Find publications, guides, and other resources from SAMHSA and its partners on preventing suicide and substance use among Native youth. Grantee Resources SPARS Annual Goals and Budget Checklist (PDF | 429 KB) and SPARS indicator Cheat Sheet (PDF | 612 KB): An overview of the SPARS Annual Goals and Budget Checklist and SPARS Indicator Cheat Sheet. Learn more at SAMHSA Native Connections. Native Connections Cohort 4 Orientation (PDF | 7.3 MB) gives an overview of the Native Connections grant. Learn more at SAMHSA Native Connections. Native Connections: Grantee Briefing Sheet - C1-C4 (PDF | 557 KB) gives an overview of the Native Connections Grant Program. Native Connections Guides and Fact Sheets Sustainability Toolkit (PDF | 2 MB) provides steps, guidance, and resources for grantees to work on core skills for sustainability and make sure key aspects of their Native Connections project live on into the future. Public Health Model in Tribal Communities (PDF | 1.4 MB) describes the use of the model with a tribal cultural framework. Training and Technical Assistance Self-Assessment (PDF | 1.9 MB) is a checklist to guide grantees through grant objectives and determine technical assistance needs. Aligning Local Evaluation Strategies with Community Readiness Model Dimension Score (PDF | 788 KB) provides guidance for local evaluation strategies. Setting Goals and Developing Objectives (PDF | 566 KB) describes the process for creating S.M.A.R.T. goals. Fostering Resilience in Youth and Encouraging Youth Awareness of Mental Health (PDF | 329 KB) discusses youth development evidence-based programs. Strengthening Coalitions in AI/AN Communities (PDF | 319 KB) provides strategies for community collaboration. Surveillance in Native Communities (PDF | 262 KB) lists measures, principles, and resources for systematic information gathering. Building a Community-based Suicide Crisis Response Team (PDF | 258 KB) Culture is Prevention (PDF | 406 KB) Opioid Misuse and Overdose Prevention in Native Communities (PDF | 307 KB) Strategic Action Plan Checklist (PDF | 270 KB) Sustainability: Key Areas to Focus on Now (PDF | 385 KB) Gathering of Native Americans/Alaska Natives Native Connections Grantee Guide (PDF | 300 KB) Developing Policies and Procedures Guide (PDF | 244 KB) Suicide Prevention SAMHSA Resources LGBTQ2S Resources (PDF | 1.2 MB) provides a list of resources for Native Connections grantees and stakeholders to reference to support Two Spirit populations in suicide prevention efforts. Zero Suicide The Tribal Training and Technical Assistance (TTA) Center offers resources on suicide prevention and other topics. Suicide Assessment Five-Step Evaluation and Triage (SAFE-T): Pocket Guide for Clinicians – 2009 assists clinicians in conducting a suicide assessment. The Suicide Safe mobile app is based on the SAFE-T model. The guide To Live to See the Great Day That Dawns: Preventing Suicide by American Indian and Alaska Native Youth and Young Adults – 2010 supports tribal communities in developing suicide prevention plans to protect their youth. Other Resources The Suicide Prevention Program from the Indian Health Service (IHS) provides resources for providers and patients, including information on how to talk about suicide. The Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC) offers free online courses in suicide prevention to train service providers, educators, health professionals, and others. SPRC also hosts Research to Practice webinars on suicide prevention and offers resources specifically designed for people working with Native populations. Substance Use Prevention SAMHSA Resources “Talk. They Hear You.” This underage drinking prevention campaign includes a free app and PSAs to help parents and caregivers start talking to children early about the dangers of alcohol. Other Resources The Alcohol and Substance Abuse Program (ASAP) at IHS takes a holistic approach to addressing alcohol and substance use among American Indian and Alaska Native populations. IHS Youth Regional Treatment Centers (YRTC) are tribally and federally operated facilities that address substance use and co-occurring disorders among Native youth. A National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) blog post on substance use among American Indian youth highlights research on alcohol use, binge drinking, marijuana use, and cocaine use initiation and patterns among this population. The United States National Library of Medicine contains resources on issues affecting the health and well-being of Native Americans. Mental Health Resources The IHS Division of Behavioral Health is the primary source of advocacy, policy, management, and administration of behavioral health programs for American Indians and Alaska Natives. Native American Communities and Mental Health from Mental Health America features statistics on mental health disorders among American Indians and Alaska Natives. General Prevention Resources Engaging Rural Youth (PDF | 1.5 MB) provides ideas to be put forward in a youth group setting or converted into a program based on the needs of the community. Prevention Institute: Adverse Community Experiences and Resilience (PDF | 6.6 MB) IHS: Restoring Balance: Community Owned Wellness SAMHSA: Concept of Trauma and Guidance for a Trauma-Informed Approach Building Resilient and Trauma-Informed Communities – Philadelphia, PA: Public Health Partnerships for Trauma Transformation SAMHSA: Trauma-Informed Care Fact Sheet – Native Children: Trauma and Its Effects (PDF | 1.1 MB) SAMHSA Performance Accountability and Reporting System (SPARS)