Host a community event or activity during National Prevention Week to raise awareness for the prevention of substance use and the promotion of mental health. Hosting an Event One of the most popular ways to participate in National Prevention Week (NPW) is to host a community event or activity. Events help others see what you’re doing for prevention while also bringing your community together. Anyone, from an individual to an organization, can plan an event. Here are some ideas from past events to inspire you: Organize a health fair. Paint a school mural themed around living healthy lives. Throw an ice cream social to reduce stress on campus. Sponsor a fun run/walk for prevention. Have a moment of silence in honor of prevention. Getting Started So, how can you get started with hosting an NPW community event or activity? Download the NPW Toolkit. The Toolkit has all the information you need to jumpstart your prevention event planning. It’s available in both English and Spanish. You can also order a free NPW wristband, which doubles as a flash drive and contains the full NPW Toolkit and other helpful resources. Order yours by emailing the NPW Coordinator Tell us about your event. We can help promote your community’s event through the Prevention Works email, on the NPW website, and you might even find yourself spotlighted in the yearly NPW Highlights report. Most events are held during NPW, but you can host your event any time of year.