Immaculata Documents
Our Lady Queen of Heaven Mother of God, Theotokos
Blessed Virgin Was Filled with God's Grace
- Pope John Paul II, General Audience, May 8, 1996.
- Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Meditation: The Presentation of Our Lord in the Temple
Church Grew in Understanding of Mary's Role
- Pope John Paul II, General Audience of November 8
Council's Teaching on Mary Is Rich and Positive
- Pope John Paul II, General audience message of December 13 where he discusses the "balanced presentation of Marian doctrine" offered by Vatican Council II
History of Our Lady of Guadalupe
- Luis Lasso de la Vega (1649), Translation by Fr. Martinus Cawley from the 1649 lyrical Nahuatl (Aztec)
Immaculate Conception and Assumption
- Karl Keating, Catholic Answers, in answer to Christian Fundamentalist objections.
Immaculate Conception Defined by Pius IX
- Pope John Paul II, Angelus Message, June 12, 1996.
In Honor of Our Lady
- Modestus of Jerusalem
Litany of Our Lady of Lourdes
- February 11th
Mary Freely Cooperated in God's Plan
- Pope John Paul II General Audience, July 3, 1996.
Mary Is the Mother Who Intercedes for Everyone
- Pope John Paul II, Angelus Message in Como, Italy, May 5, 1996
Mary Responds to God with Spousal Love
- Pope John Paul II, General Audience, May 1, 1996.
Mary Sheds Light on Role of Women
- Pope John Paul II, General Audience of December 6, 1995
Mary Was United to Jesus on the Cross
- Pope John Paul II, General Audience of October 25
Mirror of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- St. Bonaventure, Selection
from the Dormition of the Mother of God
- by St John of Damascus
My Rosary
- Albino Cardinal Luciani, Pope John Paul I 1912-1978
New Hymn in Honor of Our Lady of All Patience
- St. Louis de Montfort, Hymn #145
Of the Assumption of Mary
- St. Alphonsus de Liguori
Of the Birth of Mary
- St. Alphonsus de Liguori, September 8
Of the Presentation of Mary
- St. Alphonsus de Liguori
Of the Purification of Mary
- St. Alphonsus Liguori, The Presentation in the Temple
On the Dolours of Mary
- St. Alphonsus de Liguori
On the Fifth Dolour
- Dolour 5: Of the Death of Jesus
On the First Dolour
- Dolour 1: Of St. Simeon's Prophesy
On the Fourth Dolour
- Dolour 4: On the Meeting of Mary with Jesus, when He was Going to Death
On the Lifelong Virginity of Mary
- Father Mateo (pen name) on challenges to Our Lady's perpetual virginity
On the Second Dolour
- Dolour 2: Of the Flight of Jesus to Egypt
On the Seventh Dolour
- Dolour 7: The Burial of Jesus
On the Sixth Dolour
- Dolour 6: The Piercing of the Side of Jesus, and His descent from the Cross
On the Third Dolour
- Dolour 3: Of the Loss of Jesus in the Temple
Orthodoxy and the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception of the Theotokos
- Dave Brown, Unique to the modern Roman Church or ancient Eastern tradition?
Our Lady at Holy Communion
- Canticle #134 - St. Louis de Montfort
Our Lady Intended to Remain a Virgin
- Pope John Paul II, General Audience, July 24, 1996.
Our Lady of Guadalupe
- Chronology of Events
Praise of Mary
- Anonymous, Thirteenth Century
Prayer in Honour of Our Lady's Nativity
- St. Anselm, September 8
Prayer to Our Lady of Guadalupe
- Pope John Paul II
Prayers to Our Lady of Guadalupe
- Intercessory Prayer for the Americas and in times of temptation
Prayers to Our Lady of Sorrows
- O gracious Queen of the universe, impress upon my mind, in life and in death, the sacred Passion of Jesus and thine own sorrows.
Quia Amore Langueo
- Virgin's Complaint, The
The Gaelic Litany to our Lady
- Anonymous, c. 750
The Akathist Hymn to the Blessed Virgin Mary
- Eastern Catholic devotion
The Blessed Virgin and the Hidden Life
- Dom Marmion
The Blessed Virgin Mary - Mysteries of the Childhood and Hidden Life of Christ
- Dom Marmion, Time after Epiphany
The Church Presents Mary as 'Ever Virgin'
- Pope John Paul II, General Audience, August 28, 1996
The Evening of the Visitation
- Thomas Merton
The Immaculate Conception
- of the Blessed Virgin Mary
The Litany of Loreto
- Through Christ Our Lord. Amen
The Little Crown Of The Blessed Virgin Mary
- St. Louis de Montfort
The May Magnificat
- Gerard Manley Hopkins
The Mysteries of the Rosary
- Dom Marmion
The Passion of Our Lady
- Charles Pguy
The Praises of Mary
- St. Lomman
The Queenship of Mary
- G.K. Chesterton
Three Homilies on the Annunciation to the Holy Virgin Mary
- St. Gregory Thaumaturgus
To Honor Mary Is to Go to Jesus
- Pope John Paul II, General Audience of November 15, 1995
Virginal Conception Is Biological Fact
- Pope John Paul II, General Audience, July 10, 1996
Easter Regina Coeli
- Hymn #84 - St. Louis de Montfort
Brown Scapular
- Sabbatine Privilege, Blessing and Investiture
Eternal Son of God Is Also Born of Mary
- Pope John Paul II, General Audience, July 31, 1996.
Go and tell the priests"
- Michel de Saint-Pierre
History of the Rosary
- Rosary Light & Life
Going After the Lost Sheep
- G.K. Chesterton
Homage to the Immaculate Conception
- Pope John Paul II, December 8, 1998
Hymn of a Child of Mary
- St. Louis de Montfort
In Honor of Jesus Living in Mary in the Incarnation,
- Hymn #87 - St. Louis de Montfort
Ingravescentibus Malis
- Pope Pius XI, On the Rosary, 1937
Litany of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
- Intercessory Prayer for the Conversion of Sinners
Litany of the Seven Dolours of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- Cardinal Newman
Mary and Joseph Lived Gift of Virginity
- Pope John Paul II, General Audience, August 21, 1996.
Mary, the New Eve, freely obeyed God
- Pope John Paul II, General Audience, September 18, 1996. "God puts the destiny of all mankind in a young woman's hands. Mary's "yes" is the premise for fulfilling the plan which God in his love had prepared for the world's salvation."
Mary's Role in Salvation History
- St. Louis de Montfort
Memorandum on the Immaculate Conception
- Cardinal John Henry Newman
Mirror of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- St. Bonaventure, Selection from the"> Dormition of the Mother of God by St John of Damascus
In Honor of Our Lady
- Modestus of Jerusalem
This link has excelent prayer choices:
The Mary Page: Marian Prayers
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