The Coast Guard is one of our nation’s five military services. Our core values—honor, respect, and devotion to duty, are the guiding principles used to defend and preserve the United States of America. We protect the personal safety and security of our people; the marine transportation system and infrastructure; our natural and economic resources; and the territorial integrity of our nation–from both internal and external threats, natural and man-made. We protect these interests in U.S. ports, inland waterways, along the coasts, and on international waters.
Serving in the U.S. Coast Guard
There is no one set career trajectory in the Coast Guard. That’s because we offer a host of diverse and challenging opportunities that span a broad scope of interests, backgrounds, and skillsets - ranging from law enforcement officers all the way to executive chefs.
To serve in the U.S. Coast Guard, applicants must meet a set of basic requirements that include age, residency, and education standards. Learn more about Coast Guard qualifications and requirements here.
Members of the Coast Guard receive a comprehensive benefits package. In addition to their salary, members earn free health, dental, and vision insurance; tuition assistance; housing and meals; 30 days of paid vacation; and much more.
Friends and Family
Right now, you're probably filled with all kinds of emotions. Pride. Concern. Delight. Anxiety. And that's understandable. After all, your loved one is considering joining the Coast Guard. And while we can't ease all your worries and concerns, we can let you know what we're all about, what your loved one will experience in the Coast Guard, and what the answers are to some of your questions.