabolical).
  15. To every bird his own nest is best.
  16. To get is the gift of fortune, to keep is the gift of wisdom.
  17. To kill two birds with one stone.
  18. To marry young is too early, to marry old is too late.
  19. To moderate the appetite is (a) virtue, to let it loose is (a) vice.
  20. To the servant the bit of good manners.
  21. Today above ground tomorrow under.
  22. Tomorrow never comes.
  23. Too many cooks spoil the broth.
  24. Too much liberty spoils all.
  25. Travel makes a wise man better but a fool worse.
  26. Tread on a worm and it will turn.
  27. Truth is stranger than fiction.
  28. Truth is time's daughter.
  29. Two heads are better than one (, even if the one's a sheep's).
  30. Two is company, but three is none.
  31. Two of a trade seldom (or never) agree.

「U」からはじまる 英語 の ことわざ

  1. Under a ragged (or threadbare) coat lies wisdom.
  2. Union is strength.

「V」から始まる 英語 の ことわざ

  1. Vengeance belongs only to God.
  2. Venture a small fish to catch a great one.
  3. Venture not all in one bottom.
  4. Virtue and a trade are the best portion for children.
  5. Virtue is its own reward.

「W」からはじまる 英語 の ことわざ

  1. Wake not a sleeping lion.
  2. Wake not at every dog's bark.
  3. Walls have ears.
  4. Wonders last but nine days.
  5. Want is the mother of industry.
  6. Want makes strife between the good man and his wife (or 'twixt man and wife).
  7. Want of wit is worse than want of gear.
  8. War is (or Wars are) sweet to them that know it (or them) not.
  9. Wars bring scars.
  10. Waste makes want.
  11. Water afar off quenches not fire (near).
  12. Water is as dangerous as commodious.
  13. We are but men, not gods.
  14. We are not born for ourselves.
  15. We are usually the best men when in the worst health.
  16. We learn by teaching.
  17. We may give advice, but we cannot give conduct.
  18. We (or One) must howl among (or with) the wolves.
  19. Well begun is half done.
  20. When the cat is away the mice will play.
  21. When (the) wine (or ale or drink) is in (the) wit is out.
  22. Where there's a will, there's a way.
  23. Who holds the purse rules the house.
  24. Whom God loves, his bitch brings forth pigs.
  25. Work as if you were to live 100 years, pray as if you were to die tomorrow.

「Y」からはじまる 英語 の ことわざ

  1. You cannot make a silk (or satin or velvet) purse (out) of a sow's ear.
  2. You may take a horse to the water, but you can't make him drink.

ページ移動 A~M

  A (80)   G (19)
   A1 (30)  H (14)
   A2 (30)  I (28)
   A3 (20)  J (3)
  B (14)   K (10)
  C (15)   L (49)
  D (15)    L1 (30)
  E (34)    L2 (19)
  F (23)    M (37)

ページ移動 A~M

  N (51)   T (126)
   N1 (30)   T1 (32)
   N2 (21)   T2 (32)
  O (23)    T3 (31)
  P (22)    T4 (31)
  Q (1)   U (2)
  R (5)   V (5)
  S (40)   W (25)
       Y (2)


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