Contact Information
  Dr. Brian C. Ancell
  Associate Professor of Atmospheric Science
  Atmospheric Science Group
  Department of Geosciences
  Texas Tech University
Research Interests: My research addresses the predictability of high-impact weather events on a wide range of scales. Currently I am focusing on severe convection, winter precipitation events, and wind power. I am also working on understanding the contributions from irrigation, wind farms, and urban heat islands on non-local inadvertent weather modification. I use both ensemble and adjoint sensitivity analysis to investigate predictability, as well as ensemble data assimilation to estimate the effectiveness of routine and adaptive observing strategies on forecasts. Much of my work involves collaboration with the National Weather Service toward developing probabilistic forecast tools that add operational value, and I maintain a real-time deterministic and ensemble prediction system run at the High Performance Computing Center on campus.
TTU real-time deterministic prediction system
TTU real-time ensemble prediction system
Status of the Museum of TTU exhibit "How Weather Works: Our Place Between the Sun and a Storm" funded through my NSF CAREER grant
The TTU High Performance Computing Center (HPCC)
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