The annual Synar reports detail trends in sales of tobacco to minors and the success of state compliance with the Synar Amendment. These reports identify common characteristics among states that reach compliance goals and stress the importance of prevention in decreasing teen tobacco use: FY 2014 Annual Synar Reports: Tobacco Sales to Youth In FY 2014, the national weighted average rate of tobacco sales to minors as reported by states and the District of Columbia was 9.8 percent. This represents an increase in the national retailer violation rate (RVR) from FFY 2013, when the national rate was 9.6 percent. FY 2014 was the first year since FY 2005 that the Secretary found a state to be out of compliance with the Synar requirements. In FY 2014, 44 of the 50 states and DC achieved an RVR below 15.0 percent (decrease from 47 states in FY 2013), and 29 of the 51 achieved an RVR below 10.0 percent (down from 30 states in FY 2013). Additionally, 10 of the 51 achieved an RVR below 5.0 percent (unchanged from FY 2013). FY 2013 Annual Synar Reports: Tobacco Sales In FY 2013, the national weighted average rate of tobacco sales to minors for the 50 states and the District of Columbia was 9.6%. This represents an increase in the RVR from FFY 2012, when the national rate was 9.1%. Between FFYs 2012 and 2013, the number of states reporting RVRs below 5 percent increased from nine to ten. However, the number of states reporting RVRs below 10 percent decreased from 34 to 30. FY 2012 Annual Synar Reports: Tobacco Sales to Youth In FY 2012, the national weighted average rate of tobacco sales to minors for the 50 states and the District of Columbia was 9.1%. While this rate is the second lowest retailer violation rate (RVR) in the history of the Synar program, it represents an increase in the RVR from FY 2011, when the national rate was 8.5%. Despite the increase in the national average rate of tobacco sales to youth, the number of states reporting RVRs below 10% (34 states) remained consistent between FYs 2011 and 2012. However, the number of states reporting RVRs below 5% decreased from 12 in FY 2011 to 9 in FY 2012. FY 2011 Annual Synar Reports: Tobacco Sales to Youth In FY 2011, the national weighted average rate of tobacco sales to minors for the 50 states and the District of Columbia was 8.5%. This is the lowest rate in the 15-year history of the Synar program. Additionally, the number of states reporting low RVRs has increased. In FY 2011, 34 states achieved an RVR below 10% and 12 achieved an RVR below 5%. FY 2010 Annual Synar Reports: Tobacco Sales to Youth In FY 2010, the national weighted average rate of tobacco sales to minors for the 50 states and the District of Columbia was 9.3%. This is the lowest rate in the 14-year history of the Synar program.