College for All Texans content has moved
Find College for All Texans information, here, on My Texas Future!
Why My Texas Future?
To ensure Texans have access to the most updated and accurate information, relevant content from the College for All Texans website is being moved to My Texas Future. This move allows My Texas Future to serve as a one-stop hub for college and career planning, consolidating valuable tools, information, and guidance into a single, user-friendly format.
Where to find it
To better serve Texas students, families, and educators, content from the College for All Texans website is now available on My Texas Future. Explore My Texas Future today for the tools and guidance you need to plan your future!
College and career exploration
- Which college is right for you? – Find your college
- Degree programs – Program Explorer
Applying to college
- Automatic admissions – Prepare for graduation
- Texas residency – Residency information
- The tests you’ll need – Take entrance exams
- Transferring colleges – Transfer process
Paying for school
- Paying for college – College costs and savings
- Types of financial aid – Apply for financial aid and compare types of aid
Tuition exemptions and waivers
Texas offers various programs that exempt or waive tuition, fees, and other expenses related to attending public institutions of higher education.
A few of the most common programs are:
- Blind or Deaf Students
- Children of Disabled Firefighters and Law Enforcement Officers
- Children of Professional Nursing Program Faculty and Staff
- Economic Development and Diversification Waiver
- Education Benefits for Certain Survivors of Individuals in Specific Public Servant Positions
- Educational Aide Exemption
- Firefighters Enrolled in Fire Science Courses
- Good Neighbor Program (Students from Other Nations of the American/Western Hemisphere)
- Individuals Currently or Formerly in Foster Care in Texas
- Peace Officers Enrolled in Law Enforcement or Criminal Justice Courses
Explore: More information about exemptions and waivers.