This page contains training announcements and resources for SAMHSA applicants and grantees on accessing and utilizing the eRA online interface to share administrative grant management information with SAMHSA federal staff. SAMHSA periodically presents live webinar trainings in coordination with NIH eRA for applicants and grant recipients on important topics such as how to apply to a funding opportunity, how to respond to Terms and Conditions in a Notice of Award, how to submit Post Award Amendments and Federal Financial Reports (FFR) for Discretionary Grants, and how to use eRA Commons features, such as initiating correspondence which is automatically added to the official grant file. Live trainings are announced on this page and related pages within the SAMHSA grants website. Grantees are also notified via email. Webinar presentations are also posted, as are guidance materials such as videos and reference sheets. Webinar Trainings Schedule Throughout 2020, SAMHSA will be offering webinars that provide grantees with specific information about how to effectively manage and maintain proper oversight of their grants. View the 2020 Webinar Trainings Schedule (PDF | 402 KB). To receive information on how to access the webinars contact For information on upcoming events Subscribe to SAMHSA’s Newsletter. Applying for a Grant A manual is available for applicants: Developing a Competitive SAMHSA Grant Application (PDF | 1 MB). This manual will provide applicants with valuable information about how to prepare a strong grant application. Three webinars are scheduled in August, September, and October 2020 (PDF | 561 KB) to highlight valuable information in the manual. SAMHSA periodically presents a training webinar for prospective applicants interested in applying to FY 2020 grant programs. The webinar provides information on how to submit applications to SAMHSA using NIH’s eRA System, including application and registration processes, requirements and validations, and the post-submission process. Please find links to a recording and a PDF of the presentation below. View a recording of the SAMHSA Applicant Webinar (39 minutes). View the FOA Applicant Webinar Presentation (PDF | 7.4 MB). Presenter comments are viewable by hovering over the bubble in the upper left corner of the page. For more information go to Applying for a New SAMHSA Grant on the SAMHSA Grants website. Grant Management Reference Materials for Grantees Notice of Award: How to Respond to Terms and Conditions (9 minutes, 45 seconds) The purpose of this video is to provide SAMHSA grantees a brief overview of Terms and Conditions in eRA Commons, and how to respond to tracked terms and conditions listed in your Notice of Award. Read the Video Transcript (PDF | 97 KB). Grantee Terms and Conditions Reference Sheet (PDF | 165 KB). For more information go to Terms and Conditions on the SAMHSA Grants Management page. Reporting Requirements: Completing the Annual Federal Financial Report (FFR) (SF-425) (2 minutes, 47 seconds) The purpose of this recording is to show the basic functionality for completing and submitting an FFR in eRA Commons. Read the Video Transcript (PDF | 45 KB). Grantee FFR Reference Sheet (PDF | 1.2 MB). For more information go to Post-Award Reporting Requirements Annual Federal Financial Report on the SAMHSA Grants Management page. Non-competing Continuation Applications: How to Apply for Continuing Funding (7 minutes) The purpose of this recording is to guide SAMHSA grantees on how to submit a non-competing continuation and respond to additional materials requested by SAMHSA during the review. Read the Video Transcript (PDF | 80 KB). Grantee Continuations Reference Sheet (PDF | 286 KB). For more information go to Continuations Grants on the SAMHSA Grants Management page. Discretionary Grants: How to Submit a Post Award Amendment (10 minutes, 30 seconds) The purpose of this video is to show SAMHSA grantees how to initiate a post award amendment application within the eRA Commons system, how to fill out or access in-progress applications, how to submit their applications, and how to track their submitted applications. Read the Video Transcript (PDF | 91 KB). Grantee Amendments Reference Sheet (PDF | 288 KB). For more information go to Post Award Amendments on the SAMHSA Grants Management page. How to Respond to a SAMHSA Request for Additional Materials: Post Award Amendment and Continuation Applications (6 minutes, 30 seconds) The purpose of this video is to provide a guide for grantees on how to respond to Requests for Additional Materials, or RAMs, that SAMHSA may initiate on Post Award Amendment applications or Continuation applications. Read the Video Transcript (PDF | 94 KB). Submitting additional materials in response to a Request for Additional Materials (RAM) Reference Sheet (PDF | 136 KB). Grantee Correspondence with SAMHSA: How to Initiate and Respond to Messages in eRA (6 minutes, 30 seconds) The purpose of this video is to provide a reference for SAMHSA grantees on what two-way correspondence is and how they can use it. Read the Video Transcript (PDF | 65 KB). eRA Two-Way Correspondence Reference Sheet (PDF | 175 KB). SAMHSA Grant-Related Contact Information Grant Announcement Questions? Contact the person(s) listed under "Agency Contact" in the Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) Problems Submitting Your Application on Contact the Helpdesk: General Grants Questions? Call SAMHSA's Division of Grants Management at 240-276-1400 More Contact Information eRA Commons Technical Questions? Contact the eRA Service Desk Web Support Submit a Web Ticket (preferred method of contact) Toll-Free: 1-866-504-9552 Phone: 301-402-7469 (Press 6 for SAMHSA Grantees) Hours: Mon-Fri, 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. EST (closed on federal holidays)