[ par-uh-dahym, -dim ]
- a framework containing the basic assumptions, ways of thinking, and methodology that are commonly accepted by members of a scientific community.
- such a cognitive framework shared by members of any discipline or group:
The company’s business paradigm needs updating for a new generation.
- Informal. a general mental model or framework for anything:
Their first album completely blew apart my paradigm for what rock music could be.
- an example serving as a model for others to imitate; pattern:
Pelham Dairy’s 10-year aged cheddar is the paradigm of cheddars.
Synonyms: touchstone, paragon, ideal, standard, mold
- a typical or representative instance or example:
His experimentalism and iconoclastic attitude towards the past make Picasso a paradigm of 20th century painting.
- Grammar.
- a set of forms all of which contain a particular element, especially the set of all inflected forms based on a single stem or theme.
- a display in fixed arrangement of such a set, as boy, boy's, boys, boys'.
/ ˈpærəˌdaɪm; ˌpærədɪɡˈmætɪk /
- grammar the set of all the inflected forms of a word or a systematic arrangement displaying these forms
- a pattern or model
- a typical or stereotypical example (esp in the phrase paradigm case )
- (in the philosophy of science) a very general conception of the nature of scientific endeavour within which a given enquiry is undertaken
Derived Forms
- paradigmatic, adjective
Word History and Origins
Origin of paradigm1
Word History and Origins
Origin of paradigm1
Example Sentences
“It’s time for a new paradigm. When it comes to the cost of rebuilding, the utilities may not be big enough.”
However, this operates in a different research paradigm than how the effectiveness of drugs are demonstrated.
Near the site where the signing ceremony had been scheduled, California’s Natural Resources Secretary Wade Crowfoot hailed the cooperative effort that led to the designations as a paradigm shift.
But that paradigm was upended Tuesday night, as a wide swatch of lower elevation Santa Monica was put under an evacuation warning.
“We must focus on revving up a transformed messaging machine for the new political paradigm,” Carville wrote.