Weather Scenario |
Cloud Cover |
Winds |
Advection |
Snow Cover |
Your Thoughts |
Example Scenario:
Night time forecast, cloud cover, no winds, no snow cover.
| H | L | None | None |
No winds will prevent warm air from mixing downward but
cloud cover will keep temps warm. |
Scenario 1:
Day time forecast, cloudy skies with calm winds,
no significant temperature advection and
no snow cover. |
L |
None |
None |
None |
The clouds should keep the temperatures down.
Scenario 2:
Night time forecast, snow cover, clear skies, no wind. |
L |
L |
None |
L |
Clear skies, calm winds and snow cover all
contribute to maximum radiational cooling of the earth's surface. It is
during such conditions that the coldest temperatures of the year are
typically attained.
Scenario 3:
Night time forecast, cloudy skies, no snow cover, windy and warm
advection. |
H |
H |
H |
None |
Clouds will keep heat from escaping, winds
will allow warmer air to mix down towards the surface, and warm advection
will bring an inflow of warmer air. All these factors
contribute to warmer temperatures.
Scenario 4:
Day time forecast, cloudy skies, windy, cold advection and no snow cover.
| L |
L |
L |
None |
Cloudy skies and windy conditions will help to
keep temperatures lower, especially when the winds are advecting in colder
air (cold advection). All three factors contribute to lower temperatures.