About the Agricultural Weather Center (UKAWC) |
The Agricultural Weather Center is housed in the C. E. Barnhart Building on Cooper Drive in Lexington, KY and provides this weather
service for the College of Agriculture, Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering Department and Kentucky residents. Click Here for directions to UKAWC. The
staff is composed of Mr. Tom Priddy, Extension/Research Ag. Meteorologist and Director of the Ag. Weather Center, Dr. Wanhong Wang, System Administrator/ Programmer, and Matt Dixon, a staff meteorologist.
The weather information is provided by the National Weather Service, National Climatic Center, Midwest Regional Center, and Kentucky Mesonet, as well as various
information generated by the AWC Staff using the Geographic Information System (GIS) in the Ag Weather Center.
You are invited to use the information and weather/climate databases at your own risk as a free service of the UK College of Agriculture.
Click HERE for maps/directions to the UK Ag. Weather Center!
If you have questions or requests for other information, contact Tom Priddy at 859/218-4364 or via email to priddy@uky.edu
...Home of the UK Weather Geeks!...
Ag Weather Center, Department of Biosystems & Agricultural Engineering, University of Kentucky