COVID-19 Tips
226 Maintain physical distance when clocking-in or out and during breaks.
225 Stock stores when few or no customers are present.
224 Train workers to use, wear, store and dispose of PPE.
223 Clean tools shared by meatpackers and processors.
222 If a worker becomes sick, disinfect their workstation and tools.
220 Be sure exhaust air is not pulled back into the building from HVAC air intakes or open windows.
219 Increase the HVAC system's outdoor air intake.
218 Promote flu shots to workers.
217 Use HVAC system filters with a Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) rating of 13 or higher.
216 Clean vehicles shared among drivers or riders.
215 Have a process to address workers' concerns.
214 Remove or redirect personal fans to prevent blowing air from one worker to another.
213 Prepare your workplace to avoid the flu this season.
212 Wash, rinse, and sanitize dishware, utensils, and beverage equipment after each use.
211 Use activity-based learning to train adult workers.
210 Educate and empower workers to speak up for safer working conditions.
209 Install physical barriers or partitions between patient treatment areas.
208 Train workers on the hazards of cleaning chemicals.
207 Delay non-emergency work if there is a symptomatic individual in the house.
206 Support worker input to develop training on specific workplace hazards.
205 Train workers on every potential hazard that they could be exposed to and how to protect themselves.
204 If cleaning professionally, wash your clothes as soon as you get home.
203 Reinforce and repeat new information to drive points home to workers during training.
202 Encourage customers to submit prescriptions online or by phone.
201 Screen workers before they enter the workplace.
200 It's a good idea to document all workplace safety and health training.
199 Use mobile ordering, text on arrival for seating, and contactless payment options.
198 Train employees with safety and health responsibilities.
197 Encourage employees with specialized knowledge to conduct safety training.
196 Separate workers from occupants by closing doors or installing plastic sheeting.
195 Ask visitors to report if they develop any symptoms after visiting a nursing home.
194 Stay home if you have a sick family member at home.
193 Wear disposable gloves to clean, sanitize, and disinfect common surfaces.
191 Wear face coverings for all in-home service visits.
190 Avoid dry sweeping or use of high-pressure streams of water when cleaning.
189 Comply with state and local requirements for occupancy restrictions.
188 Limit the number of passengers riding in shared vehicles at a single time.
187 Provide ventilation in areas where dental patients are treated.
186 Ask customers if anyone in the home has COVID-19 symptoms before entering.
185 Wash laundry using the warmest water setting and dry all items completely.
184 Use the intercom system to remind patrons of physical distancing.
183 Encourage restaurant patrons to pay ahead for takeout orders.
182 Explore how technologies can help limit customer contact.
181 Provide employee assistance resources to those who may need it.
180 Clean labs with hospital-grade disinfectants.
179 Cover your nose and mouth before interacting with others.
178 Keep your workplace clean and regularly disinfected.
177 Provide enough tools to eliminate the need to share them.
176 Use multiple languages to increase worker knowledge.
175 Avoid direct hand-off of takeout or curbside orders.
174 Leave deliveries at doorsteps and loading docks, when you can.
173 Wash your hands after removing gloves or protective equipment.
172 Assign workers to assist with distancing on processing floor lines.
171 Read and follow labels on containers of cleaning chemicals.
170 Assign the same workers to the same shifts with the same coworkers.
169 Wash your hands before touching masks, gloves or any PPE.
168 Sanitize any equipment that workers share.
167 Limit contact between workers receiving shipments and delivery drivers.
166 Train workers on the basics of the virus and its impact on their tasks.
165 Discourage workers from sharing tools.
164 Maintain social distancing while inside work trailers.
163 OSHA protects workers wrongly disciplined for raising safety concerns.
162 Allow workers at drive-thrus to wear cloth face coverings.
161 Cloth face coverings are not a substitute for social distancing measures.
160 Make it a habit to disinfect work surfaces and equipment.
159 Avoid sharing desks, phones, or other tools with other workers.
158 Provide delivery workers with cleaning products.
157 Physical distancing helps keep workers and everyone safe.
156 Prevent workers from using other workers' equipment.
155 Clean your workplace with the right chemicals.
154 Encourage workers to report any safety and health concerns.
153 Encourage workers to report any safety and health concerns.
152 Use partitions installed along production lines where social distancing is not possible.
151 Bring unsafe work conditions to your supervisor's attention.
150 Limit the number of workers in shared living quarters onboard vessels.
149 Employers are required to keep workers safe.
148 Avoid gathering with colleagues during breaks onshore and offshore.
147 Remind workers of the importance of regular handwashing.
146 Wear disposable gloves while disinfecting vehicle interiors.
145 Request workers and customers wash their hands before hair and nail services.
144 Consider current outbreak conditions in the community when reopening.
143 Wash and dry customers' hair before performing any work.
142 Train workers on safely wearing cloth face coverings.
141 Require nail clients to wash their hands or sanitize them before starting services.
140 Request customers wear face coverings during services.
139 Allow workers to wear face coverings when entering, inside, and exiting.
138 Designate pick-up zones for customers to get orders.
137 Instruct customers waiting for grooming services to wait outside or in their vehicles.
136 Use contactless payment options for food orders.
135 Move workstations farther apart.
134 Reserve parking near the front door for curbside pickup.
133 Increase the distance between workspaces.
132 Use cleaning chemicals approved to disinfect against the coronavirus.
131 Flexible leave policies can keep workers and the public safe.
130 Post directional signs in hallways/corridors to assist workers/customers.
129 Offer customers vehicle pick-up and drop-off service.
128 Remind employees to self-evaluate for COVID-19 signs/symptoms before coming to work.
127 Find answers to your top COVID-19 questions.
126 Explore how technologies can help limit customer contact.
125 Interpret health and temperature screening results cautiously.
124 Have a plan if COVID-19 emerges or resurges after your business reopens.
123 Sanitize key fobs and steering wheels before and after servicing vehicles.
122 Provide employee assistance resources to those who may need it.
121 Cover your nose and mouth before interacting with others.
120 Have policies and procedures in place before resuming operations.
119 Train workers on the basics of the virus and its impact on their tasks.
118 Provide enough tools to eliminate the need to share them.
117 Keep your workplace clean and regularly disinfected.
116 Post directional signs in hallways/corridors to assist workers/customers.
115 Temporarily move workstations to increase the distance between workers.
114 Remind employees to self-evaluate for COVID-19 signs/symptoms before coming to work.
113 Know when respirators need to be worn.
112 Wash reusable cloth face coverings.
111 Your mask should cover both your nose and mouth.
110 Use your fingertips to shape the mask nosepiece.
109 Avoid using damaged or damp respirators.
108 Train workers on proper respirator use.
107 Wash your hands before and after touching your mask.
106 Make sure your respirator has a proper seal.
105 Request all passengers to ride in the back seat of shared vehicles.
104 Limit the number of passengers riding in shared vehicles at a single time.
103 Encourage deliveries that do not require person-to-person contact.
102 Install physical barriers or partitions between patient treatment areas.
101 Child care providers should greet children outside as they arrive, not inside.
100 Limit nonessential visitors to child care facilities.
99 Interpret health and temperature screening results cautiously.
98 Have a plan if COVID-19 emerges or resurges after your business reopens.
97 Immediately separate sick offshore workers from their colleagues.
96 Maintain physical distance when clocking-in or out and during breaks.
95 Assign workers to assist with distancing on processing floor lines.
94 Find answers to your top COVID-19 questions.
93 Flexible leave policies can keep workers and the public safe.
92 Increase the distance between workspaces.
91 Post our 10 steps poster to reduce exposure risk.
90 Install plexiglass partitions between workstations.
89 Stay current on public health recommendations.
88 Encourage sick workers to stay home.
87 Clear communication promotes confidence during a pandemic.
86 See several ways to practice social distancing at work.
85 Regular handwashing is essential to your safety and health.
84 Make it a habit to disinfect work surfaces and equipment.
83 Exposure risks depend on your industry and contact with others.
82 Cloth face coverings are not a substitute for social distancing measures.
81 Remove a respirator from behind.
80 Encourage workers to wear face coverings.
79 Know when respirators need to be worn.
78 Wash reusable cloth face coverings.
77 Your mask should cover both your nose and mouth.
76 Ask visitors to report if they develop any symptoms after visiting a nursing home.
75 Train workers on the hazards of cleaning chemicals.
74 Encourage workers to report any safety and health concerns.
73 Suspend non-essential business travel.
72 Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds.
71 Replace face-to-face meetings with video conferencing.
70 Stay home if you have a sick family member at home.
69 Sanitize any equipment that workers share.
68 Bring unsafe work conditions to your supervisor's attention.
67 Employers are required to keep workers safe.
66 Stagnant water systems can lead to Legionella hazards during reopening.
65 Limit contact between workers receiving shipments and delivery drivers.
64 Use your fingertips to shape the mask nosepiece.
63 Avoid using damaged or damp respirators.
62 Use the intercom system to remind patrons of physical distancing.
61 Provide hourly workers with touch-free clock in/out methods.
60 Stock stores when few or no customers are present.
59 Provide delivery workers with cleaning products.
58 Clean labs with hospital-grade disinfectants.
57 Clean and disinfect vehicle door handles.
56 Use multiple languages to increase worker knowledge.
55 Train workers on proper respirator use.
54 Practice physical distancing even if you show no signs or symptoms.
53 Encourage customers to submit prescriptions online or by phone.
52 Allow workers at drive-thrus to wear cloth face coverings.
51 Physical distancing helps keep workers and everyone safe.
50 Clean vehicles shared among drivers or riders.
49 Avoid direct hand-off of takeout or curbside orders.
48 Restrict personnel entering patient isolation areas.
47 Wash your hands before and after touching your mask.
46 Install plexiglass partitions between workstations.
45 Post our 10 steps poster to reduce exposure risk.
44 Monitor the temperature and health of healthcare workers.
43 Train workers to use, wear, store and dispose of PPE.
42 Clean tools shared by meatpackers and processors.
41 Separate pharmacy workers from customers with clear shields.
40 Open vehicle windows to increase airflow.
39 Industry and contact with others impact your risk of exposure.
38 Provide ventilation in areas where dental patients are treated.
37 Wash your hands before touching masks, gloves or any PPE.
36 Encourage workers to monitor their health for signs and symptoms.
35 Have a process to address workers' concerns.
34 Practice physical distancing even if you have no symptoms.
33 Encourage workers to report any safety and health concerns.
32 Make sure your respirator has a proper seal.
31 Prevent workers from using other workers' equipment.
30 Encourage restaurant patrons to pay ahead for takeout orders.
29 Allow workers to wear face coverings when entering, inside, and exiting.
28 If a worker becomes sick, disinfect their workstation and tools.
27 Screen workers before they enter the workplace.
26 Assign the same workers to the same shifts with the same coworkers.
25 Move workstations farther apart.
24 Reserve parking near the front door for curbside pickup.
23 Increase the distance between workspaces.
22 Use cleaning chemicals approved to disinfect against the coronavirus.
21 Flexible leave policies can keep workers and the public safe.
20 OSHA protects workers wrongly disciplined for raising safety concerns.
19 Maintain social distancing while inside work trailers.
18 Stay current on public health recommendations.
17 Regular handwashing is essential to your safety and health.
16 Discourage workers from sharing tools.
15 Clean your workplace with the right chemicals.
14 Leave deliveries at doorsteps and loading docks, when you can.
13 Open every other cash register to create social distancing.
12 Make it a habit to disinfect work surfaces and equipment.
11 Post handwashing signs in workplace restrooms.
10 Read and follow labels on containers of cleaning chemicals.
9 Remember, high-risk job tasks may need more protections.
8 Encourage sick workers to stay home.
7 Wash your hands after removing gloves or protective equipment.
6 Never mix cleaning products that contain bleach and ammonia.
5 Try flexible work hours or staggered shifts if telework is not an option.
4 Avoid sharing desks, phones, or other tools with other workers.
3 See several ways to practice social distancing at work.
2 Clear communication promotes confidence during a pandemic.
Safety and Health Tips
Commit to keeping teen workers safe.
Never enter a grain bin without an observer.
Know your exposure risk to COVID-19 at work.
Follow safety tips to protect workers from tree care hazards.
Never exceed a forklift's rated load.
Have a plan to keep workers safe during severe weather events.
Stay informed about the coronavirus to keep yourself healthy.
Follow sanitation requirements to protect workers.
Reminder: Submit your 2019 injury and illness data by March 2.
Keep workers safe from slips when walking on ice and snow.
Machines should be properly safeguarded to prevent amputations.
Employers: Display your injury and illness summary starting
Feb. 1.
Ensure workers know their roles in a safety and health program.
Resolve to follow all personal protective equipment requirements.
Now is a great time to review safety and health programs with workers.
Mark any rooftop hazards hidden by the snow.
Employers should provide cold stress training to workers.
Drivers should use wheel chocks when making deliveries.
Provide warm areas for workers during break periods.
Review emergency plans with all workers prior to sales events.
Know the jobs, equipment, and work hours allowed for youth under 18.
Give clear instructions and train working teens this holiday season.
Never move a mobile ladder occupied by a worker.
When driving, avoid taking medications that make you drowsy.
Test confined spaces for traces of hydrogen sulfide.
Do not take home work clothes or shoes exposed to lead.
Know your workplace noise level.
Develop a fire safety plan and train workers.
Schedule an on-site consultation for help finding and fixing hazards.
Avoid carrying passengers on a tractor.
Look out for utility crews making emergency repairs.
When backing up a vehicle, make sure you can see the spotter.
Use the right ladder for the job.
Know what's below - Call 811 before you dig.
Wear a personal flotation device when working around water.
Dispose of used needles in puncture-resistant containers.
Use ventilation when cleaning up mold.
Consider all water in flooded areas unsafe.
Avoid quick or sharp turns when operating a tractor.
Always guard equipment that has moving machine parts.
Prevent heat illness, provide Water. Rest. Shade.
Keep clear of mortars before and after they launch fireworks.
Always assume that downed power lines are live.
Never block workplace exit routes.
Encourage workers to drink water frequently in heat.
Avoid manually lifting patients.
You have the right to speak up if something seems unsafe.
In construction, use fall protection when working at heights of six feet or more.
Allow workers to leave their work locations to use a restroom when needed.
Prevent trench collapses: Slope It. Shore It. Shield It.
Workers must be trained to operate a forklift.
Flaggers should wear high visibility clothing in work zones.
You must be medically evaluated before wearing a respirator.
Use protective equipment during flood cleanup operations.
Use cave-in protection for trenches.
Use a pushing/guarding device to place food into a slicer, never by hand.
Know signs of exhaustion when responding to severe weather.
Submit data from OSHA Form 300A by March 2.
Know how to work safely in a permit-required confined space, before entering.
Ensure portable generators are properly ventilated.
Always clean and vent oilfield tanks and tankers before work begins.
Assess the need for protective equipment.
Report unsafe conditions to a supervisor.
Fit test respirators before use.
Address robotic machine hazards with employees.
Never use a generator indoors.
Allow breaks to warm up in cold environments.
Never operate a machine without proper safeguards.
Lift with your legs, not your back.
Always maintain 3-point contact when climbing a ladder.
Always read the label before using hazardous chemicals.
Before backing up get out and look around.
Use low-noise tools and machinery.
Look for overhead power lines and buried power line indicators.
Use fall protection when blue tarp roofing.
Don't walk on blue tarp roofs.
Never walk on grain to make it flow.
Always tie-off before climbing a cell tower.
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